How to Force Twitter Bootstrap .Dl-Horizontal Dt Content to Wrap Instead of Truncate

How to force Twitter Bootstrap .dl-horizontal DT content to wrap instead of truncate?

you can comment out white-space: nowrap; from .dl-horizontal dt block if you want to wrap content in all the dt

if you want to wrap content for a single dt then add inline style='white-space: normal;' to that specific dt

Prevent Twitter bootstrap empty dd filling with next dd value

I used this style override.

.dl-horizontal > dd:after {
display: table;
content: "";
clear: both;

Empty dt in dt-horizonal not aligning with other dt elements

Add a non breaking space to the dt, this will give it some content and maintain the layout. See Here :

<dl class="dl-horizontal">  <dt>Name</dt>  <dd>Joe</dd>  <dt>Age</dt>  <dd>25</dd>  <dt>List of Countries visited</dt>  <dd>USA</dd>  <dt> </dt>  <dd>Canada</dd>  <dt>Country of Orgin</dt>  <dd>Brazil</dd></dl>

Fine-Uploader filename ellipsis, where is length specified?

This has changed in newer versions of fine-uploader since the earlier answer here by @ray-nicholus. The CSS does now specify a text-overflow: ellipsis on the 'qq-upload-file' class, and the default formatFileName handling does not truncate or otherwise modify the filename.

So to prevent ellipse now, you need to modify width of qq-upload-file and/or override the CSS text-overflow: ellipsis attribute.

This is true for v5.11.9. I don't know when it changed exactly.

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