How to Use a C++ String in a Structure When Malloc()-Ing the Same Structure

How to use a C++ string in a structure when malloc()-ing the same structure?

You can't malloc a class with non-trivial constructor in C++. What you get from malloc is a block of raw memory, which does not contain a properly constructed object. Any attempts to use that memory as a "real" object will fail.

Instead of malloc-ing object, use new

example *ex = new example;

Your original code can be forced to work with malloc as well, by using the following sequence of steps: malloc raw memory first, construct the object in that raw memory second:

void *ex_raw = malloc(sizeof(example));
example *ex = new(ex_raw) example;

The form of new used above is called "placement new". However, there's no need for all this trickery in your case.

Segmentation fault on using std::string inside a dynamically allocated struct

malloc is not suitable for creating non-POD objects. It allocates memory but does not call any constructors. So your line a->a1 accesses a string that has not yet been constructed, causing undefined behaviour.

To properly allocate and construct the object use:

a = new A;

It is bad style (at best) to use malloc in any C++ program

C - how to malloc struct containing string and array?

When you allocate space for your struct as Node *new_node = malloc(sizeof(Node));, that includes space for each struct element.

In this case, that includes space for 32 char and 10 int *. So you don't need to allocate space for the name array, although depending on your usage, you might allocate space to each element of contents.

String in struct

C++ is not C.

You shouldn't #include anything from the bits folder.

You should not use malloc to allocate memory. You should use new instead:

node* p = new node();

Or just don't dynamically allocate memory at all:

node p;

C++ is not C.

C++ code crashing when trying to pass struct

Don't use malloc in C++.

If you need a variable to have dynamic storage duration, use new and delete instead. In short, malloc will not call any constructors, whereas new will. The fact that the std::string constructor is not being called is probably the cause of your crash.

In many cases though, automatic storage duration will suffice, and you can write, simply:

dat foo;

and pass that instance by reference to your functions.

Getting exceptions thrown within string library

You are using malloc on a structure that contains a C++ class member (std::string in this case). This is a problem because C++ object construction isn't going to happen. Generally, you'd want to use the new operator instead of calling malloc in C++.

Segmentation fault assigning std::string in a struct

Don't use malloc in C++ code, it's rarely the correct choice.

Your options are:

Token tok;
tok.val = "myval";

auto tok = std::make_unique<Token>(); // C++14
tok->val = "myval";

auto tok = std::unique_ptr<Token>(new Token()); // C++11
tok->val = "myval";

auto tok = std::make_shared<Token>(); // C++11, use if resource is shared
tok->val = "myval";

Token* tok = new Token();
tok->val = "myval";
delete tok;

These options should suffice for most cases.

Prefer the options from top to bottom: The default way should be creating objects, then unique_ptr, then shared_ptr and only if absolutely necessary you should deal with raw pointers.

The reason for that is easy: Exception safety and memory leaks. An object cannot be leaked, you can't forget to delete a unique_ptr or a shared_ptr, but you can with a raw pointer. Additionally, the raw pointer won't ever get deleted in case of an exception. unique_ptr should be preffered to shared_ptr because shared_ptr has overhead (an atomic counter to make it thread safe).

Demo that everything compiles fine (without C++14 make_unique): Demo

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