Usage of Std::Forward VS Std::Move

Usage of std::forward vs std::move

You cannot use std::forward without explicitly specifying its template argument. It is intentionally used in a non-deduced context.

To understand this, you need to really understand how forwarding references (T&& for a deduced T) work internally, and not wave them away as "it's magic." So let's look at that.

template <class T>
void foo(T &&t)

Let's say we call foo like this:

  • 42 is an rvalue of type int.
  • T is deduced to int.
  • The call to bar therefore uses int as the template argument for std::forward.
  • The return type of std::forward<U> is U && (in this case, that's int &&) so t is forwarded as an rvalue.

Now, let's call foo like this:

int i = 42;
  • i is an lvalue of type int.
  • Because of the special rule for perfect forwarding, when an lvalue of type V is used to deduce T in a parameter of type T &&, V & is used for deduction. Therefore, in our case, T is deduced to be int &.

Therefore, we specify int & as the template argument to std::forward. Its return type will therefore be "int & &&", which collapses to int &. That's an lvalue, so i is forwarded as an lvalue.


Why this works with templates is when you do std::forward<T>, T is sometimes a reference (when the original is an lvalue) and sometimes not (when the original is an rvalue). std::forward will therefore cast to an lvalue or rvalue reference as appropriate.

You cannot make this work in the non-template version precisely because you'll have only one type available. Not to mention the fact that setImage(Image&& image) would not accept lvalues at all—an lvalue cannot bind to rvalue references.

std::move Vs std::forward

In this case:

void push_back(T&& value)
moveBackInternal(std::forward<T>(value)); // (1)
moveBackInternal(std::move(value)); // (2)


std::forward<T>(value) and std::move(value) are identical in this scenario (it doesn't matter between (1) and (2)... so use (2)).

move is an unconditional cast to xvalue. That line gives you an expression of type T&& that's an rvalue, always.

forward is a conditional cast. If T is an lvalue reference type, it yields an lvalue. Otherwise (if it's either not a reference type or an rvalue reference type), it yields an rvalue. In our case, T is not a reference type - so we get an rvalue.

Either way, we end up at the same point - we call moveBackInternal with value cast as an rvalue. Just move() is a simpler way of getting there. forward<T> works, but it's unnecessary.

Trying to understand std::forward, std::move a little better

There are a lot of questions here that don't seem concisely answerable to me, but one stands out:

"What is the difference between std::move and std::forward?"

std::move is used to convert an lvalue reference to an rvalue reference, often to transfer the resources held by one lvalue to another.

std::forward is used to distinguish between lvalue and rvalue references, often in the case where a parameter of type rvalue reference is deduced to be an lvalue.

The upshot: If you want to branch based on what kind of reference an object was when passed, use std::forward. If you just want to pilfer the resources of an lvalue by means of converting to an rvalue, use std::move.

For more details, I found the following helpful:

What's the difference between std::move and std::forward

std::move takes an object and allows you to treat it as a temporary (an rvalue). Although it isn't a semantic requirement, typically a function accepting a reference to an rvalue will invalidate it. When you see std::move, it indicates that the value of the object should not be used afterwards, but you can still assign a new value and continue using it.

std::forward has a single use case: to cast a templated function parameter (inside the function) to the value category (lvalue or rvalue) the caller used to pass it. This allows rvalue arguments to be passed on as rvalues, and lvalues to be passed on as lvalues, a scheme called "perfect forwarding."

To illustrate:

void overloaded( int const &arg ) { std::cout << "by lvalue\n"; }
void overloaded( int && arg ) { std::cout << "by rvalue\n"; }

template< typename t >
/* "t &&" with "t" being template param is special, and adjusts "t" to be
(for example) "int &" or non-ref "int" so std::forward knows what to do. */
void forwarding( t && arg ) {
std::cout << "via std::forward: ";
overloaded( std::forward< t >( arg ) );
std::cout << "via std::move: ";
overloaded( std::move( arg ) ); // conceptually this would invalidate arg
std::cout << "by simple passing: ";
overloaded( arg );

int main() {
std::cout << "initial caller passes rvalue:\n";
forwarding( 5 );
std::cout << "initial caller passes lvalue:\n";
int x = 5;
forwarding( x );

As Howard mentions, there are also similarities as both these functions simply cast to reference type. But outside these specific use cases (which cover 99.9% of the usefulness of rvalue reference casts), you should use static_cast directly and write a good explanation of what you're doing.

Why use std::forward rather than std::move for data member in rvalue reference constructor's initialization list?

In this example, both std::move and std::forward do the same thing.

This is different if you change the example to a deduced type, e.g.

template<typename Arg>
ClassRoom(Arg&& theStudents)


template<typename Arg>
ClassRoom(Arg&& theStudents)


vector<string> local_students = /* ... */;
ClassRoom cr(local_students)

Arg deduces to vector<string>&, which means different things happen


forward<vector<string>&> passes along the lvalue-reference, so the overload of vector::vector chosen is the copy constructor, local_students is unaffected


move<vector<string>&> casts the lvalue-reference to rvalue-reference, so the overload of vector::vector chosen is the move constructor, local_students is now in the moved-from state

Can I typically/always use std::forward instead of std::move?

The two are very different and complementary tools.

  • std::move deduces the argument and unconditionally creates an rvalue expression. This makes sense to apply to an actual object or variable.

  • std::forward takes a mandatory template argument (you must specify this!) and magically creates an lvalue or an rvalue expression depending on what the type was (by virtue of adding && and the collapsing rules). This only makes sense to apply to a deduced, templated function argument.

Maybe the following examples illustrate this a bit better:

#include <utility>
#include <memory>
#include <vector>
#include "foo.hpp"

std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Foo>> v;

template <typename T, typename ...Args>
std::unique_ptr<T> make_unique(Args &&... args)
return std::unique_ptr<T>(new T(std::forward<Args>(args)...)); // #1

int main()
std::unique_ptr<Foo> p(new Foo('a', true, Bar(1,2,3)));
v.push_back(std::move(p)); // #2

v.push_back(make_unique<Foo>('b', false, Bar(5,6,7))); // #3

Bar b(4,5,6);
char c = 'x';
v.push_back(make_unique<Foo>(c, b.ready(), b)); // #4

In situation #2, we have an existing, concrete object p, and we want to move from it, unconditionally. Only std::move makes sense. There's nothing to "forward" here. We have a named variable and we want to move from it.

On the other hand, situation #1 accepts a list of any sort of arguments, and each argument needs to be forwarded as the same value category as it was in the original call. For example, in #3 the arguments are temporary expressions, and thus they will be forwarded as rvalues. But we could also have mixed in named objects in the constructor call, as in situation #4, and then we need forwarding as lvalues.

Confusion between std::move and std::forward

In both cases you are constructing a string, std::string local, with an rvalue reference as argument. As a result, local is move-constructed from the original object referred-to by that reference.

This doesn't have much to do with std::forward or with std::move; furthermore, you are not initialising a reference (which is where "binding a reference to an lvalue" comes from in Meyers's text; the reference would be on the LHS) — you are simply constructing an object from another object.

However, it is true that without writing std::forward or std::move you would end up copying those function arguments instead, as the rvalue reference would be dropped on the initialisation side of local's declaration.

So, in this case, std::forward and std::move have the same effect. However, they are not the same thing and should generally not be treated as interchangeable. Read the following for more information:

  • What's the difference between std::move and std::forward

std::forward vs std::move while binding lvalue to rvalue reference

In your specific case, no, there isn't any difference.

Detailed answer:

Under the hood, std::move(t) does static_cast<typename std::remove_reference<T>::type&&>(t), where T is type of t (see §20.2.3/6). In your case, it resolves to static_cast<int&&>(nb).

forward is a little bit tricky, because it is tailored for use in templates (to allow perfect forwarding) and not as a tool to cast lvalue to rvalue reference.

Standard library provides two overloads (one for lvalue references and the second for rvalue ones, see §20.2.3/2):

template <class T> T&& forward(typename remove_reference<T>::type& t) noexcept;
template <class T> T&& forward(typename remove_reference<T>::type&& t) noexcept;

Substituting int, we get:

int&& forward(int& t) noexcept;
int&& forward(int&& t) noexcept;

And since nb is lvalue, the first version is chosen. According to standard draft, the only effect of forward is static_cast<T&&>(t). With T being int, we get static_cast<int&&>(nb), i.e. - we get two exactly same casts.

Now, if you want to cast lvalue to rvalue (to allow moving), please use only std::move, which is the idiomatic way to do this conversion. std::forward is not intended to be used this way.

Is it true that std::forward and std::move do not generate code?

Whether something "generates code" or not depends on the compiler and its settings. As the other answer shows, you can expect some extra code to be generated if the optimizations are disabled.

std::move and std::forward merely return a reference to the parameter, which doens't require any actions at runtime (the change in value category happens at compile-time), and if optimizations are enabled, any half-decent compiler will generate no code for them.

If you want no extra code to be generated even in debug builds, use a static_cast<T &&> instead of those functions.

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