Send Binary File Over Tcp/Ip Connection

Send binary file over TCP/IP connection

You need to loop both the sending and receiving. Neither send() nor recv() are guaranteed to send/read as many bytes as you requested.

You also should send the file size before the file data so the receiver knows how many bytes to expect and when to stop reading.

Try something more like this:


bool senddata(SOCKET sock, void *buf, int buflen)
unsigned char *pbuf = (unsigned char *) buf;

while (buflen > 0)
int num = send(sock, pbuf, buflen, 0);
if (num == SOCKET_ERROR)
if (WSAGetLastError() == WSAEWOULDBLOCK)
// optional: use select() to check for timeout to fail the send
return false;

pbuf += num;
buflen -= num;

return true;

bool sendlong(SOCKET sock, long value)
value = htonl(value);
return senddata(sock, &value, sizeof(value));

bool sendfile(SOCKET sock, FILE *f)
fseek(f, 0, SEEK_END);
long filesize = ftell(f);
if (filesize == EOF)
return false;
if (!sendlong(sock, filesize))
return false;
if (filesize > 0)
char buffer[1024];
size_t num = min(filesize, sizeof(buffer));
num = fread(buffer, 1, num, f);
if (num < 1)
return false;
if (!senddata(sock, buffer, num, 0))
return false;
filesize -= num;
while (filesize > 0);
return true;

FILE *filehandle = fopen("imagefile.jpg", "rb");
if (filehandle != NULL)
sendfile(clientsocket, filehandle);


bool readdata(SOCKET sock, void *buf, int buflen)
unsigned char *pbuf = (unsigned char *) buf;

while (buflen > 0)
int num = recv(sock, pbuf, buflen, 0);
if (num == SOCKET_ERROR)
if (WSAGetLastError() == WSAEWOULDBLOCK)
// optional: use select() to check for timeout to fail the read
return false;
else if (num == 0)
return false;

pbuf += num;
buflen -= num;

return true;

bool readlong(SOCKET sock, long *value)
if (!readdata(sock, value, sizeof(value)))
return false;
*value = ntohl(*value);
return true;

bool readfile(SOCKET sock, FILE *f)
long filesize;
if (!readlong(sock, &filesize))
return false;
if (filesize > 0)
char buffer[1024];
int num = min(filesize, sizeof(buffer));
if (!readdata(sock, buffer, num))
return false;
int offset = 0;
size_t written = fwrite(&buffer[offset], 1, num-offset, f);
if (written < 1)
return false;
offset += written;
while (offset < num);
filesize -= num;
while (filesize > 0);
return true;

FILE *filehandle = fopen("imagefile.jpg", "wb");
if (filehandle != NULL)
bool ok = readfile(clientsocket, filehandle);

if (ok)
// use file as needed...

Transfer binary file by byte array using TCP in java

Your loops should check for count >= 0 rather than count > 0, and the streams and the socket should be closed in a finally block. Other than that, the code looks fine to me.

What do you mean by "it is stuck at transfering 8kb"? Any exception occurring?

Sending files over TCP sockets C++ | Windows

The one main point that should be taken away from the comments below your question is that send and recv are fickle. Just because you write send(buffer with 100 bytes) doesn't mean it's going to send 100 bytes. It could send 25 bytes, or 99 bytes, or fail out completely. It's up to you to take the return value and compute what needs to still be sent.

Same goes with recv. If you write recv(buffer with 100 bytes) because you are expecting 100 bytes, it could only grab 25 bytes, or 99 bytes, or fail out completely. Again, it's up to you to use that return value and compute what still needs to be received.

File I/O is completely different. If you want to write 100 bytes to a file, those 100 bytes are guaranteed to be written if the method doesn't fail. So, when folks who have worked with file I/O move to socket I/O usually end up confused why things aren't sending or receiving correctly.

One of the trickier parts to socket programming is knowing how much data you will need to receive. You covered that by sending the length of the file first. The server will know to read in that value, then continue reading until that value is satisfied.

Some protocols, like HTTP, will use delimiters (in HTTP's case \r\n\r\n) to signal when a packet of data has ended. So, as a socket programmer, you would recv on a loop until those 4 bytes are read.

I put together an example on how you could accomplish sending and receiving a large file (this will handle files up to 9,223,372,036,854,775,807 in length). This isn't pure C++, I cheated in places because of lack of time. I used some Windows-only constructs for the same reason.

So let's take a look at it:

int64_t GetFileSize(const std::string& fileName) {
// no idea how to get filesizes > 2.1 GB in a C++ kind-of way.
// I will cheat and use Microsoft's C-style file API
FILE* f;
if (fopen_s(&f, fileName.c_str(), "rb") != 0) {
return -1;
_fseeki64(f, 0, SEEK_END);
const int64_t len = _ftelli64(f);
return len;

/// Recieves data in to buffer until bufferSize value is met
int RecvBuffer(SOCKET s, char* buffer, int bufferSize, int chunkSize = 4 * 1024) {
int i = 0;
while (i < bufferSize) {
const int l = recv(s, &buffer[i], __min(chunkSize, bufferSize - i), 0);
if (l < 0) { return l; } // this is an error
i += l;
return i;

/// Sends data in buffer until bufferSize value is met
int SendBuffer(SOCKET s, const char* buffer, int bufferSize, int chunkSize = 4 * 1024) {

int i = 0;
while (i < bufferSize) {
const int l = send(s, &buffer[i], __min(chunkSize, bufferSize - i), 0);
if (l < 0) { return l; } // this is an error
i += l;
return i;

// Sends a file
// returns size of file if success
// returns -1 if file couldn't be opened for input
// returns -2 if couldn't send file length properly
// returns -3 if file couldn't be sent properly
int64_t SendFile(SOCKET s, const std::string& fileName, int chunkSize = 64 * 1024) {

const int64_t fileSize = GetFileSize(fileName);
if (fileSize < 0) { return -1; }

std::ifstream file(fileName, std::ifstream::binary);
if ( { return -1; }

if (SendBuffer(s, reinterpret_cast<const char*>(&fileSize),
sizeof(fileSize)) != sizeof(fileSize)) {
return -2;

char* buffer = new char[chunkSize];
bool errored = false;
int64_t i = fileSize;
while (i != 0) {
const int64_t ssize = __min(i, (int64_t)chunkSize);
if (!, ssize)) { errored = true; break; }
const int l = SendBuffer(s, buffer, (int)ssize);
if (l < 0) { errored = true; break; }
i -= l;
delete[] buffer;


return errored ? -3 : fileSize;

// Receives a file
// returns size of file if success
// returns -1 if file couldn't be opened for output
// returns -2 if couldn't receive file length properly
// returns -3 if couldn't receive file properly
int64_t RecvFile(SOCKET s, const std::string& fileName, int chunkSize = 64 * 1024) {
std::ofstream file(fileName, std::ofstream::binary);
if ( { return -1; }

int64_t fileSize;
if (RecvBuffer(s, reinterpret_cast<char*>(&fileSize),
sizeof(fileSize)) != sizeof(fileSize)) {
return -2;

char* buffer = new char[chunkSize];
bool errored = false;
int64_t i = fileSize;
while (i != 0) {
const int r = RecvBuffer(s, buffer, (int)__min(i, (int64_t)chunkSize));
if ((r < 0) || !file.write(buffer, r)) { errored = true; break; }
i -= r;
delete[] buffer;


return errored ? -3 : fileSize;

Sending and Receiving Buffers

At the top we have two methods that works with buffers in memory. You can send it any buffer at any size (stay reasonable here), and those methods will send and receive until all the bytes passed in have been transmitted.

This does what I was talking about above. It takes the buffer and loops until all the bytes have been successfully sent or received. After these methods complete, you are guaranteed that all data is transmitted (as long as the return value is zero or positive).

You can define a "chunk size" which is the default size of the chunks of data the methods will use to send or receive data. I am sure these can be optimized by using more suitable values than what they are currently set at, but I don't know what those values are. It's safe to leave them at the default. I don't think that with the speed of today's computers you will notice too much of a difference if you change it to something else.

Sending and Receiving Files

The code for doing files is almost identical in nature to the buffer code. Same idea, except now we can assume that if the return value is greater than zero from the buffer methods then it was successful. So the code is a little simpler. I use a chunk size of 64KB... for no special reason. This time the chunk size determines how much data is read from the file I/O operations, not the sockets I/O.

Test Server and Client

Just to be complete, I used this code below to test this with a 5.3 GB file I have on disk. I basically just re-wrote Microsoft's client/server examples in a very slimmed down way.

#pragma comment(lib, "Ws2_32.lib")
#include <iostream>
#include <winsock2.h>
#include <ws2tcpip.h>
#include <fstream>

DWORD __stdcall ClientProc(LPVOID param) {

struct addrinfo hints = { 0 }, * result, * ptr;
hints.ai_family = AF_UNSPEC;
hints.ai_socktype = SOCK_STREAM;
hints.ai_protocol = IPPROTO_TCP;

if (getaddrinfo("", "9001", &hints, &result) != 0) {
return ~0;

for (ptr = result; ptr != NULL; ptr = ptr->ai_next) {
client = socket(ptr->ai_family, ptr->ai_socktype, ptr->ai_protocol);
if (client == SOCKET_ERROR) {
// TODO: failed (don't just return, cleanup)
if (connect(client, ptr->ai_addr, (int)ptr->ai_addrlen) == SOCKET_ERROR) {

if (client == SOCKET_ERROR) {
std::cout << "Couldn't create client socket" << std::endl;
return ~1;

int64_t rc = SendFile(client, "D:\\hugefiletosend.bin");
if (rc < 0) {
std::cout << "Failed to send file: " << rc << std::endl;


return 0;

int main()
WSADATA wsaData;
WSAStartup(MAKEWORD(2, 2), &wsaData);

struct addrinfo hints = { 0 };
hints.ai_family = AF_INET;
hints.ai_socktype = SOCK_STREAM;
hints.ai_protocol = IPPROTO_TCP;
hints.ai_flags = AI_PASSIVE;

struct addrinfo* result = NULL;
if (0 != getaddrinfo(NULL, "9001", &hints, &result)) {
// TODO: failed (don't just return, clean up)

SOCKET server = socket(result->ai_family, result->ai_socktype, result->ai_protocol);
if (server == INVALID_SOCKET) {
// TODO: failed (don't just return, clean up)

if (bind(server, result->ai_addr, (int)result->ai_addrlen) == INVALID_SOCKET) {
// TODO: failed (don't just return, clean up)

if (listen(server, SOMAXCONN) == SOCKET_ERROR) {
// TODO: failed (don't just return, clean up)

// start a client on another thread
HANDLE hClientThread = CreateThread(NULL, 0, ClientProc, NULL, 0, 0);

SOCKET client = accept(server, NULL, NULL);

const int64_t rc = RecvFile(client, "D:\\thetransmittedfile.bin");
if (rc < 0) {
std::cout << "Failed to recv file: " << rc << std::endl;


WaitForSingleObject(hClientThread, INFINITE);
return 0;

Free tool to send binary data to IP address and port?

I found a freeware tool named TCP/IP Builder.

But if you found a better free tool, please let me know.

Send a large file over tcp connection

There are a few issues that I can see immediately. The one that may be causing your program to only work some of the time is the fact that sending via TCP will not guarantee that every send will result in an identically-sized receive on the other side.

Your protocol seems to assume it will, because you're waiting for a read of exactly 11 bytes for the </sendFile>, whereas it could be received in multiple separate reads. E.g.: "[file data...]". If this happens, your code will not correctly finish.

It's also worth noting that the ASCII encoding is 7-bit, and so binary files (such as the MP4) will be received incorrectly (even if you fix the above). If it is binary data, you should not attempt to convert it to a string, but instead write it to file directly from the byte[].

If you wish to contine down this route (rather than using the many existing file transfer systems already available as mentioned in another answer) then you may also want to change your protocol so that instead of delimiting the file with <sendFile>...</sendFile>, you send the file's length initially, which will allow you to send files that may contain one of these special tags.

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