Is There Any Reason Not to Make a Member Function Virtual

Is there any reason not to make a member function virtual?

One way to read your questions is "Why doesn't C++ make every function virtual by default, unless the programmer overrides that default." Without consulting my copy of "Design and Evolution of C++": this would add extra storage to every class unless every member function is made non-virtual. Seems to me this would have required more effort in the compiler implementation, and slowed down the adoption of C++ by providing fodder to the performance obsessed (I count myself in that group.)

Another way to read your questions is "Why do C++ programmers do not make every function virtual unless they have very good reasons not to?" The performance excuse is probably the reason. Depending on your application and domain, this might be a good reason or not. For example, part of my team works in market data ticker plants. At 100,000+ messages/second on a single stream, the virtual function overhead would be unacceptable. Other parts of my team work in complex trading infrastructure. Making most functions virtual is probably a good idea in that context, as the extra flexibility beats the micro-optimization.

Motivation for not using virtual functions

Virtual functions have a runtime cost associated with them. They are dispatched at runtime and thus are slower to call. They are similar to calling regular functions through a function pointer, where the address is determined at runtime according to the actual type of the object. This incurs overhead.

One of the C++ design decisions has always been that you should not pay for things you don't need. In contrast, Java does not concern itself much with this kind of low-level optimization.

Why do we need virtual functions in C++?

Without "virtual" you get "early binding". Which implementation of the method is used gets decided at compile time based on the type of the pointer that you call through.

With "virtual" you get "late binding". Which implementation of the method is used gets decided at run time based on the type of the pointed-to object - what it was originally constructed as. This is not necessarily what you'd think based on the type of the pointer that points to that object.

class Base
void Method1 () { std::cout << "Base::Method1" << std::endl; }
virtual void Method2 () { std::cout << "Base::Method2" << std::endl; }

class Derived : public Base
void Method1 () { std::cout << "Derived::Method1" << std::endl; }
void Method2 () { std::cout << "Derived::Method2" << std::endl; }

Base* basePtr = new Derived ();
// Note - constructed as Derived, but pointer stored as Base*

basePtr->Method1 (); // Prints "Base::Method1"
basePtr->Method2 (); // Prints "Derived::Method2"

EDIT - see this question.

Also - this tutorial covers early and late binding in C++.

Is it bad practice to call a virtual function from constructor of a class that is marked final


Normally calling virtual functions from constructors is considered bad practice, because overridden functions in sub-objects will not be called as the objects have not been constructed yet.

That is not the case. Among competent C++ programmers it’s normally not regarded as bad practice to call virtual functions (except pure virtual ones) from constructors, because C++ is designed to handle that well. In contrast to languages like Java and C#, where it might result in a call to a method on an as yet uninitialized derived class sub-object.

Note that the dynamic adjustment of dynamic type has a runtime cost.

In a language oriented towards ultimate efficiency, with "you don't pay for what you don't use" as a main guiding principle, that means that it's an important and very much intentional feature, not an arbitrary choice. It's there for one purpose only. Namely to support those calls.


In this case class derived is marked as final so no o further sub-objects can exist. Ergo the virtual call will resolve correctly (to the most derived type).

The C++ standard guarantees that at the time of construction execution for a class T, the dynamic type is T.

Thus there was no problem about resolving to incorrect type, in the first place.


Is it still considered bad practice?

It is indeed bad practice to declare a member function virtual in a final class, because that’s meaningless. The “still” is not very meaningful either.

Sorry, I didn't see that the virtual member function was inherited as such.

Best practice for marking a member function as an override or implementation of pure virtual, is to use the keyword override, not to mark it as virtual.


void startFSM() override
{ theFSM_.start(); }

This ensures a compilation error if it is not an override/implementation.

Why not have all the functions as virtual in C++?

There are good reasons for controlling which methods are virtual beyond performance. While I don't actually make most of my methods final in Java, I probably should... unless a method is designed to be overridden, it probably shouldn't be virtual IMO.

Designing for inheritance can be tricky - in particular it means you need to document far more about what might call it and what it might call. Imagine if you have two virtual methods, and one calls the other - that must be documented, otherwise someone could override the "called" method with an implementation which calls the "calling" method, unwittingly creating a stack overflow (or infinite loop if there's tail call optimization). At that point you've then got less flexibility in your implementation - you can't switch it round at a later date.

Note that C# is a similar language to Java in various ways, but chose to make methods non-virtual by default. Some other people aren't keen on this, but I certainly welcome it - and I'd actually prefer that classes were uninheritable by default too.

Basically, it comes down to this advice from Josh Bloch: design for inheritance or prohibit it.

What's the point of a final virtual function?

Typically final will not be used on the base class' definition of a virtual function. final will be used by a derived class that overrides the function in order to prevent further derived types from further overriding the function. Since the overriding function must be virtual normally it would mean that anyone could override that function in a further derived type. final allows one to specify a function which overrides another but which cannot be overridden itself.

For example if you're designing a class hierarchy and need to override a function, but you do not want to allow users of the class hierarchy to do the same, then you might mark the functions as final in your derived classes.

Since it's been brought up twice in the comments I want to add:

One reason some give for a base class to declare a non-overriding method to be final is simply so that anyone trying to define that method in a derived class gets an error instead of silently creating a method that 'hides' the base class's method.

struct Base {
void test() { std::cout << "Base::test()\n"; }

void run(Base *o) {

// Some other developer derives a class
struct Derived : Base {
void test() { std::cout << "Derived::test()\n"; }

int main() {
Derived o;

Base's developer doesn't want Derived's developer to do this, and would like it to produce an error. So they write:

struct Base {
virtual void test() final { ... }

Using this declaration of Base::foo() causes the definition of Derived to produce an error like:

<source>:14:13: error: declaration of 'test' overrides a 'final' function
void test() { std::cout << "Derived::test()\n"; }
<source>:4:22: note: overridden virtual function is here
virtual void test() final { std::cout << "Base::test()\n"; }

You can decide if this purpose is worthwhile for yourself, but I want to point out that declaring the function virtual final is not a full solution for preventing this kind of hiding. A derived class can still hide Base::test() without provoking the desired compiler error:

struct Derived : Base {
void test(int = 0) { std::cout << "Derived::test()\n"; }

Whether Base::test() is virtual final or not, this definition of Derived is valid and the code Derived o; o.test(); run(&o); behaves exactly the same.

As for clear statements to users, personally I think just not marking a method virtual makes a clearer statement to users that the method is not intended to be overridden than marking it virtual final. But I suppose which way is clearer depends on the developer reading the code and what conventions they are familiar with.

Virtual member function changes result of typeid - why?

This is how typeid works. A class that has no virtual members is a non-polymorphic type and carries no run-time type information. Hence there's no way to determine it's type at run time.

See [expr.typeid]/p2:

When typeid is applied to a glvalue expression whose type is a polymorphic class type, the result refers to a std​::​type_­info object representing the type of the most derived object (that is, the dynamic type) to which the glvalue refers.

And [expr.typeid]/p3:

When typeid is applied to an expression other than a glvalue of a polymorphic class type, the result refers to a std​::​type_­info object representing the static type of the expression.

Static type means the type is determined simply at compile-time (for A* it is thus A).

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