Same Random Numbers Every Time I Run the Program

Same random numbers every time I run the program

You need to seed your random number generator:

Try putting this at the beginning of the program:

srand ( time(NULL) );

Note that you will need to #include <ctime>.

The idea here is to seed the RNG with a different number each time you launch the program. By using time as the seed, you get a different number each time you launch the program.

same random number every time in c++

(rand() % 2001 - 1000)/2000

It's always 0. You can divide it by 2000.0 have values between [0.0, 1.0)

You can use C++11 random utilities, for example std::uniform_real_distribution:

std::default_random_engine generator(time(0));
std::uniform_real_distribution<double> distribution(0.0, 1.0);

double x = distribution(generator);

Why do I get the same result with rand() every time I compile and run?

You need to seed the rand function with a unique number before it can be used. The easiest method is to use time()

For example

rand();//now returns a random number

The reason is that the random numbers provided by rand() (or any other algorithm based function) aren't random. The rand function just takes its current numerical state, applies a transformation, saves the result of the transformation as the new state and returns the new state.

So to get rand to return different pseudo random numbers, you first have to set the state of rand() to something unique.

Program is generating same random numbers on each run?

It's seeded by time(NULL)

If it is, I can't see it. In fact, a search for it in your code returns nothing. The default behaviour, if you don't explicitly seed, is the same as if you had seeded it with the value 1.

You need to explicitly state something like:

srand (time (NULL));

at the start of main somewhere (and make sure you do this once and once only).

Though keep in mind this makes it dependent on the current time - if you start multiple jobs in the same second (or whatever your time resolution is), they'll start with the same seed.

From the C standard (on which C++ is based for these compatibility features):

The srand function uses the argument as a seed for a new sequence of pseudo-random numbers to be returned by subsequent calls to rand. If srand is then called with the same seed value, the sequence of pseudo-random numbers shall be repeated. If rand is called before any calls to srand have been made, the same sequence shall be generated as when srand is first called with a seed value of 1.

Same random number every time even after seeding

It appears that this question duplicates this one. Essentially, the issue is a the random number generator is a Linear Congruential Generator.

I can get some better results by xor-ing something changing (like the time) by rand() before mod-ing.

I, for one, have learned from this experience to be even more wary of pseudo-random number generators than I already was.

Why does rand() yield the same sequence of numbers on every run?

The seed for the random number generator is not set.

If you call srand((unsigned int)time(NULL)) then you will get more random results:

#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <ctime>
using namespace std;

int main() {
srand((unsigned int)time(NULL));
cout << rand() << endl;
return 0;

The reason is that a random number generated from the rand() function isn't actually random. It simply is a transformation. Wikipedia gives a better explanation of the meaning of pseudorandom number generator: deterministic random bit generator. Every time you call rand() it takes the seed and/or the last random number(s) generated (the C standard doesn't specify the algorithm used, though C++11 has facilities for specifying some popular algorithms), runs a mathematical operation on those numbers, and returns the result. So if the seed state is the same each time (as it is if you don't call srand with a truly random number), then you will always get the same 'random' numbers out.

If you want to know more, you can read the following:

Why does my random function generate the same number every time I call it in a loop?

Seeding repeatedly with tight timings will generate the same initial result after-seed every time. If seeding once per process isn't an option due to caller locality, then you should provide an initial static-state instead. What may work for you is this:

#include <random>

double Utils::randomNumber(int min, int max)
static std::mt19937 rng{ std::random_device{}() };
std::uniform_real_distribution<double> dist(min, max);
return dist(rng);

Note there is an intrinsic problem on the potential ceiling of the uniform real range, and it may be applicable to your usage (not likely, but never say never). See the notes here for more information.

Why is this random generator always output the same number

You need to use this

#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <ctime>

using namespace std;
int main()
int v1;
for(v1=0; v1 < 10; v1++) {
v1 = rand() % 10 + 1;
cout << v1 << endl;
return 0;

Why do I always get the same sequence of random numbers with rand()?

You have to seed it. Seeding it with the time is a good idea:


#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>

int main ()
srand ( time(NULL) );
printf ("Random Number: %d\n", rand() %100);
return 0;

You get the same sequence because rand() is automatically seeded with the a value of 1 if you do not call srand().


Due to comments

rand() will return a number between 0 and RAND_MAX (defined in the standard library). Using the modulo operator (%) gives the remainder of the division rand() / 100. This will force the random number to be within the range 0-99. For example, to get a random number in the range of 0-999 we would apply rand() % 1000.

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