Std::Cin.Getline( ) Vs. Std::Cin

std::cin.getline( ) vs. std::cin

In case with char*, std::cin.getline getting line, instead of std::cin getting first word.

std::getline on std::cin

Most likely you are trying to read a string after reading some other data, say an int.

consider the input:

is a prime

if you use the following code:


the getline will only read the newline after 11 and hence you will get the impression that it's not waiting for user input.

The way to resolve this is to use a dummy getline to consume the new line after the number.

difference between cin.get() and cin.getline()

There are an equivalent number of advantages and drawbacks, and -essentially- all depends on what you are reading: get() leaves the delimiter in the queue thus letting you able to consider it as part of the next input. getline() discards it, so the next input will be just after it.

If you are talking about the newline character from a console input,it makes perfectly sense to discard it, but if we consider an input from a file, you can use as "delimiter" the beginning of the next field.

What is "good" or "safe" to do, depends on what you are doing.

Why do cin and getline exhibit different reading behavior?

reading behavior of cin and getline.

cin does not "read" anything. cin is an input stream. cin is getting read from. getline reads from an input stream. The formatted extraction operator, >>, reads from an input stream. What's doing the reading is >> and std::getline. std::cin does no reading of its own. It's what's being read from.

first cin read up until the "\n". once it hit that "\n", it increments the
cursor to the next position

No it doesn't. The first >> operator reads up until the \n, but does not read it. \n remains unread.

The second >> operator starts reading with the newline character. The >> operator skips all whitespace in the input stream before it extracts the expected value.

The detail that you're missing is that >> skips whitespace (if there is any) before it extracts the value from the input stream, and not after.

Now, it is certainly possible that >> finds no whitespace in the input stream before extracting the formatted value. If >> is tasked with extracting an int, and the input stream has just been opened and it's at the beginning of the file, and the first character in the file is a 1, well, the >> just doesn't skip any whitespace at all.

Finally, std::getline does not skip any whitespace, it just reads from the input stream until it reads a \n (or reaching the end of the input stream).

Why are there two different getline() functions (if indeed there are)?

Bear in mind that the Standard library is composed from 3 (main) parts: IOStream, String and STL, plus some tossed in goodies and the C-headers.

I don't see anything weird in having those parts loosely coupled (though I wish it was not the case).

Other incongruities include: std::string::length vs std::string::size, the latter having been added for interface compatibility with the STL and the former having been retained for compatibility with older code.

How to break std::cin(std::cin.getline) executuion from other thread

std::cin is a blocking call that can not be interrupted.

This thread here seems to have some non-blocking alternatives:

If you used a non blocking alternative for std::cin along with an boolean (threadsafe from either a mutex or being atomic, preferably the latter), you could set the boolean on the other thread and read the boolean on the input thread, if the boolean is either true or false then exit the input function.

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