Opencv - Dll Missing, But It's Not

The program can't start because opencv_world300.dll is missing from your computer error in C++

Under windows you can copy it from:

<your install directory>\opencv30\build\x64\vc12\bin

And put it in your Visual Studio solution (I assume you are using a x64/Release configuration):

<your solution directory>\x64\Release

Or you you can add the above OpenCV to your PATH environment variable

opencv_world454.dll was not found

The solution was to install a new setup and install OpenCV into another path thank you to everyone who helped.

OpenCV: Code Execution Cannot Proceed, DLLs Missing

I copied and pasted the dlls from the bin\ directory into my solution directory and everything works fine now.

I'm not sure why adding the bin\ to the path didn't work but anyway here's the solution to that problem.

OpenCV - missing dlls

I was compiling the lib wrong!

  1. Download Cmake from official website and install it;
  2. Go to OpenCV Repo;
  3. Download the latest release and extract to a folder;
  4. Go to OpenCV-contrib Repo, download the latest release and
    extract it too;
  5. Open Cmake-gui and set the source code to the folder of opencv;
  6. Set build the binaries to a empty folder and it configure;
  7. Search for OPENCV_ENABLE_NONFREE and check it, also search for
    OPENCV_EXTRA_MODULES_PATH and set the path to the modules folder
    inside of the opencv-contrib already extracted;
  8. Hit configure again, then generate and finally open project;
  9. Just hit to compile and all the files will be there.

opencv .dll files not found

Rebooting after updating the PATH variable worked!

Visual Studio 2012 with OpenCV ver 2.4.10 DLL missing error

OpenCV needs any dll you are using for your project to be in the same directory as your executable. You can either copy the dlls you need, in this case opencv_core2410d.dll into your debug folder and opencvcore2410.dll into your release folder, or set visual studio to move your executable to the bin folder. This option is under Project->Properties, and on the General page you can change the output directory.

Another option is to use static libraries instead of dynamic libraries for opencv. This will add any opencv functions you are using right into your executable instead of using seperate dlls. This will make your executable much bigger, but will eliminate any dll issues. In the opencv directory, under build/x64 or x86/vc11, use the libraries in the staticlib folder to build the project as a static project. You will need to add a few more resources in your solution for it to compile at first. This answer should help with any linker issues you get by switching to a static build.

If you plan on deploying your executable and you don't want to package up dlls with it, using static libraries is another way you can go about your project

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