Why Is Sizeof(String) == 32

Why is sizeof(string) == 32?

Most modern std::string implementations1 save very small strings directly on the stack in a statically sized char array instead of using dynamic heap storage. This is known as Small (or Short) String Optimisation (SSO). It allows implementations to avoid heap allocations for small string objects and improves locality of reference.

Furthermore, there will be a std::size_t member to save the strings size and a pointer to the actual char storage.

How this is specifically implemented differs but something along the following lines works:

template <typename T>
struct basic_string {
char* begin_;
size_t size_;
union {
size_t capacity_;
char sso_buffer[16];

On typical architectures where sizeof (void*) = 8, this gives us a total size of 32 bytes.

1 The “big three” (GCC’s libstdc++ since version 5, Clang’s libc++ and MSVC’s implementation) all do it. Others may too.

String size always 32 bytes

sizeof is a compile time operator which returns the size in bytes of an object representation, which is the size of its layout in memory. It has nothing to do with the std::string content.

Use string.size() instead.

Why does Sizeof operator on a std::string yield unexpected result?

sizeof of a std::string instance just returns the size, in bytes, of the "internal representation" of the std::string, i.e. you can think of it like the sum of the sizeofs of each std::string's data members (there may be padding involved as well).

For example, in 32-bit debug builds with VS2015, sizeof(std::string) returns 28; in 64-bit debug builds I get 40; in 32-bit release builds I get 24, and in 64-bit release builds 32.

That's because the internal representation of std::string changes with different build options: e.g. debug builds usually contain additional mechanics to help spotting bugs, which grows the size of the representation; moreover, in 64-bit builds the pointers are larger, so again the size increases with respect to 32-bit builds, etc.

So, the number you get from sizeof invoked on a std::string instance is in general different from the number of chars that make the string's text. To get this number, you have to call std::string::size or std::string::length.

c++ sizeof( string )

It isn't clear from your example what 'string' is. If you have:

#include <string>
using namespace std;

then string is std::string, and sizeof(std::string) gives you the size of the class instance and its data members, not the length of the string. To get that, use:

string s;
cout << s.size();

sizeof in c++ showing string size one less

sizeof(s) gives you the size of the object s, not the length of the string stored in the object s.

You need to write this:

cout << s.size() << endl;

Note that std::basic_string (and by extension std::string) has a size() member function. std::basic_string also has a length member function which returns same value as size(). So you could write this as well:

cout << s.length() << endl;

I personally prefer the size() member function, because the other containers from the standard library such as std::vector, std::list, std::map, and so on, have size() member functions but not length(). That is, size() is a uniform interface for the standard library container class templates. I don't need to remember it specifically for std::string (or any other container class template). The member function std::string::length() is a deviation in that sense.

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