Overloading New/Delete

overloading new/delete

void* ptr = new void[size];

Can't do that. Fix it.

Never ever try to overload new/delete globally. Either have them in a base class and derive all your objects from this class or use a namespace or a template allocator parameter. Why, you may ask. Because in case your program is more than a single file and using STL or other libraries you are going to screw up.

Here's a distilled version of new operator from VS2005 new.cpp:

void * operator new(size_t size) _THROW1(_STD bad_alloc)
{ // try to allocate size bytes
void *p;
while ((p = malloc(size)) == 0)
if (_callnewh(size) == 0)
{ // report no memory
static const std::bad_alloc nomem;

return (p);

Keeping track of used memory with overloaded new and delete operator?

A bit annoying, isn't it? free knows how much memory there is to free, but won't tell you.

The practical solution is to add an extra sizeof(size_t) to the malloc request, and use those first bytes of the returned allocation to store sz. In operator delete, you do the reverse: you look for the sizeof(size_t) bytes preceding ptr.

So the bit of code you'd get is memory-=static_cast<size_t*>(prt)[-1];. The [-1] looks scary, I know. One of the few cases where it makes sense.

Overloading new and delete vs Custom Allocator

Broadly speaking, an Allocator type is used when an object of one type (typically a container) needs to manage memory to hold an object or objects of some other type. Overloading operator new and operator delete within a class is used when objects of that type need some special memory management.

New/delete operator overload and base class

operator delete is special in that despite being a static member, if the class has a virtual destructor it is dynamically dispatched. §12.5 [class.free]/p4:

If the delete-expression is used to deallocate a class object whose
static type has a virtual destructor, the deallocation function is the
one selected at the point of definition of the dynamic type’s virtual
destructor (12.4).

For example,

struct B {
virtual ~B() = default;
void operator delete(void* ptr) {
std::cout << "B's operator delete" << std::endl; ::operator delete(ptr);
struct D : B {
void operator delete(void* ptr) {
std::cout << "D's operator delete" << std::endl; ::operator delete(ptr);
int main() {
B* bp = new D;
delete bp; //1: uses D::operator delete(void*)


D's operator delete

Thus, give A a virtual destructor and you should see the correct operator delete called :).

C++ overloaded delete operator for array of pointers not being called

You're not providing an overload for operator new[](size_t sz), so you're lucky that your operator new(size_t sz) is being called at all.

The compiler is calling the unsized versions delete[], so you need to provide a operator delete[](void *ptr) noexcept function. Note that the standard requires the non-size version to be replaced when replacing the version that takes a size.

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