CSS Sprites Vs Data Uris

CSS sprites vs data URIs

Base64-encoded data is about 1/3 larger than raw bytes, so on pages where downloading all the image data takes more than three times as long as making a request, CSS sprites are superior from a performance basis.

Also, inline data URIs make the file itself take as long to load as the actual data plus the base64-encoded images. If the data URIs are on your actual HTML page, that means rendering stops and waits for the image to load. If the data URIs are in your stylesheet, that means any rules after the data URI have to wait for it before they can be processed. On the other hand, with a sprite file, the images can load concurrently with your other resources. That may be worth the cost of one extra request, especially when you factor in the base64 penalty.

What are drawbacks of using data URI instead of sprite images?

If any image changes, the entire css file has to change. This breaks HTTP cache. With a sprite image, the css file itself would be served from cache, and only the changed image would have to be downloaded again.

It may be better to generate a css file only for the data:URI images, and another for the regular CSS stuff. This way, regular css updates don't require re-downloading the data:uri images.

Second problem is with foreground images, those that are served with <img> tag in the html. If it is a frequently used image, it will unnecessarily increase the size of the html.

Using an image file vs data URI in the CSS

I don't think you will gain much... and if it is a file image, the browser can cache it. I wouldn't bother doing it with CSS unless you have a real need for it.

What is the purpose of data URIs?

1. Reducing server requests

Data URIs can be used to decrease server load and improve client performance, by reducing the number of HTTP requests required to acquire resources. For example, this HTML:

<img src="assets/bullet.png">

... can be replaced with this:

<img src="

... to produce an image like this: bullet icon with one fewer HTTP request.

Note: it appears to be impossible to embed data URI images in a Stack Overflow post; however, the image above was uploaded to an image hosting service using the data URI shown.

If, for example, your site uses many small icons, specifying them all as data URIs in a stylesheet:

.icon-bullet-red { background-image: url() }
.icon-bullet-green { background-image: /* ... */ }
.icon-save { background-image: /* ... */ }
.icon-load { background-image: /* ... */ }
.icon-delete { background-image: /* ... */ }
/* ... etc. */

... can eliminate a large number of HTTP requests, at the cost of overall download size, legibility, and an increased likelihood that a bad edit might render the URI nonsensical (and difficult to fix).

An alternative method to achieve the same result for images is the use of CSS sprites.

2. Embedding content in a single file

A data URI can be used to contain all of the resources required to correctly display a page in a single document. This may be useful in e.g. a README file distributed alongside a piece of software. In theory, data URIs could also be used as an alternative to the use of attachments to embed resources in HTML email, but in practice client support for data URIs is too unreliable for this to be a useful technique.

3. Avoiding browser warnings

Some browsers display a warning if a page contains content served over a mixture of HTTP and HTTPS. If your server is set up so that static content like images is typically served over HTTP, but dynamic content is served over HTTPS, embedding that static content with a data URI is a possible workaround.

Icons: Use Data-URIs or Embedded Fonts?

It depends™.

It seems like data URIs are slower on mobile, but icons less than 1KB can have better perf when embedded. It also depends on how often the images are used per-page — data URIs apparently have to be decompressed each use, so if you’re using them many times a page that might affect performance.

Unfortunately no one seems to have compared data URIs and @font-face icon fonts for mobile performance yet. Ideally, do some real-world RUM testing and publish your findings ^_^ If you do, please also check embedding an icon font in CSS as a Base64-encoded data URI :D

Finally, there are some Grunt plugins that can automate the workflow for you, and using [data-icon]-style embedding for the icon font decreases the CSS mess (attr() is supported in IE8+).

  • Why Inlining Everything Is NOT The Answer — Guy Podjarny, Perf Planet 2011
  • CSS Sprites vs. Data URIs: Which is Faster on Mobile? — Peter McLachlan, August 29 2013

PS Sorry for the ramble, I want this info too…

Media Fragment URI Alternative in CSS?

Here's a pure CSS solution that works in Firefox only, but seems to meet all your requirements.

body{ background-image: -moz-image-rect(
); }

Example at http://jsfiddle.net/47CMr/2/

When CSS sprites would be good to use and when not?

  • CSS sprites are best used for elements that have a fixed width and height. Otherwise, you need large empty spaces in your sprite image, which can (depending on file type) increase the size a bit.

  • Due to the way different file formats compress images, sometimes a CSS sprite image will have a noticeably smaller file size than the total file size of separate images. That’s a nice bonus.

  • As mentioned, sprites reduce the HTTP request overhead, which can help load time. I’ve never seen any numbers on the magnitude of this effect.

  • Sprites will add a bit of time for your CSS developers. It shouldn’t affect your designers. But bear in mind that your developers code the site up once; the benefits of sprites apply every time someone looks at the site.

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