What Does the "L" Mean at the End of an Integer Literal

What does the L mean at the end of an integer literal?

It is a long integer literal.

Integer literals have a type of int by default; the L suffix gives it a type of long (Note that if the value cannot be represented by an int, then the literal will have a type of long even without the suffix).

Why would R use the L suffix to denote an integer?

Why is "L" used as a suffix?

I've never seen it written down, but I theorise in short for two reasons:

  1. Because R handles complex numbers which may be specified using the
    suffix "i" and this would be too simillar to "I"

  2. Because R's integers are 32-bit long integers and "L" therefore appears to be sensible shorthand for referring to this data type.

The value a long integer can take depends on the word size. R does not natively support integers with a word length of 64-bits. Integers in R have a word length of 32 bits and are signed and therefore have a range of −2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647. Larger values are stored as double.

This wiki page has more information on common data types, their conventional names and ranges.

And also from ?integer

Note that current implementations of R use 32-bit integers for integer vectors, so the range of representable integers is restricted to about +/-2*10^9: doubles can hold much larger integers exactly.

Why do 1.0L and 1.1L return different types?

The reason that 1.0L and 1.1L will return different data types is because returning an integer for 1.1 will result in loss of information, whilst for 1.0 it will not (but you might want to know you no longer have a floating point numeric). Buried deep with the lexical analyser (/src/main/gram.c:4463-4485) is this code (part of the function NumericValue()) which actually creates a int data type from a double input that is suffixed by an ascii "L":

/* Make certain that things are okay. */
if(c == 'L') {
double a = R_atof(yytext);
int b = (int) a;
/* We are asked to create an integer via the L, so we check that the
double and int values are the same. If not, this is a problem and we
will not lose information and so use the numeric value.
if(a != (double) b) {
if(GenerateCode) {
if(seendot == 1 && seenexp == 0)
warning(_("integer literal %s contains decimal; using numeric value"), yytext);
else {
/* hide the L for the warning message */
*(yyp-2) = '\0';
warning(_("non-integer value %s qualified with L; using numeric value"), yytext);
*(yyp-2) = (char)c;
asNumeric = 1;
seenexp = 1;

Java's L number (long) specification

There are specific suffixes for long (e.g. 39832L), float (e.g. 2.4f) and double (e.g. -7.832d).

If there is no suffix, and it is an integral type (e.g. 5623), it is assumed to be an int. If it is not an integral type (e.g. 3.14159), it is assumed to be a double.

In all other cases (byte, short, char), you need the cast as there is no specific suffix.

The Java spec allows both upper and lower case suffixes, but the upper case version for longs is preferred, as the upper case L is less easy to confuse with a numeral 1 than the lower case l.

See the JLS section 3.10 for the gory details (see the definition of IntegerTypeSuffix).

what does L represent in any hex numberL

It means Long, as in, the type of the literal 0x03L is long instead of the default int. On some platforms that will mean 64 bits instead of 32 bits, but that's entirely platform-dependent (the only guarantee is that long is not shorter than int).

what is the reason for explicitly declaring L or UL for long values

When a suffix L or UL is not used, the compiler uses the first type that can contain the constant from a list (see details in C99 standard, clause 6.4.4:5. For a decimal constant, the list is int, long int, long long int).

As a consequence, most of the times, it is not necessary to use the suffix. It does not change the meaning of the program. It does not change the meaning of your example initialization of x for most architectures, although it would if you had chosen a number that could not be represented as a long long. See also codebauer's answer for an example where the U part of the suffix is necessary.

There are a couple of circumstances when the programmer may want to set the type of the constant explicitly. One example is when using a variadic function:

printf("%lld", 1LL); // correct, because 1LL has type long long
printf("%lld", 1); // undefined behavior, because 1 has type int

A common reason to use a suffix is ensuring that the result of a computation doesn't overflow. Two examples are:

long x = 10000L * 4096L;
unsigned long long y = 1ULL << 36;

In both examples, without suffixes, the constants would have type int and the computation would be made as int. In each example this incurs a risk of overflow. Using the suffixes means that the computation will be done in a larger type instead, which has sufficient range for the result.

As Lightness Races in Orbit puts it, the litteral's suffix comes before the assignment. In the two examples above, simply declaring x as long and y as unsigned long long is not enough to prevent the overflow in the computation of the expressions assigned to them.

Another example is the comparison x < 12U where variable x has type int. Without the U suffix, the compiler types the constant 12 as an int, and the comparison is therefore a comparison of signed ints.

int x = -3;
printf("%d\n", x < 12); // prints 1 because it's true that -3 < 12

With the U suffix, the comparison becomes a comparison of unsigned ints. “Usual arithmetic conversions” mean that -3 is converted to a large unsigned int:

printf("%d\n", x < 12U); // prints 0 because (unsigned int)-3 is large

In fact, the type of a constant may even change the result of an arithmetic computation, again because of the way “usual arithmetic conversions” work.

Note that, for decimal constants, the list of types suggested by C99 does not contain unsigned long long. In C90, the list ended with the largest standardized unsigned integer type at the time (which was unsigned long). A consequence was that the meaning of some programs was changed by adding the standard type long long to C99: the same constant that was typed as unsigned long in C90 could now be typed as a signed long long instead. I believe this is the reason why in C99, it was decided not to have unsigned long long in the list of types for decimal constants.
See this and this blog posts for an example.

What does LL mean?

It is specified in Paragraph 2.14.2 of the C++11 Standard:

2.14.2 Integer literals


long-long-suffix: one of

ll LL

Paragraph 2.14.2/2, and in particular Table 6, goes on specifying the meaning of the suffix for decimal, octal, and hexadecimal constants, and the types they are given.

Since 0 is an octal literal, the type of 0LL is long long int:

#include <type_traits>

int main()
// Won't fire
static_assert(std::is_same<decltype(0LL), long long int>::value, "Ouch!");

What's the difference between declaring a long variable with 'L' and without?

In the first case you are assigning a long literal to a long variable (the L or l suffix indicates long type).

In the second case you are assigning an int literal (that's the default type when no suffix is supplied) to a long variable (which causes an automatic type cast from int to long), which means you are restricted to the range from Integer.MIN_VALUE to Integer.MAX_VALUE (-2147483648 to 2147483647).

That's the reason why

long var2 = 2147483648;

doesn't pass compilation (2147483648 is larger than Integer.MAX_VALUE).

On the other hand

long var2 = 2147483648L;

would pass compilation.

C++ suffix L vs specifying long double

I am confused why not to specify long int i = 33 instead of int i = 33L?

Because that 2 statements mean 2 different things:

long int i = 33; // take constant of type int, convert it to long int and assign to i.

int i = 33L; // take constant of type long int, convert it to int and assign to i.

So you end up with variable i of different type. Same for the double in your example.

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