Alternatives to Iframe Srcdoc

Alternatives to iframe srcdoc?

As suggested by eicto by comment, jquery could be used to fill an iframe at the ready-event. In order to adjust the height of the iframe to the height of the content some dirty hacks had to be applied, but the code I ended up using is more or less:


<!-- IMPORTANT! Do not add src or srcdoc -->
<!-- NOTICE! Add border:none to get a more "seamless" integration -->
<iframe style="border:none" scrolling="no" id="myIframe">
Iframes not supported on your device


// Wait until iFrame is ready (body is then available)
$('#myIframe').ready(function() {

var externalHtml = '<p>Hello World!</p>';

// Find the body of the iframe and set its HTML
// Add a wrapping div for height hack
// Set min-width on wrapping div in order to get real height afterwords
.html('<div id="iframeContent" style="min-width:'+$('body').width()+'px">'

// Let the CSS load before getting height
setTimeout(function() {
// Set the height of the iframe to the height of the content
.find('#iframeContent').height() + 'px'

iframe alternative to HTML5 for pdf view

The <iframe> is not deprecated at all. At least, the current HTML5 spec draft on <iframe> doesn't say anything about deprecation. In the future please read the specification itself before making ungrounded assumptions.

There's however an alternative to the <iframe> which allows graceful degradation: the <object> tag which in the below example gracefully degrades to a link when the specified content type is not supported by the browser nor any of its plugins (you know, displaying a PDF file inline requires the Acrobat Reader plugin).

<object data="/url/to/file.pdf" type="application/pdf" width="500" height="300">
<a href="/url/to/file.pdf">Download file.pdf</a>

How to set HTML code in srcdoc attribute of iframe?

You need to use htmlentities method in php

$str = '<a href="">Go to</a>';
echo htmlentities($str);

And then assign that to srcdoc. It works as shown in below JSFiddle

Html code as IFRAME source rather than a URL

You can do this with a data URL. This includes the entire document in a single string of HTML. For example, the following HTML:


can be encoded as this:


and then set as the src attribute of the iframe. Example.

Edit: The other alternative is to do this with Javascript. This is almost certainly the technique I'd choose. You can't guarantee how long a data URL the browser will accept. The Javascript technique would look something like this:

var iframe = document.getElementById('foo'),
iframedoc = iframe.contentDocument || iframe.contentWindow.document;

iframedoc.body.innerHTML = 'Hello world';


Edit 2 (December 2017): use the Html5's srcdoc attribute, just like in Saurabh Chandra Patel's answer, who now should be the accepted answer! If you can detect IE/Edge efficiently, a tip is to use srcdoc-polyfill library only for them and the "pure" srcdoc attribute in all non-IE/Edge browsers (check to be sure).

<iframe srcdoc="<html><body>Hello, <b>world</b>.</body></html>"></iframe>

HTML as sandboxed iframe's `src` (IE11/Edge)

Assuming usage of <iframe sandbox="allow-scripts"> is desired or acceptable, a possible workaround would be using window.postMessage() with the following setup:


<!doctype html>
<iframe onload="connectIframe()" sandbox="allow-scripts" src="iframeConnect.html" name="srcdocloader"></iframe>

var SRCDOC_HTML = '<html><body><script src=""><\/script><script>console.log("loaded srcdoc and dependencies", jQuery);<\/script><h1>done!</h1></body></html>';
var loaded;

function connectIframe (event) {
if (!loaded) {
loaded = true;
window.frames.srcdocloader.postMessage(SRCDOC_HTML, '*');
} else {

function onloadSrcdoc () {
// ...



<!doctype html>
window.addEventListener("message", handler);
function handler(event) {
if (event.source === window.parent) {
window.removeEventListener("message", handler);

Note that the iframe's onload event will be triggered two times. The second time will be after the srcdoc html and all its dependencies got loaded.

Can I put an entire HTML document in a template?

Unfortunately, the template tag is not allowed to contain <html> tags. per 4.1.1 of the HTML specification:

Contexts in which [the <html>] element can be used:

  • As document's document element.
  • Wherever a subdocument fragment is allowed in a compound document.

and from 4.12.3, the <template> tag does not provide either of these contexts. For the same reason, you can't use <head>, <body> or <title> tags either. Chrome and Firefox both actively strip out the invalid tags from the <template>, preventing you from using it.

The best way of storing HTML for use in iframes is to put the HTML code in a different file in your web server.

However, an acceptable alternative is to store the HTML inside your <iframe>, then populating the srcdoc attribute with the content.

<iframe id="yourIframe">
<!-- Everything inside here is interpreted as text, meaning you can even put doctypes here. This is legal, per and 4.8.5 of the HTML specification. -->
<!doctype html>


const iframe = document.getElementById("yourIframe");
iframe.srcdoc = iframe.innerHTML;

Is an iframe's srcdoc always an HTML document?

Yes, the default content type is in fact text/html. According to the HTML5 specification,

If the srcdoc attribute is specified:

Navigate the element's browsing context to a resource whose Content-Type is text/html, whose URL is about:srcdoc, and whose data consists of the value of the attribute. The resulting Document must be considered an iframe srcdoc document.

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