Visual Studio 2015 Doesn't Have Cl.Exe

Visual Studio 2015 doesn't have cl.exe

Visual Studio 2015 doesn't install C++ by default. You have to rerun the setup, select Modify and then check Programming Language -> C++

Where is cl.exe? (MS Build Tools ’13)

Otherwise, is there any cross-platform graphics library (at least for Windows and Mac) that doesn’t need MSVC++

Yes, you should be able to use modern OpenGL in a cross-platform way under Mingw using
GLFW (since it's a CMAKE compile-it-yourself library) and the excellent GLAD for handling loading of the modern openGL API on windows.

Visual Studio 2015 Update 3 - C++ Compiler bug?

Yes, it's a bug. Specifically, it's a bug in the new SSA optimizer introduced in VS2015 Update 3. The undocumented command line option -d2SSAOptimizer- tells the compiler backend to use the old optimizer instead, which causes the bug to not manifest.

FYI, you can minimize your repro to:

int main()
volatile int someVar = 1;

const int indexOffset = someVar ? 0 : 1;

for (int i = 1 - indexOffset; i < 2 - indexOffset; ++i)
return 0;
return 1;

which will help the compiler developers localize the problem more quickly.

Addition from Codeguard (I decided that Casey's answer should be THE answer):
I have received reply from Microsoft (Gratian Lup, author of blog post Introducing a new, advanced Visual C++ code optimizer):

Yes, this is indeed a bug in the SSA Optimizer itself - usually most
bugs reported as being in the new optimizer are in other parts,
sometimes exposed now after 20 years.

It's in a small opt. that tries to remove a comparison looking like (a
- Const1) CMP (a - Const2), if there is no overflow. The issue is that your code has (1 - indexOffset) CMP (2 - indexOffset) and subtraction
is not commutative, of course - but the optimizer code disregards that
and handles (1 - indexOffset) as if it's (indexOffset - 1).

A fix for this issue will be released in the next larger update for
VS2017. Until then, disabling the SSA Optimizer would be a decent
workaround. Disabling optimizations for only this function may be a
better approach if it doesn't slow down things too much. This can be
done with #pragma optimize("", off):

How can I use the Visual Studio C/C++ Compiler (cl.exe) to pre-process my objective-C code?

I finally figured it out.

The cl.exe /Tp /E /I command could work to some extend preprocessing both objective-c (.m) and c (.c) source files. However it fails to parse few of the COM related code.

Then I found an open-source C-Pre-Processor that can successfully preprocess .c, .cpp and .m files. The benefit of this tool is, it supports C++ 11 features as well e.g. variadic template etc.

How come cl.exe (Visual Studio compiler) fails to compile a project with CMake (error-report)?

It turns out that the problem in my case is that the username for my computer contains an apostrophe. Definitely a strange bug.

2020: nvcc fatal : Cannot find compiler 'cl.exe' in PATH

Thanks to @talonmies, the solution is as follows:
Firstly, c++ package doesn't come by default with a clean new installation of VS, you need to select the package.
Secondly, it seems that now the path for cl.exe is here

C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2019\Community\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.24.28314\bin\Hostx64\x64

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