How to Use Covariant Return Types with Smart Pointers

How can I use covariant return types with smart pointers?

Firstly, this is indeed how it works in C++: the return type of a virtual function in a derived class must be the same as in the base class. There is the special exception that a function that returns a reference/pointer to some class X can be overridden by a function that returns a reference/pointer to a class that derives from X, but as you note this doesn't allow for smart pointers (such as shared_ptr), just for plain pointers.

If your interface RetInterface is sufficiently comprehensive, then you won't need to know the actual returned type in the calling code. In general it doesn't make sense anyway: the reason get_r is a virtual function in the first place is because you will be calling it through a pointer or reference to the base class AInterface, in which case you can't know what type the derived class would return. If you are calling this with an actual A1 reference, you can just create a separate get_r1 function in A1 that does what you need.

class A1: public AInterface
boost::shared_ptr<RetInterface> get_r() const
return get_r1();
boost::shared_ptr<Ret1> get_r1() const {...}

Alternatively, you can use the visitor pattern or something like my Dynamic Double Dispatch technique to pass a callback in to the returned object which can then invoke the callback with the correct type.

Return Type Covariance with Smart Pointers

You can't do it directly, but there are a couple of ways to simulate it, with the help of the Non-Virtual Interface idiom.

Use covariance on raw pointers, and then wrap them

struct Base
virtual Base* doClone() const { ... }

shared_ptr<Base> Clone() const { return shared_ptr<Base>(doClone()); }

virtual ~Base(){}

struct Derived : Base
virtual Derived* doClone() const { ... }

shared_ptr<Derived> Clone() const { return shared_ptr<Derived>(doClone()); }

This only works if you actually have a raw pointer to start off with.

Simulate covariance by casting

struct Base
virtual shared_ptr<Base> doClone() const { ... }

shared_ptr<Base> Clone() const { return doClone(); }

virtual ~Base(){}

struct Derived : Base
virtual shared_ptr<Base> doClone() const { ... }

shared_ptr<Derived> Clone() const
{ return static_pointer_cast<Derived>(doClone()); }

Here you must make sure that all overrides of Derived::doClone do actually return pointers to Derived or a class derived from it.

How to accomplish covariant return types when returning a shared_ptr?

I think that a solution is fundamentally impossible because covariance depends on pointer arithmetic which is incompatible with smart pointers.

When Y::foo returns shared_ptr<B> to a dynamic caller, it must be cast to shared_ptr<A> before use. In your case, a B* can (probably) simply be reinterpreted as an A*, but for multiple inheritance, you would need some magic to tell C++ about static_cast<A*>(shared_ptr<B>::get()).

What are the drawbacks of C++ covariance return types?

The chief limitation of covariant return types as implemented in C++ is that they only work with raw pointers and references. There are no real reasons not to use them when possible, but the limitation means we cannot always use them when we need them.

It is easy to overcome this limitation while providing identical user experience, without ever relying to the language feature. Here's how.

Let's rewrite our classes using the common and popular non-virtual interface idiom.

struct AbstractFactory
Base *create() {
return create_impl();

virtual Base* create_impl() = 0;

struct ConcreteFactory : public AbstractFactory
Derived *create() {
return create_impl();

Derived *create_impl() override {
return new Derived;

Now here something interesting happens. create is no longer virtual, and therefore can have any return type. It is not constrained by the covariant return types rule. create_impl is still constrained, but it's private, no one is calling it but the class itself, so we can easily manipulate it and remove covariance altogether.

struct ConcreteFactory : public AbstractFactory
Derived *create() {
return create_impl();

Base *create_impl() override {
return create_impl_derived();

virtual Derived *create_impl_derived() {
return new Derived;

Now both AbstractFactory and ConcreteFactory has exactly the same interface as before, without a covariant return type in sight. What does it mean for us? It means we can use smart pointers freely.

// replace `sptr` with your favourite kind of smart pointer

struct AbstractFactory
sptr<Base> create() {
return create_impl();

virtual sptr<Base> create_impl() = 0;

struct ConcreteFactory : public AbstractFactory
sptr<Derived> create() {
return create_impl();

sptr<Base> create_impl() override {
return create_impl_derived();

virtual sptr<Derived> create_impl_derived() {
return make_smart<Derived>();

Here we overcame a language limitation and provided an equivalent of covariant return types for our classes without relying on a limited language feature.

Note for the technically inclined.

    sptr<Base> create_impl() override {
return create_impl_derived();

This here function implicitly converts ("upcasts") a Derived pointer to a Base pointer. If we use covariant return types as provided by the language, such upcast is inserted by the compiler automatically when needed. The language is unfortunately only smart enough to do it for raw pointers. For everything else we have to do it ourselves. Luckily, it's relatively easy, if a bit verbose.

(In this particular case it could be acceptable to just return a Base pointer throughout. I'm not discussing this. I'm assuming we absolutely need something like covariant return types.)

Covariant virtual functions and smart pointers

Is it possible to expand this feature to smart pointers as well? (Assuming a smart pointer is some template class)

No: C++ doesn't know/allow covariant or contravariant templates. There's no relation between types Ptr<A> and Ptr<B>, even if A inherits from B.

C++ : Covariant return type without pointer

The idea of a covariant return type is a polymorpihc return type. And in C++, you can't have run time polymorphism without pointers or references. Let's ignore for a second most of the hardships, and pretend it's possible. Here is my code that handles things by your Parent interface:

void bar(Parent * p) {
auto o = p->foo();

What is o? Well, it's Parent of course. Says so in Parent::foo's return type. But what if that p is pointing at a Child? The deduced type of o is still Parent, so at best I get a sliced object. No polymorphic behavior, so the whole exercise is pointless.

At worst, and quite likely, I get undefined behavior.

That's why co-variant return types have to be pointers or references.

Covariant data types: Why return type must be same as or child of its 'parent method' return type?

The way to understand this is to think of the subclass as a specific type of the parent class. This means it still needs to adhere to the behavior defined by the parent. The parent class defines a someMethod method that returns an Object. Subclasses can't break this behavior, but they can further specify it - a DogHouse's someMethod still returns an Object, it just happens to be a String.

Strategy Pattern and Covariant Return Type in C++

This is a perennial problem. The core issue is, Context wants to have dynamic control of its strategy (including the dynamic type of its return value) but its users want static assurances on that return value. You can template Context on the strategy and/or on the return type, and potentially template Strategy on the return type, but fundamentally you’ll need to introduce the limits on the return type at compile time or you’ll need unsafe casting at runtime.

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