How to Use a CSS Wildcard in the Middle of an Attribute Selector

Is it possible to use a CSS wildcard in the middle of an attribute selector?

You can't use a wildcard like that, but to get the desired result (ID starts with lorem and ends with Ipsum) you can use the attribute starts-with and ends-with selectors instead, like so:


Remember that by linking multiple attribute selectors like this (along with the p type selector), you're doing an AND match with all of them on the same element.

jsFiddle demo

CSS selector wildcard inside class name

You can use the following solution:

[class^="col-"][class$="-12"] {    color:red;}
<span class="col-lg-12">col-lg-12</span><span class="col-md-12">col-md-12</span><span class="col-lg-8">col-lg-8</span><span class="col-md-9">col-md-9</span>

CSS attribute selector, multiple classes, wildcards applied to one class definition possible?

Sorry, this is not doable with selectors alone given your current situation. Attribute selectors don't have a way of using wildcards in the middle of a value nor can they allow checking of individual components in a space-separated attribute, nor do class selectors provide such functionality. You could consider this a design flaw of AngularJS or one of CSS, but whatever it is, it's not doable with a pure CSS selector.

You will have to work around this a different way. As mentioned in the comments, you can easily hook on to ng-class to add custom classes to make selecting easier, or as suggested in another answer, consider using data attributes to store validation information instead.

wildcard * in CSS for classes

What you need is called attribute selector. An example, using your html structure, is the following:

div[class^="tocolor-"], div[class*=" tocolor-"] {

In the place of div you can add any element or remove it altogether, and in the place of class you can add any attribute of the specified element.

[class^="tocolor-"] — starts with "tocolor-".

[class*=" tocolor-"] — contains the substring "tocolor-" occurring directly after a space character.


More information on CSS attribute selectors, you can find here and here.
And from MDN Docs MDN Docs

Javascript selector with wildcard

You can use a combination of multiple attribute selectors.

If you want to select all elements where the attribute aria-describedby starts with a certain string you can first select it using the ^= operator. Combining with the $= operator you can limit the selection even further and define how the end of the attribute should look like.

const prefix = 'gridx_Grid_';const suffix = '-9';
const collection = document.querySelectorAll( `[aria-describedby^="${ prefix }"][aria-describedby$="${ suffix }"]`);
collection.forEach( element => console.log( element.innerText ) );
<div aria-describedby="gridx_Grid_13-9">Text 1</div><div aria-describedby="gridx_Grid_10-10">Text 2</div><div aria-describedby="gridx_Grid_11-9">Text 3</div>

Using the wildcard CSS selector

You can use this instead:

[class*=" control-"] {
color: red;

The space at the start ensures that it doesn't match something like xyzcontrol-34689, only something like xyz control-34689.