CSS - Smooth Button Gradient Color Transition on Hover

CSS - smooth button gradient color transition on hover

Short answer, you can't using just background. However, you can achieve a similar effect using other elements (or pseudo elements) inside and fading them in on hover.

The following example uses two pseudo-elements as the two background states. On hover, we simply fade-in the new background giving a similar transition effect that would happen if gradients were transition-able.

NOTE: Not all browsers support transitions on pseudo elements, so you may need to add empty elements to achieve the same effect on older/unsupported browsers.

.cta-btn {  position: relative;  display: inline-block;  margin: 20px 0 0 20px;  color: #fff;  box-shadow: 4px 5px 27px 4px rgba(220, 120, 184, 0.85);  font-size: 21px;  border-radius: 30px;  overflow: hidden;  padding: 12px 21px;  font-family: Montserrat;  transition: box-shadow.3s ease-in-out;  text-decoration: none;}
/* These are the two backgrounds, absolutely positioned to cover. */.cta-btn::before,.cta-btn::after { content: ''; display: block; position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0; bottom: 0; right: 0; background-image: linear-gradient(to right, #2ab3ff, #ff2d00); border-radius: 30px; z-index: -1;}
.cta-btn::after { opacity: 0; background-image: linear-gradient(to right,#FF2A67,#FF5D3A); transition: opacity.3s ease-in-out;}
/* On hover, transtiion the shadow of the anchor, and fade in the after element to show the new background. */.cta-btn:hover { box-shadow: 4px 5px 27px 4px rgba(255,45,45,0.85);}.cta-btn:hover::after { opacity: 1;}
<a href="#" class="cta-btn">click me</a>

Use CSS3 transitions with gradient backgrounds

Gradients don't support transitions yet (although the current spec says they should support like gradient to like gradient transitions via interpolation.).

If you want a fade-in effect with a background gradient, you have to set an opacity on a container element and 'transition` the opacity.

(There have been some browser releases that supported transitions on gradients (e.g IE10. I tested gradient transitions in 2016 in IE and they seemed to work at the time, but my test code no longer works.)

Update: October 2018
Gradient transitions with un-prefixed new syntax [e.g. radial-gradient(...)] now confirmed to work (again?) on Microsoft Edge 17.17134. I don't know when this was added. Still not working on latest Firefox & Chrome / Windows 10.

Update: December 2021
This is now possible in recent Chromium based browsers using the @property workaround (but is not working in Firefox). Please see (and upvote) @mahozad's answer below (or above YMMV).

Make gradient background button with hover effect in css

Here is an idea using mask based on this previous answer:

.button {  display:inline-block;  margin:10px;  padding:5px;  font-size:25px;  width:250px;  text-align:center;  line-height:1.8;  background:linear-gradient(to right,red,blue) 0 0/0 0;  color:#fff;  border-radius:50px;  position:relative;  z-index:0;  transition:1s all;}.button:before,.button:after{  content:"";  position:absolute;  z-index:-1;  top:0;  left:0;  right:0;  bottom:0;  background-image:inherit;  border-radius:inherit;  transition:1s all;}.button:before {  -webkit-mask:    linear-gradient(#fff,#fff) top   /100% 5px no-repeat,    linear-gradient(#fff,#fff) bottom/100% 5px no-repeat,    radial-gradient(farthest-side at left,transparent calc(100% - 6px), #fff calc(100% - 5px)) right/27px 100% no-repeat,    radial-gradient(farthest-side at right,transparent calc(100% - 6px), #fff calc(100% - 5px)) left/27px 100% no-repeat;  mask:    linear-gradient(#fff,#fff) top   /100% 5px no-repeat,    linear-gradient(#fff,#fff) bottom/100% 5px no-repeat,    radial-gradient(farthest-side at left,transparent calc(100% - 6px), #fff calc(100% - 5px)) right/27px 100% no-repeat,    radial-gradient(farthest-side at right,transparent calc(100% - 6px), #fff calc(100% - 5px)) left/27px 100% no-repeat;}
.button:hover::after { opacity:0;}.button:hover { color:red;}
body { background:linear-gradient(to right,gray,white)}
<div class="button"> some text</div>

How to get button animation with gradient slide in and out on hover in CSS

You can simplify your code like this:

.btn-main {  color: #000;  border-left: solid 1px #000;  padding: 8px 12px;  font-weight: 700;  text-decoration: none;  background-size: 0% 100%;  background-image: linear-gradient(black, black);  background-repeat: no-repeat;  transition: all 0.5s linear;  color: #000;}
.btn-main:hover { background-size: 100% 100%; color: #ececec; transition: all 0.5s cubic-bezier(0.000, 0.000, 0.230, 1);}
<a class="btn-main" href="#">Przejdź do sklepu </a>

How to change DIV `background linear-gradient` on hover with fade effect using CSS only?

For this, you can use transition but transition does not work for linear-gradient so I'm changing here opacity of ::after pseudo element. button name will not show that why i used z-index for stack order.

#div-text {    display: flex;    flex-direction: row;    width: 80%;    height: 80%;    border-radius: 20px;    background: #2d2e31;    position: relative;    z-index: 1;    overflow: hidden;  }    #div-text::after {    content: "";    position: absolute;    left: 0;    top: 0;    width: 100%;    height: 100%;    transition: opacity 1s ease;    background: linear-gradient(45deg, #36D8FF, #00acee, #66757f);    opacity: 0;  }
.cl-button { font-family: 'Merienda One', monospace; order: 2; align-self: center; height: 80%; width: 60%; border: 0; background-color: transparent; color: aliceblue; font-size: 16px; margin-left: 10px; text-align: left; position: relative; z-index: 3; }

#div-text:hover::after{ opacity: 1; }
<div id="div-text">  <button id="button-text" class="cl-button">Text Here</button></div>

How to get a border gradient on button to transition on hover without flashing?

move the background to the main element (not the hover state)

.button {
border-radius: 9999px;
text-align: center;
border: 2px solid #000;
linear-gradient(#ffffff, #ffffff) padding-box,
linear-gradient(90deg, rgba(151,215,0,1) 0%, rgba(0,169,224,1) 50%, rgba(51,0,114,1) 100%) border-box;
width: 300px;
transition: all .5s ease;
height: 3rem;
display: table;
letter-spacing: 0.125rem;

.button-text {
display: table-cell;
vertical-align: middle;

.button:hover {
border: 2px solid #0000;
<a href="#" class="button">
<div class="button-text">

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