Libpng Warning: Iccp: Known Incorrect Srgb Profile

libpng warning: iCCP: known incorrect sRGB profile

Libpng-1.6 is more stringent about checking ICC profiles than previous versions. You can ignore the warning. To get rid of it, remove the iCCP chunk from the PNG image.

Some applications treat warnings as errors; if you are using such an application you do have to remove the chunk. You can do that with any of a variety of PNG editors such as ImageMagick's

convert in.png out.png

To remove the invalid iCCP chunk from all of the PNG files in a folder (directory), you can use mogrify from ImageMagick:

mogrify *.png

This requires that your ImageMagick was built with libpng16. You can easily check it by running:

convert -list format | grep PNG

If you'd like to find out which files need to be fixed instead of blindly processing all of them, you can run

pngcrush -n -q *.png

where the -n means don't rewrite the files and -q means suppress most of the output except for warnings. Sorry, there's no option yet in pngcrush to suppress everything but the warnings.

Binary Releases of ImageMagick are here

For Android Projects (Android Studio) navigate into res folder.

For example:

C:\{your_project_folder}\app\src\main\res\drawable-hdpi\mogrify *.png

libpng warning: iCCP: known incorrect sRGB profile when using tkinter.filedialog

Unbelievable, I uninstalled the Input Method Editor to solve the problem

How do I duplicate a whole line in Emacs?

I use

C-a C-SPACE C-n M-w C-y

which breaks down to

  • C-a: move cursor to start of line
  • C-SPACE: begin a selection ("set mark")
  • C-n: move cursor to next line
  • M-w: copy region
  • C-y: paste ("yank")

The aforementioned

C-a C-k C-k C-y C-y

amounts to the same thing (TMTOWTDI)

  • C-a: move cursor to start of line
  • C-k: cut ("kill") the line
  • C-k: cut the newline
  • C-y: paste ("yank") (we're back at square one)
  • C-y: paste again (now we've got two copies of the line)

These are both embarrassingly verbose compared to C-d in your editor, but in Emacs there's always a customization. C-d is bound to delete-char by default, so how about C-c C-d? Just add the following to your .emacs:

(global-set-key "\C-c\C-d" "\C-a\C- \C-n\M-w\C-y")

(@Nathan's elisp version is probably preferable, because it won't break if any of the key bindings are changed.)

Beware: some Emacs modes may reclaim C-c C-d to do something else.

Android Studio Error: libpng warning: iCCP: Not recognizing known sRGB profile that has been edited

I used pngcrush command line tool as follows to remomve iCCP chunks within PNGs

pngcrush.exe -rem iccp input.png output.png

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