How to Change the Link Color in a Specific Class for a Div CSS

HTML: how to set link colors only for specific class

You were close.

a.menuLink:link { color: green; }

Was what you intended to achieve. But try this:

a.menuLink { color: green; }

Would mean a a with a classname of menuLink, the :link is redundant.

.menuLink a:link

Would mean a inside of an element with a classname of menuLink.

How do I change the font color of a link using a css class?

If you don't care about specific link states, simply do:

.amp-wp-header a {

The issue with your approach is that the comma separator is used to indicate separate selectors.

When you do:

.amp-wp-header a:active, a:visited {

You're saying:

  1. Assign this color to all a:active elements under .amp-wp-header
  2. Assign this color to all a:visited elements (This one tags the whole document)

Changing color of link using class in css

You are selecting the children a tags which have parent class colorGreen. It should be:

a.colorGreen:link {
color: green;

Now, you're selecting the a tag which have colorGreen class.

how do u change the link color of one specific link in wordpress?

You can write an inline CSS.

<a style="color: #FF00CC" href="">test</a>

Changing a link-style, only for a certain class

Maybe your tested links are visited links.
I prefer:

#navbar a:hover,
#navbar a:visited
background-color: #3366FF;

How can change link's color in CSS

if you want to change the color of links in all pages or app then do this in css..

a {
color: red;/*color name, color code or rbg*/

if you want to change the specific link color ....

a.highlight {
color: red;

if you want to change the all links color in specific div .....

.content a{

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