Is Returning with 'Std::Move' Sensible in the Case of Multiple Return Statements

Is returning with `std::move` sensible in the case of multiple return statements?

For local variables, there's no need to std::move them in the return statement most of the time, since the language actually demands that this happens automatically:

§12.8 [class.copy] p32

When the criteria for elision of a copy operation are met or would be met save for the fact that the source object is a function parameter, and the object to be copied is designated by an lvalue, overload resolution to select the constructor for the copy is first performed as if the object were designated by an rvalue. If overload resolution fails, or if the type of the first parameter of the selected constructor is not an rvalue reference to the object’s type (possibly cv-qualified), overload resolution is performed again, considering the object as an lvalue. [ Note: This two-stage overload resolution must be performed regardless of whether copy elision will occur. It determines the constructor to be called if elision is not performed, and the selected constructor must be accessible even if the call is elided. —end note ]

† Copy elision is very restricted in where it can be applied (§12.8/31). One such restriction is that the type of the source object has to be the same as the cv-unqualified return type of the function when dealing with a return-statement. It's also not applicable for subobjects of local variables that are about to go out of scope.

Can we use the return value optimization when possible and fall back on move, not copy, semantics when not?

When the expression in the return statement is a non-volatile automatic duration object, and not a function or catch-clause parameter, with the same cv-unqualified type as the function return type, the resulting copy/move is eligible for copy elision. The standard also goes on to say that, if the only reason copy elision was forbidden was that the source object was a function parameter, and if the compiler is unable to elide a copy, the overload resolution for the copy should be done as if the expression was an rvalue. Thus, it would prefer the move constructor.

OTOH, since you are using the ternary expression, none of the conditions hold and you are stuck with a regular copy. Changing your code to

return x;
return y;

calls the move constructor.

Note that there is a distinction between RVO and copy elision - copy elision is what the standard allows, while RVO is a technique commonly used to elide copies in a subset of the cases where the standard allows copy elision.

Returning std::vector by value

First, every time a copy could be elided before, it can still be elided now, and moves can be elided in the same situations. For the rest of this post I'll assume that elision doesn't happen for some reason (pretend the compiler writer was lazy in a bad way).

In C++11 will a returned std::vector local variable always be moved?

Every time the criteria for copy elision are met, or the variable is explicitly std::moved.

What if that vector is a member of a local variable instead of a local variable itself?

It won't be moved unless explicitly std::moved.

Obviously returning a global variable will not be moved. What other cases will it not be moved?

Every time the criteria for copy elision are not met and the variable is not explicitly std::moved.

None of those is a valid reason to not to return by value. Return by value is ok, because even when the value is not automatically moved you can force it with std::move.

Forwarding of return values. Is std::forward is needed?

In the case that you do know that t will not be in a moved-from state after the call to f, your two somewhat sensible options are:

  • return std::forward<T>(t) with type T&&, which avoids any construction but allows for writing e.g. auto&& ref = wrapper(42);, which leaves ref a dangling reference

  • return std::forward<T>(t) with type T, which at worst requests a move construction when the parameter is an rvalue -- this avoids the above problem for prvalues but potentially steals from xvalues

In all cases you need std::forward. Copy elision is not considered because t is always a reference.

Will returning a const object from a function prevent move construction from outside?

In your case, returnedStr will be move-constructed from the return value of GetString(), but that return value will be copy-constructed from str(1). If str wasn't const, the return value would be move-constructed from it.

Note that in both cases, return value optimisation is still applicable, so the compiler can still construct the return value (or even str itself) directly in the space of returnedStr, skipping one or both copy/move constructions. This is granted by C++11 12.8/31:

When certain criteria are met, an implementation is allowed to omit the copy/move construction of a class
object, even if the copy/move constructor and/or destructor for the object have side effects. In such cases,
the implementation treats the source and target of the omitted copy/move operation as simply two different
ways of referring to the same object, and the destruction of that object occurs at the later of the times
when the two objects would have been destroyed without the optimization. This elision of copy/move
operations, called copy elision, is permitted in the following circumstances (which may be combined to
eliminate multiple copies):

  • in a return statement in a function with a class return type, when the expression is the name of a
    non-volatile automatic object (other than a function or catch-clause parameter) with the same cv-unqualified
    type as the function return type, the copy/move operation can be omitted by constructing
    the automatic object directly into the function’s return value

  • ...

  • when a temporary class object that has not been bound to a reference (12.2) would be copied/moved
    to a class object with the same cv-unqualified type, the copy/move operation can be omitted by
    constructing the temporary object directly into the target of the omitted copy/move

The first bullet point covers the elision of the return value construction, the other one covers moving the return value into returnedStr. Notice the requirement on "the same cv-unqualified" type, which means that this works regardless of cv qualifiers.

(1) Note that if we were talking about a class X other than std::string, one which provided a move constructor taking a const X&&, then indeed the return value would be move constructed using this constructor (whatever semantics it might have).

Returning multiple values from a C++ function

For returning two values I use a std::pair (usually typedef'd). You should look at boost::tuple (in C++11 and newer, there's std::tuple) for more than two return results.

With introduction of structured binding in C++ 17, returning std::tuple should probably become accepted standard.

Why would I std::move an std::shared_ptr?

I think that the one thing the other answers did not emphasize enough is the point of speed.

std::shared_ptr reference count is atomic. increasing or decreasing the reference count requires atomic increment or decrement. This is hundred times slower than non-atomic increment/decrement, not to mention that if we increment and decrement the same counter we wind up with the exact number, wasting a ton of time and resources in the process.

By moving the shared_ptr instead of copying it, we "steal" the atomic reference count and we nullify the other shared_ptr. "stealing" the reference count is not atomic, and it is hundred times faster than copying the shared_ptr (and causing atomic reference increment or decrement).

Do note that this technique is used purely for optimization. copying it (as you suggested) is just as fine functionality-wise.

function returning - unique_ptr VS passing result as parameter VS returning by value

In modern C++, the rule is that the compiler is smarter than the programmer. Said differently the programmer is expected to write code that will be easy to read and maintain. And except when profiling have proven that there is a non acceptable bottleneck, low level concerns should be left to the optimizing compilers.

For that reason and except if profiling has proven that another way is required I would first try option 3 and return a plain object. If the object is moveable, moving an object is generally not too expensive. Furthermore, most compilers are able to fully elide the copy/move operation if they can. If I correctly remember, copy elision is even required starting with C++17 for statements like that:

T foo = functionReturningT();

C++11 pattern for factory function returning tuple

How do I get around that without having to std::get<> each item? Is there an elegant way to do this?

Return by value, instead of returning by "values" (which is what this std::tuple allows you to do).

API changes:

class Wavefront
Wavefront(VAO v, Mesh m, ShaderProgram sp); // use whatever construction
// suits you here; you will
// only use it internally
// in the load function, anyway
const VAO& vao() const;
const Mesh& mesh() const;
const ShaderProgram& shader() const;

Wavefront LoadWavefront(std::string filename);

What is move semantics?

I find it easiest to understand move semantics with example code. Let's start with a very simple string class which only holds a pointer to a heap-allocated block of memory:

#include <cstring>
#include <algorithm>

class string
char* data;


string(const char* p)
size_t size = std::strlen(p) + 1;
data = new char[size];
std::memcpy(data, p, size);

Since we chose to manage the memory ourselves, we need to follow the rule of three. I am going to defer writing the assignment operator and only implement the destructor and the copy constructor for now:

delete[] data;

string(const string& that)
size_t size = std::strlen( + 1;
data = new char[size];
std::memcpy(data,, size);

The copy constructor defines what it means to copy string objects. The parameter const string& that binds to all expressions of type string which allows you to make copies in the following examples:

string a(x);                                    // Line 1
string b(x + y); // Line 2
string c(some_function_returning_a_string()); // Line 3

Now comes the key insight into move semantics. Note that only in the first line where we copy x is this deep copy really necessary, because we might want to inspect x later and would be very surprised if x had changed somehow. Did you notice how I just said x three times (four times if you include this sentence) and meant the exact same object every time? We call expressions such as x "lvalues".

The arguments in lines 2 and 3 are not lvalues, but rvalues, because the underlying string objects have no names, so the client has no way to inspect them again at a later point in time.
rvalues denote temporary objects which are destroyed at the next semicolon (to be more precise: at the end of the full-expression that lexically contains the rvalue). This is important because during the initialization of b and c, we could do whatever we wanted with the source string, and the client couldn't tell a difference!

C++0x introduces a new mechanism called "rvalue reference" which, among other things,
allows us to detect rvalue arguments via function overloading. All we have to do is write a constructor with an rvalue reference parameter. Inside that constructor we can do anything we want with the source, as long as we leave it in some valid state:

    string(string&& that)   // string&& is an rvalue reference to a string
data =; = nullptr;

What have we done here? Instead of deeply copying the heap data, we have just copied the pointer and then set the original pointer to null (to prevent 'delete[]' from source object's destructor from releasing our 'just stolen data'). In effect, we have "stolen" the data that originally belonged to the source string. Again, the key insight is that under no circumstance could the client detect that the source had been modified. Since we don't really do a copy here, we call this constructor a "move constructor". Its job is to move resources from one object to another instead of copying them.

Congratulations, you now understand the basics of move semantics! Let's continue by implementing the assignment operator. If you're unfamiliar with the copy and swap idiom, learn it and come back, because it's an awesome C++ idiom related to exception safety.

    string& operator=(string that)
return *this;

Huh, that's it? "Where's the rvalue reference?" you might ask. "We don't need it here!" is my answer :)

Note that we pass the parameter that by value, so that has to be initialized just like any other string object. Exactly how is that going to be initialized? In the olden days of C++98, the answer would have been "by the copy constructor". In C++0x, the compiler chooses between the copy constructor and the move constructor based on whether the argument to the assignment operator is an lvalue or an rvalue.

So if you say a = b, the copy constructor will initialize that (because the expression b is an lvalue), and the assignment operator swaps the contents with a freshly created, deep copy. That is the very definition of the copy and swap idiom -- make a copy, swap the contents with the copy, and then get rid of the copy by leaving the scope. Nothing new here.

But if you say a = x + y, the move constructor will initialize that (because the expression x + y is an rvalue), so there is no deep copy involved, only an efficient move.
that is still an independent object from the argument, but its construction was trivial,
since the heap data didn't have to be copied, just moved. It wasn't necessary to copy it because x + y is an rvalue, and again, it is okay to move from string objects denoted by rvalues.

To summarize, the copy constructor makes a deep copy, because the source must remain untouched.
The move constructor, on the other hand, can just copy the pointer and then set the pointer in the source to null. It is okay to "nullify" the source object in this manner, because the client has no way of inspecting the object again.

I hope this example got the main point across. There is a lot more to rvalue references and move semantics which I intentionally left out to keep it simple. If you want more details please see my supplementary answer.

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