Very Simple Application Fails with "Multiple Target Patterns" from Eclipse

Very simple application fails with multiple target patterns from Eclipse

Are you working from a Cygwin installation?

I've seen this problem before using Cygwin--basically, make sees the : in the path and thinks it is another target definition, hence the error.

If you are working from a Cygwin installation, you might try replacing the c:/ with /cygdrive/c/. If not, you might try using relative paths or using a network mount and see if that fixes it.

multiple target patterns Makefile error

I had it on the Makefile

lastserial: ${MAPS}
./updateser ${MAPS}

It's because of the : in the file name.
I solved this with

-------- notice
/ /
v v
lastserial: ${MAPS}
./updateser ${MAPS}

Eclipse + CDT + Cygwin: How do you fix the Multiple targets bug?

Turns out the "multiple targets" issue is caused by the current version of GNU Make installed from Cygwin. GNU Make 3.8.1 is the current GNU Make released with Cygwin.

The GNU Make 3.8.1 does not handle windows paths that contain "C:\". So every time your make file has a windows path with "C:\" you get a build error "multiple targets".

The solution I ended up doing is to download a fixed GNU Make v3.8.1. See Here1 or Here2. Then Eclipse+CDT+Cygwin worked fine again.

Update (05-feb-2015):
With an updated cygwin and a new Make (4.0.x) then the problem goes away.

Make: *** multiple target patterns. Stop

I've figured out that I can run the project inside Eclipse, only if I manually clean it before each run. Also, the builds are successful if I manually clean it before each build. I will look into creating a custom script for compilation after I submit this assignment.

Multiple target patterns?

Quoting from an existing answer since you might have the same issue

"I've seen this problem before using Cygwin--basically, make sees the : in the path and thinks it is another target definition, hence the error.

If you are working from a Cygwin installation, you might try replacing the c:/ with /cygdrive/c/. If not, you might try using relative paths or using a network mount and see if that fixes it".

application fails with multiple targets from eclipse

Failing to install Jekyll gem native extension on Windows with multiple target patterns

Ok just a try. The Makefile on this line (and following) defines the target for .m.o.


Everything looks ok if you're using mingw / cygwin, but INCFLAGS can make problems on window machines, if you've installed ruby in a directory with spaces.
INCFLAG is defined as INCFLAGS = -I. -I$(arch_hdrdir) -I$(hdrdir)/ruby/backward -I$(hdrdir) -I$(srcdir) and if you see my definition below there is no space in any path.

topdir = /C/Ruby200-x64/include/ruby-2.0.0
hdrdir = $(topdir)
arch_hdrdir = C:/Ruby200-x64/include/ruby-2.0.0/x64-mingw32

If I change the ruby installation to a path with spaces I get invalid option error in native windows command line and in the mingw session. Maybe this is could help.

Getting Multiple Target Patterns. Stop. error when attempting to build for Android with ndk-build

You should remove old "obj" folder.

NoClassDefFoundError for Play app with sbt using Eclipse

I have found a solution through further trial and error. Instead of extending the classpath to "target/scala-2.11/classes_managed" it should be extended to "target/scala-2.11/classes". In other words the line in build.sbt should be

unmanagedJars in Compile += ( baseDirectory.value / "target/scala-2.11/classes" )

Now from sbt I can compile, test and run the application, and connect successfully to localhost:9000, and I can also open the files in Eclipse without seeing error lines.

I still don't know why the NoClassDefFoundError really occurred in the previous setup, but that's a problem for another day.

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