Is Twitter's Bootstrap Mobile Friendly Like Skeleton

Is Twitter's Bootstrap mobile friendly like Skeleton?

Not yet -

But it will be, at some point. The Roadmap has this in for version 2.0. It's lightweight enough that in my experience you can add in your own media queries without much trouble.

EDIT - As of 1 Feb 2012, version 2.0 is out, which is responsive down to mobile out of the box.

EDIT - As of 19 Aug 2013, version 3.0 is out, which is not only responsive but takes a mobile-first approach:

With Bootstrap 2, we added optional mobile friendly styles for key aspects of the framework. With Bootstrap 3, we've rewritten the project to be mobile friendly from the start. Instead of adding on optional mobile styles, they're baked right into the core. In fact, Bootstrap is mobile first. Mobile first styles can be found throughout the entire library instead of in separate files.

GUI library alternative to Twitter Bootstrap?

Skeleton is close but doesn't have as many features (not even close).

Use Zurb Foundation 4 / Twitter Bootstrap 3 For Non Mobile First Projects

My company has just recently switched to exclusive F4 use. We are not at all against Bootstrap, but here are the reasons we made our decision:

  • More semantic classes: this is of course a matter of opinion, but for us this can shave time off of a build.

  • A golden standard: You can hand F4 to just about anyone with html and css knowledge and you will see VERY similar markup for the same site from nearly all. This means it becomes much easier to contract out help if need be, and ensure quality design.

  • The UI: Yes Bootstrap wins this if you judge on it alone, but if you look at it as a whole really the UI of foundation is very close. Plus lets keep in mind that you can customize any of it with app.css

  • Zepto: I am a fan. What can I say. SEO is part of our world, and fast loads mean something, and even leaving SEO loads = less bounce.

  • SEO: Google has already come out and recommended responsive design for mobile SEO.

  • Why not?: What site can I not recreate with the framework. It is still CSS. It does force us to rethink how we code, but isn't that why we love to code in the first place? Figuring out solutions to simplify design?

    Sorry for the novel. Just my take on it, and I know its not really 100% subject matter. In reality F4 vs Bootstrap 3 is really a moo point. If you are on-board with responsive you are making yourself marketable. If you are not then you are completely ignoring the direction that technology is heading and you should get out of the game.

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