How to Get Overlapping Divs with Relative Positions

How to overlap a large number of divs with position relative

As the other two comments have said, i would position: relative; your parent div. Then position: absolute; all your cards. Position absolute takes the element out of the "normal flow" of the website to then allow you to position the cards over each other. You could overlap them with position: relative; however it would mean that each card would need its own individual styling to make sure its positioned over the other which would be a lot of work. see here for more info on position attribute

Stop Relative Positioned Div Overlapping Other Divs

Here! Just make one of the slides relatively positioned, so that it can give its parent container its height!

Just add this:

.slide:last-child {
position: relative;

HTML CSS Div overlapping absolute & relative position

Try pointer-events: none; on contact_header_cover. This will pass any mouse events to the underlying elements as if it were not there.

Do not allow relative positioned div to overlap absolute positioned div

When you use position:absolute, you're telling the browser layout engine that this element is removed from the layout of the page. You are specifying a manual position that will not impact the layout of the page in any way. Thus, you cannot both position it manually and have things layout around it.

You must pick one of the other, either don't use position: absolute so that it will participate in the layout of the page or make everything absolute and manually position things not to overlap.

There are some hybrid approaches where a item can be positioned absolutely in a container and the container itself is relative (not absolute) so that the container participates in the layout of the page and things will lay out around the container (and thus around the absolute positioned element if the container is set to be the right size), but this is really just a technicality as it puts the absolute positioned item into a non-absolute positioned container so it isn't really absolute positioned on the overall page any more.

Two relative divs overlap each other

Here is one way how to push 2 div's down by 10%, based on their parent's height, keeping them 70% and 20% of parent.