Is There a Reason Why CSS Doesn't Support Ids and Classes, Starting from Numbers

Is there a reason why CSS doesn't support ids and classes, starting from numbers?

In fact, the specification states that classes starting with a number will be interpreted as a dimension [1]:

CSS2 parses a number immediately followed by an identifier as a DIMENSION token (i.e., an unknown unit), CSS1 parsed it as a number and an identifier. That means that in CSS1, the declaration 'font: 10pt/1.2serif' was correct, as was 'font: 10pt/12pt serif'; in CSS2, a space is required before "serif". (Some UAs accepted the first example, but not the second.)

and since we don't know which dimensions will be introduced in the future, dimensions that do not exist in CSS are parsed as unknown dimensions:

In CSS1, a class name could start with a digit (".55ft"), unless it was a dimension (".55in"). In CSS2, such classes are parsed as unknown dimensions (to allow for future additions of new units). To make ".55ft" a valid class, CSS2 requires the first digit to be escaped (".\35 5ft")

You can use class starting with numbers by escaping the first digit, which is valid according to the W3C CSS validator. check out the plunkr.

[1] Appendix G. Grammar of CSS 2.1

Why is my CSS class not working

The reason that it doesn't work, is because you cant use numbers in the beginning of the class name.

Wrong: .123text
Right: .text123

Is there a workaround to make CSS classes with names that start with numbers valid?

There are no CSS classes. The question logically splits to two questions: can you start a class name with a digit in HTML, and (assuming the answer is “yes”, as it is) if it does, how do you use the corresponding class selector in CSS?

Various HTML specifications impose various restrictions on class names, but in browser practice, and according to HTML5, there are no limitations, except that a class name cannot contain whitespace characters. So class=000000-8 is valid.

By CSS syntax rules, a CSS identifier cannot being with an unescaped digit. Therefore, a selector like .000000-8 is invalid. But the digit can be escaped, by CSS escaping rules: the selector

.\30 00000-8

or, equivalently,


is valid and matches an element with class=000000-8.

Needless to say, class names starting with a digit are best avoided, but if you have to work with them (e.g., because some HTML documents have them and you cannot change the markup), this is the way.

Class styles not being applied to img s

CSS class selectors cannot start with a number.

Use an attribute selector or (more sensibly) better class names.

HTML ID with numerical value not recognized by CSS

Although it's allowed to set a class or id to begin with a digit in HTML5, but it's not allowed in CSS, see the spec:

HTML5: The id attribute

... There are no other restrictions on what form an ID can take; in particular, IDs can consist of just digits, start with a digit, start with an underscore, consist of just punctuation, etc. ...

CSS: 4.1.3 Characters and case

... they cannot start with a digit, two hyphens, or a hyphen followed by a digit. Identifiers can also contain escaped characters and any ISO 10646 character as a numeric code ...


<div id="1"> is valid HTML, but you cannot target it with #1 {...} in CSS.

However, you can use [id="1"] {...} or escape it #\31 {...}

Why selecting by ID is not recommended in CSS?

CSSLint gives a guide to why they make their recommendations:

IDs shouldn't be used in selectors because these rules are too tightly coupled with the HTML and have no possibility of reuse. It's much preferred to use classes in selectors and then apply a class to an element in the page. Additionally, IDs impact your specificity and can lead to specificity wars.

(From Disallow IDs in selectors.)

Basically, if you structure your code to use classes rather than IDs, your code can be more general and reusable, which is generally a good thing. Furthermore, specificity is a hard thing to get your head around, and can cause bugs that are hard to find, so if you omit ID selectors, you're less likely to have conflicting rules resolved in unexpected ways.

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