How to Combine Compass with Bless

Compass with multiple input/output folders

I don't know if you want to compile all these scattered SASS files in one compiled CSS. If that's the case I'm afraid I don't know how to help you.

However, if you want multiple files one possible solution is to use Rake.

What about wrapping all the watch commands you need in one Rake task, and then executing such task in order to get them running at once.


namespace :stylesheets do
desc 'Watches dynamic stylesheets for user 1 to compile changes'
task :watch_user1 do
puts 'Watching first set of stylesheets...'
system 'compass watch --sass-dir users/user1/css --css-dir users/user1/css/generated -c config/compass.rb'

desc 'Watches dynamic stylesheets for user 2 to compile changes'
task :watch_user2 do
puts 'Watching second set of stylesheets...'
system 'compass watch --sass-dir users/user2/css --css-dir users/user2/css/generated -c config/compass.rb'
desc 'Watches dynamic stylesheet all to compile changes'

multitask watch_all: ['stylesheets:watch_user1', 'stylesheets:watch_user2'] do
puts 'watching all...'

Then you just run the multi task rake stylesheets:watch_all and all the sub tasks are issued running their commands in threads.

This rake tasks can be heavily improved because they are repetitive and through some conventions you could even configure it through .yml files, but hopefully will give you ideas of what you can do with Rake.

Here some more info on Rake and a nice tutorial about writing rake tasks


How do I setup gruntjs compass watch with multiple subdirectories of scss files

Check this out.

module.exports = function(grunt) {
pkg: grunt.file.readJSON('package.json'),
compass: {
clean: {
options: {
clean: true
dev: {
options: {
sassDir: ['sass'],
cssDir: ['css'],
environment: 'development',
force: true
prod: {
options: {
sassDir: ['sass'],
cssDir: ['css'],
environment: 'production',
force: true
watch: {
sass: {
files: ['sass/**/*.scss'],
tasks: ['compass:dev']


grunt.registerTask('build', ['compass:prod']);
grunt.registerTask('default', ['watch']);

String help! Process isn't starting, probably because the argument string is kind of messed up

I got it working. What I ended up doing was putting my string onto the clipboard, copying it to notepad, and then analyzing if it's correct:


My problem came down to the arguments to pdftk.exe being formed incorrectly.

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