What Is the Modern, Correct Way to Do Type Punning in C++

What is the modern, correct way to do type punning in C++?

This is what I get from gcc 11.1 with -O3:

movd xmm0, edi
movd xmm0, edi
movd xmm0, edi
movd xmm0, edi
movd xmm0, edi
movd xmm0, edi
mov DWORD PTR [rsp-4], edi
movss xmm0, DWORD PTR [rsp-4]
movd xmm0, edi

I had to add a auto x = &int_to_float4; to force gcc to actually emit anything for int_to_float4, I guess thats the reason it appears first.

Live Example

I am not that familiar with std::launder so I cannot tell why it is different. Otherwise they are identical. This is what gcc has to say about it (in this context, with that flags). What the standard says is different story. Though, memcpy(&destination, &x, sizeof(x)); is well defined and most compilers know how to optimize it. std::bit_cast was introduced in C++20 to make such casts more explicit. Note that in the possible implementation on cppreference they use std::memcpy ;).


what would be the safest, most performant and best way to rewrite the fast inverse square root function?

std::memcpy and in C++20 and beyond std::bit_cast.

How can I correctly type-pun?

It's incorrect because b is of type uint8_t and a pointer to uint16_t cannot be used for accessing such a variable. It might not be correctly aligned and it is a strict aliasing violation.

You are however free to do (uint8_t *)®s or (struct reg_t*)®s->b, since (

A pointer to a structure object, suitably converted, points to its initial member and vice versa.

When doing hardware-related programming, make sure to never use signed types. That means changing intn_t to uintn_t.

As for how to type pun properly, use a union:

typedef union
struct /* standard C anonymous struct */
uint8_t b;
uint8_t c;
uint16_t bc;
} reg_t;

You can then assign this to point at a 16 bit hardware register like this:

volatile reg_t* reg = (volatile reg_t*)0x1234;

where 0x1234 is the hardware register address.

NOTE: this union is endianess-dependent. b will access the MS byte of bc on big endian systems, but the LS byte of bc on little endian systems.

Type punning and Unions in C

Yes, storing one member of union and reading another is type punning (assuming the types are sufficiently different). Moreover, this is the only kind of universal (any type to any type) type punning that is officially supported by C language. It is supported in a sense that the language promises that in this case the type punning will actually occur, i.e. that a physical attempt to read an object of one type as an object of another type will take place. Among other things it means that writing one member of the union and reading another member implies a data dependency between the write and the read. This, however, still leaves you with the burden of ensuring that the type punning does not produce a trap representation.

When you use casted pointers for type punning (what is usually understood as "classic" type punning), the language explicitly states that in general case the behavior is undefined (aside from reinterpreting object's value as an array of chars and other restricted cases). Compilers like GCC implement so called "strict aliasing semantics", which basically means that the pointer-based type punning might not work as you expect it to work. For example, the compiler might (and will) ignore the data dependency between type-punned reads and writes and rearrange them arbitrarily, thus completely ruining your intent. This

int i;
float f;

i = 5;
f = *(float *) &i;

can be easily rearranged into actual

f = *(float *) &i;
i = 5;

specifically because a strict-aliased compiler deliberately ignores the possibility of data dependency between the write and the read in the example.

In a modern C compiler, when you really need to perform physical reinterpretation of one objects value as value of another type, you are restricted to either memcpy-ing bytes from one object to another or to union-based type punning. There are no other ways. Casting pointers is no longer a viable option.

Unions and type-punning

To re-iterate, type-punning through unions is perfectly fine in C (but not in C++). In contrast, using pointer casts to do so violates C99 strict aliasing and is problematic because different types may have different alignment requirements and you could raise a SIGBUS if you do it wrong. With unions, this is never a problem.

The relevant quotes from the C standards are:

C89 section §5:

if a member of a union object is accessed after a value has been stored in a different member of the object, the behavior is implementation-defined

C11 section §3:

A postfix expression followed by the . operator and an identifier designates a member of a structure or union object. The value is that of the named member

with the following footnote 95:

If the member used to read the contents of a union object is not the same as the member last used to store a value in the object, the appropriate part of the object representation of the value is reinterpreted as an object representation in the new type as described in 6.2.6 (a process sometimes called ‘‘type punning’’). This might be a trap representation.

This should be perfectly clear.

James is confused because C11 section §16 reads

The value of at most one of the members can be stored in a union object at any time.

This seems contradictory, but it is not: In contrast to C++, in C, there is no concept of active member and it's perfectly fine to access the single stored value through an expression of an incompatible type.

See also C11 annex J.1 §1:

The values of bytes that correspond to union members other than the one last stored into [are unspecified].

In C99, this used to read

The value of a union member other than the last one stored into [is unspecified]

This was incorrect. As the annex isn't normative, it did not rate its own TC and had to wait until the next standard revision to get fixed.

GNU extensions to standard C++ (and to C90) do explicitly allow type-punning with unions. Other compilers that don't support GNU extensions may also support union type-punning, but it's not part of the base language standard.

What's a proper way of type-punning a float to an int and vice-versa?

Forget casts. Use memcpy.

float xhalf = 0.5f*x;
uint32_t i;
assert(sizeof(x) == sizeof(i));
std::memcpy(&i, &x, sizeof(i));
i = 0x5f375a86 - (i>>1);
std::memcpy(&x, &i, sizeof(i));
x = x*(1.5f - xhalf*x*x);
return x;

The original code tries to initialize the int32_t by first accessing the float object through an int32_t pointer, which is where the rules are broken. The C-style cast is equivalent to a reinterpret_cast, so changing it to reinterpret_cast would not make much difference.

The important difference when using memcpy is that the bytes are copied from the float into the int32_t, but the float object is never accessed through an int32_t lvalue, because memcpy takes pointers to void and its insides are "magical" and don't break the aliasing rules.

Opinions on type-punning in C++?

As far as the C++ standard is concerned, litb's answer is completely correct and the most portable. Casting const char *data to a const uint3_t *, whether it be via a C-style cast, static_cast, or reinterpret_cast, breaks the strict aliasing rules (see Understanding Strict Aliasing). If you compile with full optimization, there's a good chance that the code will not do the right thing.

Casting through a union (such as litb's my_reint) is probably the best solution, although it does technically violate the rule that if you write to a union through one member and read it through another, it results in undefined behavior. However, practically all compilers support this, and it results in the the expected result. If you absolutely desire to conform to the standard 100%, go with the bit-shifting method. Otherwise, I'd recommend going with casting through a union, which is likely to give you better performance.

How to safely perform type-punning in embedded system

The Cortex M3 can handle unaligned accesses just fine. I have done this in similar packet processing systems with the M3. You don't need to do anything, you can just use the flag -fno-strict-aliasing to get rid of the warning.

Why is type punning considered UB?

Ultimately the why is "because the language specification says so". You don't get to argue with that. If that's the way the language is, it's the way it is.

If you want to know the motivation for making it that way, it's that the original C language lacked any way of expressing that two lvalues can't alias one another (and the modern language's restrict keyword is still barely understood by most users of the language). Being unable to assume two lvalues can't alias means the compiler can't reorder loads and stores, and must actually perform loads and stores from/to memory for every access to an object, rather than keeping values in registers, unless it knows the object's address has never been taken.

C's type-based aliasing rules somewhat mitigate this situation, by letting the compiler assume lvalues with different types don't alias.

Note also that in your example, there's not only type-punning but misalignment. The unsigned char array has no inherent alignment, so accessing a uint64_t at that address would be an alignment error (UB for another reason) independent of any aliasing rules.

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