How to Remove Blogger CSS Widget Bundle

Why there's an unwanted css & js file on my blog?

These are files included by default on every Blogger blog (based on the default theme that was choosen). To remove them, add the following attributes to the <html> tag at the start of the template code (present under Theme Customise) -

<html b:css='false' b:js='false' ...

b:css='false' - Removes the default CSS included by Blogger in the template

b:js='false' - Removes the default JS included by Blogger in the template

How to remove rel=publisher tag in blogger?

After a day of messing around I'm answering my own question.

Turns out if we create a blogger blog (with a custom domain in my case) and add that blogger blog to the list of contributed blog in our Google Plus, rel=publisher of that Google Plus id is automatically added. Once I removed the link from my Google Plus, the code in the header:

<link href='MY_GOOGLE_PLUS_URL' rel='publisher'/>

Dissappears !!

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