How to Use CSS? (Not *Learn* But Really *Use*)

CSS :not pseudo-class applying broadly and not targeting specific element

Keep this in mind:

:not() is equivalent to *:not()

When there is no selector prefixing the :not() pseudo-class, a universal selector is implied:

6.2. Universal

If a universal selector represented by * (i.e. without a namespace
prefix) is not the only component of a sequence of simple selectors
selectors or is immediately followed by a pseudo-element, then the *
may be omitted and the universal selector's presence implied.

Therefore, the rule you have:

:not(.mind) {
color: red

... is saying apply red color to all elements except the element with the class mind.

Okay, except in this case, the color property is inheritable, so even though the red doesn't get applied to the .mind element, it still gets the red through inheritance from the .parent element.

Here's what the browser is doing:

Sample Image

A quick way to test this behavior is with the border property, which is not inheritable.

In the example below, using your selector, you'll notice that the border doesn't get applied to .mind, and your selector works as you were expecting:

:not(.mind) {
color: red;
border-bottom: 1px dashed black;
<div class='parent'>
<div class='child'>One</div>
<div class='child'>Two</div>
<div class='child'>Three</div>
<div class='child'>One</div>
<div class='child'>Two</div>
<div class='child'>Three</div>
<div class='child'>One</div>
<div class='mind'>mind</div>
<div class='child'>Three</div>
<div class='child'>
<p>First paragraph</p>

Can I write a CSS selector selecting elements NOT having a certain class or attribute?

Typically you add a class selector to the :not() pseudo-class like so:

:not(.printable) {
/* Styles */

:not([attribute]) {
/* Styles */

But if you need better browser support (IE8 and older don't support :not()), you're probably better off creating style rules for elements that do have the "printable" class. If even that isn't feasible despite what you say about your actual markup, you may have to work your markup around that limitation.

Keep in mind that, depending on the properties you're setting in this rule, some of them may either be inherited by descendants that are .printable, or otherwise affect them one way or another. For example, although display is not inherited, setting display: none on a :not(.printable) will prevent it and all of its descendants from displaying, since it removes the element and its subtree from layout completely. You can often get around this by using visibility: hidden instead which will allow visible descendants to show, but the hidden elements will still affect layout as they originally did. In short, just be careful.

Is there a CSS selector for element without any class?

With section:not([class]) you select every section without the class attribute. Unfortunately, it won't select those sections with an empty class attribute value. So in addition, we have to exclude these sections:

section:not([class]) { /* every section without class - but won't select Section C */
color: red;

section[class=""] { /* selects only Section C */
font-weight: bold;
<section>Section A</section>
<section class="special">Section B</section>
<section class="">Section C</section>

Re-learning CSS the right way

Check out Designing With Web Standards by Jeffrey Zeldman.

CSS specificity of :not() pseudo class

It's not just you; this is indeed one of the fundamental pitfalls of specificity as a CSS concept.

A simpler solution that is equally valid would be to repeat your .ticker class selector so you have this:

#column .ticker.ticker ul {
margin: 0;

This way you do not have to modify your element to add an extra class just for the sake of increasing selector specificity.

The spec verifies this:

Note: Repeated occurrances of the same simple selector are allowed and do increase specificity.

On a side note, remember that the specificity of the :not() pseudo-class is strictly defined (in the same section of the spec) as equal to that of its argument. So :not(#id) and #id have the same specificity, and likewise for :not(E):not(.a) and E.a. The :not portion does not count at all, not even as a pseudo-class.

This limitation in specificity will be addressed in Selectors 4, which enhances :not() to accept a comma-delimited list of selectors. The specificity of a :not() that contains a selector list will be that of the most specific selectors in the list, so the specificity of ul:not(.c, .d) is equal to 1 type selector and 1 class selector, compared to ul:not(.c):not(.d) which is equal to 1 type selector and 2 class selectors. This makes it tremendously useful in excluding any number of classes from a match.

Why is my jQuery :not() selector not working in CSS?

Why does the :not() selector work in jQuery but fail in CSS? Shouldn't it work identically in both places since jQuery claims to be "CSS3 Compliant", or is there something I'm missing?

Perhaps it should, but it turns out that it doesn't: jQuery extends the :not() selector such that you can pass any selector to it, no matter how complex it may be, and I suspect that the main reason for this is for parity with the .not() method, which also takes any arbitrarily complex selector and filters accordingly. It does in a way maintain a CSS-like syntax, but it extends from what's defined in the standard.

As another example, this works just fine (I know it's an incredibly ludicrous example compared to what's given in the question, but it's just for illustrative purposes):

* Select any section
* that's neither a child of body with a class
* nor a child of body having a descendant with a class.
$('section:not(body > [class], body > :has([class]))')

jsFiddle preview

Remember that passing a comma-separated list of selectors to :not() means filtering elements that don't match any of the listed selectors.

Now the :not() pseudo-class in Selectors level 3, on the other hand, is very limited by itself. You can only pass a single simple selector as an argument to :not(). This means you can pass only any one of these at a time:

  • Universal selector (*), optionally with a namespace
  • Type selector (a, div, span, ul, li, etc), optionally with a namespace
  • Attribute selector ([att], [att=val], etc), optionally with a namespace
  • Class selector (.class)
  • ID selector (#id)
  • Pseudo-class (:pseudo-class)

So, here are the differences between jQuery's :not() selector and the current standard's :not() selector:

  1. First and foremost, to answer the question directly: you can't pass a comma-separated selector list.1 For example, while the given selector works in jQuery as demonstrated in the fiddle, it isn't valid CSS:

    /* If it's not in the Α, Β or Γ sectors, it's unassigned */
    #sectors > div:not(.alpha, .beta, .gamma)

    Is there a pure CSS workaround for this or will I have to rely on a script?

    Thankfully, in this case, there is. You simply have to chain multiple :not() selectors, one after another, in order to make it valid CSS:

    #sectors > div:not(.alpha):not(.beta):not(.gamma)

    It doesn't make the selector that much longer, but the inconsistency and inconvenience remain evident.

    Updated interactive jsFiddle preview

  2. You can't combine simple selectors into compound selectors for use with :not(). This works in jQuery, but is invalid CSS:

    /* Do not find divs that have all three classes together */
    #foo > div:not(

    You'll need to split it up into multiple negations (not just chain them!) to make it valid CSS:

    #foo > div:not(.foo), #foo > div:not(.bar), #foo > div:not(.baz)

    As you can see, this is even more inconvenient than point 1.

  3. You can't use combinators. This works in jQuery, but not CSS:

    * Grab everything that is neither #foo itself nor within #foo.
    * Notice the descendant combinator (the space) between #foo and *.
    :not(#foo, #foo *)

    This is a particularly nasty case, primarily because it has no proper workaround. There are some loose workarounds (1 and 2), but they almost always depend on the HTML structure and are therefore very limited in utility.

  4. In a browser that implements querySelectorAll() and the :not() selector, using :not() in a selector string in a way that makes it a valid CSS selector will cause the method to return results directly, instead of falling back to Sizzle (jQuery's selector engine which implements the :not() extension). If you're a stickler for performance, this is a positively minuscule bonus you'll definitely salivate over.

The good news is that Selectors 4 enhances the :not() selector to allow a comma-separated list of complex selectors. A complex selector is simply either a lone simple or compound selector, or an entire chain of compound selectors separated by combinators. In short, everything you see above.

This means that the jQuery examples above will become valid level 4 selectors, which will make the pseudo-class much, much more useful when CSS implementations begin supporting it in the coming years.

1 Although this article says that you can pass a comma-separated list of selectors to :not() in Firefox 3, you're not supposed to be able to. If it works in Firefox 3 as that article claims, then it's because a bug in Firefox 3 for which I can't find the ticket anymore, but it shouldn't work until future browsers implement future standards. Seeing how often that article is cited to date, I've left a comment to this effect, but seeing also how old the article is and how infrequently the site is being updated, I'm really not counting on the author coming back to fix it.

CSS selector for first element with class

This is one of the most well-known examples of authors misunderstanding how :first-child works. Introduced in CSS2, the :first-child pseudo-class represents the very first child of its parent. That's it. There's a very common misconception that it picks up whichever child element is the first to match the conditions specified by the rest of the compound selector. Due to the way selectors work (see here for an explanation), that is simply not true.

Selectors level 3 introduces a :first-of-type pseudo-class, which represents the first element among siblings of its element type. This answer explains, with illustrations, the difference between :first-child and :first-of-type. However, as with :first-child, it does not look at any other conditions or attributes. In HTML, the element type is represented by the tag name. In the question, that type is p.

Unfortunately, there is no similar :first-of-class pseudo-class for matching the first child element of a given class. At the time this answer was first posted, the newly published FPWD of Selectors level 4 introduced an :nth-match() pseudo-class, designed around existing selector mechanics as I mentioned in the first paragraph by adding a selector-list argument, through which you can supply the rest of the compound selector to get the desired filtering behavior. In recent years this functionality was subsumed into :nth-child() itself, with the selector list appearing as an optional second argument, to simplify things as well as averting the false impression that :nth-match() matched across the entire document (see the final note below).

While we await cross-browser support (seriously, it's been nearly 10 years, and there has only been a single implementation for the last 5 of those years), one workaround that Lea Verou and I developed independently (she did it first!) is to first apply your desired styles to all your elements with that class:

* Select all .red children of .home, including the first one,
* and give them a border.
.home > .red {
border: 1px solid red;

... then "undo" the styles for elements with the class that come after the first one, using the general sibling combinator ~ in an overriding rule:

* Select all but the first .red child of .home,
* and remove the border from the previous rule.
.home > .red ~ .red {
border: none;

Now only the first element with class="red" will have a border.

Here's an illustration of how the rules are applied:

.home > .red {
border: 1px solid red;

.home > .red ~ .red {
border: none;
<div class="home">
<span>blah</span> <!-- [1] -->
<p class="red">first</p> <!-- [2] -->
<p class="red">second</p> <!-- [3] -->
<p class="red">third</p> <!-- [3] -->
<p class="red">fourth</p> <!-- [3] -->

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