Colored Characters in HTML Title

Colored characters in HTML title

Unicode. Icon symbols AKA: Pictographs ☕, Emojis /strong>.

SymbolHEX codeDescription
✍︎✍︎Pictographs as Standardized Variant

Anyone knows how to insert special characters with color in url site title?

it was actually punycode that enabled the conversion of URL to emoji.
Punycode is a representation of Unicode with the limited ASCII character subset used for Internet hostnames. emojis display urls google search results

Can I give a title tag a color and different font?

Answer is NO you cannot do that in any cannot apply any styles to page title, btw you can just blink the titles

Blinking Titles

More Info On CSS Which You Are Using:

If you are declaring something like this

title{ color: red; font: 12px tahoma;} 

You don't need to define any class as you are targeting specific title tag which is only 1 in your whole document

And if you are using .title than your CSS should be

.title{ color: red; font: 12px tahoma;} 

Is it possible to change the colour of a single character in Shiny Dashboard title?

nth-letter(n) is not defulat css property.
You need to include "nth-Everthing" javascript code.

Help Link :

Code :

(function($) {

/*jshint loopfunc:true, onevar:true*/
/*global jQuery:true, browser:true */

$.fn.nthEverything = function() {
var styleSuffix = "-nthEvery",

cssPattern = /\s*(.*?)\s*\{(.*?)\}/g,
cssComments = /\s*(?!<\")\/\*[^\*]+\*\/(?!\")\s*/gm,
partsPattern = /([^:]+)/g,
nthPattern = /(\w*)-(\w*)(\((even|odd|[\+-n\d]{1,6})\))?/,
wordSpacePattern = /(\s*[^ ]+\s*)/g,
wordSimplePattern = /\s+/,
// To store the style per Selector
parsedStyleMap = {},
// CSS for the classes
genCSS = '',

runPeriods = function(period, className, a, length, offset){
var inBy = 0,
sAt = +period,
n, zB, zE, bF, eF, oldN = -1;

if (period === 'odd' || period === 'even'){
sAt = (period === 'odd') ? 1 : 2;
inBy = 2;
}else if (/^\d+$/.test(period)){
sAt = period - offset;
inBy = 0;
zB = /^(\+|-)?\d+/.exec(period);
zE = /(\+|-)?\d+$/.exec(period);

sAt = (zE)?+(zE[0]):1;
inBy = (zB)?+(zB[0]):1;

bF = (zB)?zB.length-1:0;
eF = (zE)?zE.length:0;
if ((period.substr(bF, period.length-eF-bF).charAt(0)) === '-'){

// Start index at 0;

for (n=sAt;n<length;n+=inBy){
if (n < 0 || n === oldN) break;
if (a[n] === undefined){
a[n] = className;
a[n] += " "+className;
oldN = n;

createSpan = function(className, content){
return '<span class="'+className+'">'+content+'</span>';

processPeriod = function(classNames, textArray){
var newText = '', n, className;
for (n=0;n<classNames.length;n++){
className = classNames[n];
if (className === undefined){
newText += textArray[n];
newText += createSpan(className, textArray[n]);
return newText;

getClassNames = function(parsedStyle, length, pFunc){
var classNames = new Array(length), i;
for (i=0;i<parsedStyle.period.length;i++){
runPeriods (pFunc(parsedStyle.period[i], length), parsedStyle.className[i], classNames, length);
return classNames;

prepareTxt = {
word : function(text){return text.match(wordSpacePattern);},
letter: function(text){return text.split('');}

pseudoFunc = {
first : {
word : function(period){
if (period === 'firstword') period = '1';
return period;
last : {
word : function(period, allText, length){
if (period === 'lastword') period = ''+allText.match(wordSpacePattern).length;
return period;
nth : {
letter : function (period){
return period;
word : function(period){
return period;

loopRecursive = function (contents, allText, parsedStyle){
var func = parsedStyle.func, text, length, classNames, className, cat, period;
if (this.nodeType === 1){
loopRecursive($(this).contents(), allText, parsedStyle);
}else if(this.nodeType === 3){
text = prepareTxt[func](this.nodeValue);
length = text.length;
classNames = new Array(length);
for (var i=0;i<parsedStyle.period.length;i++){
className = parsedStyle.className[i];
cat =[i];
period = parsedStyle.period[i];
runPeriods (pseudoFunc[cat][func](period, allText, length), className, classNames, length, count);

$(this).replaceWith( processPeriod(classNames, text) );

count += length;
return count;

parse = function(css) {
var matches, nthMatch, nthFound = false, i, thisPeriod, selectors, style, selector, parts, nth, pseudo, cat, func, period, normSelector, ident, className;

css = css.replace(cssComments, '').replace(/\n|\r/g, '');

while ((matches = cssPattern.exec(css)) !== null){
selectors = matches[1].split(',');
style = matches[2];
for (i=0;i<selectors.length;i++){
selector = selectors[i];
parts = selector.match(partsPattern);

selector = parts.shift();
nth = parts.shift();
pseudo = (parts.length !== 0)?':'+parts.join(':'):'';

if ((nthMatch = nthPattern.exec(nth)) !== null){
nthFound = true;

cat = nthMatch[1];
func = nthMatch[2];
period = (nthMatch[4]!==undefined)?nthMatch[4]:cat+func;

normSelector = selector.replace('#','id').replace('.', 'class');
ident = normSelector + func;
className = normSelector + cat + func + period + styleSuffix;

if ((thisPeriod = parsedStyleMap[ident]) !== undefined){
parsedStyleMap[ident] = {element : selector, func : func, className : [className], cat : [cat], period : [period], style :[style], pseudo : [pseudo]};
}else if (nthFound === true){
genCSS += selector+"{"+style+"}"; // Fix chained selectors.

applyStyles = function(){
var id, parsedStyle, func, b;
for (id in parsedStyleMap){
parsedStyle = parsedStyleMap[id];
func = parsedStyle.func;

var $this = $(this);
count = 0; // Set to 0. We use a recursive Loop here
loopRecursive($this.contents(), $this.text(), parsedStyle);

for (b=0;b<parsedStyle.className.length;b++){
genCSS += "."+parsedStyle.className[b]+parsedStyle.pseudo[b]+"{"[b]+"}";

$('<style>' + genCSS + '</style>').appendTo('head');

// Build CSS Rules
$('link[rel=stylesheet],style').each(function() {
if ($(this).is('link')) $.get(this.href).success(function(css) { parse(css); }); else parse($(this).text());

// Apply Styles.



Image in title

Emoji are plain text.

You can enter characters like ✌️(U+270C : VICTORY HAND followed by U+FE0F : VARIATION SELECTOR-16), just like any other character.

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