Qt - Qpushbutton Text Formatting

Qt - QPushButton text formatting

You really don't need to subclass to change the formatting of your button, rather use stylesheets e.g.

QPushButton {
font-size: 18pt;
font-weight: bold;
color: #ff0000;

Applying this to the button that you want to change will make the buttons text 18pt, bold and red. You can apply via widget->setStyleSheet()

Applying this to a widget in the hierarchy above will style all the buttons underneath, the QT stylesheet mechanism is very flexible and fairly well documented.

You can set stylesheets in the designer too, this will style the widget that you are editing immediately

QPushButton multiple lines of text formating

I try this way, I create a label and set its parent pushbutton

    QString     normal = "normal";
QString bold = "bold";
auto const text = QStringLiteral("<font size=18>%1</font><br><b><font size=24>%2</font></b>")
QPushButton *btn = new QPushButton(this);
btn->setGeometry(QRect(70, 30, 150, 100));
QLabel *lbl = new QLabel(btn);
lbl->setGeometry(QRect(0, 0, 150, 100));



Sample Image

QPushbutton: Two different Font size

Derive from QPushButton and draw the text yourself. You can refer this post for reference.
Two colours text in QPushButton

How to manage long string in the text of a QPushButton?

Text item give you the WrapMode. Refer here

You can take this as an example: MyButton.qml

import QtQuick 2.0

Rectangle {
id: buttonRect

height: 40
width: 200
color: "#404040"
radius: 5

property alias buttonText: text
signal clicked()

Rectangle {
id: maskRect
anchors.fill: parent
color: "#575757"
radius: buttonRect.radius
visible: buttonMousearea.pressed

Text {
id: text
text: qsTr("Button")
color: "white"
width: parent.width
anchors.centerIn: parent
wrapMode: Text.Wrap

MouseArea {
id: buttonMousearea
anchors.fill: buttonRect
hoverEnabled: true
acceptedButtons: Qt.LeftButton
onClicked: buttonRect.clicked()

states: [
State {
name: "hasMouse"
when: buttonMousearea.containsMouse
PropertyChanges {
target: buttonRect
color: "#6e6e6e"
PropertyChanges {
target: buttonMousearea
cursorShape: Qt.PointingHandCursor

Then use it like below

MyButton {buttonText.text: "something which is really longer than the button"}

Qt QPushbutton Icon above Text

If you're able to, the easiest thing to do is use a QToolButton instead:

QToolButton* button = new QToolButton(this);
button->setText("Sample text");

If that's not an option you could consider creating your own button widget, possibly derived from QPushButton or QAbstractButton. In this case you'll probably (I haven't tried it myself) want to focus most of your efforts on reimplementing paintEvent().

[Edit: read the comments for alternatives which are probably way simpler than this]

How to create a bold, red text label in Qt?

Try using HTML formatting: <b><font... etc </b>.

Qt Designer does it like this: <span style=" font-size:8pt; font-weight:600; color:#aa0000;">TextLabel</span>

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