Multiple Inputs on One Line

How can I input multiple values in one line?

You can do like this:

a, b, c, d, e = input("Insert the 5 values: ").split()
print(f"a: {a}\nb: {b}\nc: {c}\nd: {d}\ne: {e}")


1 2 3 4 5


a: 1
b: 2
c: 3
d: 4
e: 5

Python_ Taking multiple inputs of different data type in one line

It is one line solution, but not efficient:

x, y = [int(x) if x.isdigit() else x for x in input("Enter two value: ").split()]

Convert input to array and check if all elements digit or not. This is how it works.

Try this if you have no problem with 2 line:

x, y = input("Enter a two value: ").split()
x = int(x)

Getting multiple inputs from one line from a file in c++

You can use a dummy character variable which will "pick up" $ character:

char dummy_char;
infile >> subject >> dummy_char >> biologyscores[0] >> biologyscores [1]; //read into string and int array

Default Value on Input with Multiple Inputs on Same Line

You can use * with test3 and do some processing on it later

test1, test2, *test3 = input('Enter 2 or 3 variables: ').split()
test3 = test3[0] if test3 else 'default'

test3 will be a list with the third variable as one item, or an empty list if there were only 2 variables.

Multiple input and print in one line

Here. You just need to add two arguments to the print function. First is the string, then the actual answer.


exp = input("Enter the expression you want to evaluate: ")

print("The answer is: ",eval(exp))

Hope this helps!

Unable to input string values when taking multiple input in one line (Python)

You need to replace the + with a , since the + is going to concatenate your inputs into one string.

city, pet = input("What is the name of the city you grew up in?\t"), input ("\nWhat is the name of your first pet?\t")

Whenever you get the too many values to unpack Error, make sure that the number of variables on the left side matches the number of values on the right side.

C Multiple Input in One Line

You need to ask yourself a couple of questions:

  • do you need to check for "invalid" input, and reject cases where the input is split over multiple lines.
  • do you need to read all the numbers on a line of input WITHOUT knowing before hand how many there are supposed to be.

If the answer to both of those is no, there's no reason to check or care about what is on one line vs what is on another. Just use scanf to read numbers and don't worry about spacing or what is on which line.

scanf("%d", &test_cases);   // number of test cases
for (int i = 0; i < test_cases; ++i) {
scanf("%d%d", &N, &height); // number of values and boundary height
int val[N];
for (j = 0; j < N; ++j)
scanf("%d", &val[j]);

Note that there are never any spaces or newlines in the scanf format strings. You don't need them, and they might cause confusion. You just read numbers. If you're paranoid, you can check the return value of scanf -- it should always be the number of items read (1, 2, or 1 in the 3 calls above), but if it is not, the only useful thing you can do is print an error message and exit.

If you do need to care about the newlines (most commonly because you don't know how many numbers will be on a line), use fgets + sscanf:

char buffer[MAXLINE];  // buffer big enough for the largest line
int vals[MAXVALS]; // array large enough for the maximum number of vals
char *p = fgets(buffer, sizeof(buffer)); // read a line
int N = 0, len;
while (N < MAXVALS && sscanf(p, "%d%n", &vals[N], &len) == 1) {
p += len;
++N; }

Multiple inputs in a line python

Use raw_input:

inp = raw_input()

x = inp.split()

print x[0]
print x[1]

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