How to Remove Element Not at Top from Priority_Queue

Deleting element in priority queue other than top element in C++

Is there any inbuilt function for deleting a given element (other than top element) in priority queue class of C++ STL?


If not how to delete it in O(log n)?

By using another container. std::set is the simplest compromise. A custom heap implementation may be more optimal.

priority_queue - delete not a top elements

Maybe implementing Priority-queue using LINK-LIST can be a good ideal. By that, you can search for the element and delete it as normal link list. Hope this can be helpful for you.

STL Priority Queue - deleting an item

I had the exact same scenario once and did the following:

  • the structure I kept in std::priority_queue contained only the time to sort by and an index to a std::vector<Handler> (in my case Handler was boost::function, but could as well be pointer to interface or function)
  • when adding a timer, I'd find a free index in the vector of handlers1 and store the handler at that index. Store the index and the time in the priority_queue. Return the index to the client as token to cancel
  • to cancel a timer, pass the index received when adding it. Clear the handler at that index (for boost::function call clear(), if using pointers, set it to zero)
  • when it's time to callback a timer, get its handler index from the priority queue and check the handlers vector - if the handler at that position is empty()/NULL, the timer has been canceled. Mark that handler index as free2.

1 To make finding a free index fast, I used a separate std::stack of indices. When adding a timer and that stack is empty, add at the end of vector; otherwise pop the top index and use it.

2 Here's the point when you push the index to the free indices stack

The whole thing is somewhat tricky and error-prone, especially if your timer callbacks need to add or cancel timers. Here's a link to my canceling timer class described above, this code is public domain

How to remove element from list with a corresponding priority queue?

So here is the why Arch's code was not quite working, and I figure it is probably better to just show it to the OP. The missing link was the equality operator ==() for removal from the std::list<>. Without that std::list<T>::remove() has no way to compare whether the object sent is the one being examined for removal.

#include <iostream>
#include <iterator>
#include <list>
#include <vector>
#include <queue>
#include <iomanip>
#include <ctime>
using namespace std;

// my rabbit (I don't have yours).
struct Rabbit
Rabbit(int weight=0, int size=0)
: weight(weight), size(size) {};

int weight;
int size;

// needed for std::list<>::remove()
bool operator ==(const Rabbit& other)
return weight == other.weight
&& size == other.size;

// write to output stream
std::ostream& operator <<(std::ostream& os, const Rabbit& rabbit)
os << '[' << setw(2) << rabbit.weight << ',' << setw(2) << rabbit.size << ']';
return os;

// functor for comparing two rabbits by address
struct CompareRabbitPtrs
bool operator ()(const Rabbit* left, const Rabbit* right)
return right->weight < left->weight ||
(right->weight == left->weight && right->size < left->size);

// some typedefs to make life a little easier. first the list
typedef std::list<Rabbit> RabbitList;

// now the priority_queue
typedef std::priority_queue<Rabbit*, std::vector<Rabbit*>, CompareRabbitPtrs> RabbitQueue;

int main()
// seed RNG

RabbitList rabbits;
RabbitQueue rq;

// load up your rabbits.
for (int i=1;i<12;++i)
rabbits.push_back(Rabbit(std::rand() % 10 + 3,std::rand() % 20 + 5));

// show rabbits
std::copy(rabbits.begin(), rabbits.end(),
cout << endl;

// remove top N rabbits, in this case 2
for (int i=0;i<2;++i)

// show rabbits again.
std::copy(rabbits.begin(), rabbits.end(),

return 0;

Sample Run Output

[ 6,17]
[ 8,11]
[ 7, 8]
[ 6,19]
[ 6,21]
[ 7,13]

[ 8,11]
[ 7, 8]
[ 6,21]
[ 7,13]

How to avoid deleting priority_queue::top() despite a pop()?

If you are willing to take the cost of increasing the use count then as far as I can tell both boost::shared_ptr and std::shared_ptr will do:

#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <memory>
#include <queue>
#include <boost/shared_ptr.hpp>

template< typename T >
struct deref_less
//typedef std::shared_ptr<T> P;
typedef boost::shared_ptr<T> P;
bool operator()( const P& lhs, const P& rhs ) { return *lhs < *rhs; }

int main()
//std::priority_queue< std::shared_ptr<int>, std::vector< std::shared_ptr<int> >, deref_less< int > > pq ;
std::priority_queue< boost::shared_ptr<int>, std::vector< boost::shared_ptr<int> >, deref_less< int > > pq ;

sp1( new int(10)),
sp2( new int(11)),
sp3( new int(3))

pq.push(sp1) ;
pq.push(sp2) ;
pq.push(sp3) ;

std::cout << * << std::endl ;

std::cout << sp2.use_count() <<std::endl ;

//std::shared_ptr<int> sp4( ) ;
boost::shared_ptr<int> sp4( ) ;

std::cout << sp2.use_count() <<std::endl ;

pq.pop() ;

std::cout << sp2.use_count() <<std::endl ;
std::cout << *sp4 << std::endl ;

Online std version here

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