How to Reassign the Reference in C++

Can we reassign the reference in C++?

ri = j; // >>> Is this not reassigning the reference? <<<

No, ri is still a reference to i - you can prove this by printing &ri and &i and seeing they're the same address.

What you did is modify i through the reference ri. Print i after, and you'll see this.

Also, for comparison, if you create a const int &cri = i; it won't let you assign to that.

C++ makes possible to reassign reference?

What ref = d2 actually did was assign the value of d2 to d1 - however, it's still d1 which is referred to by ref. Because d1 is still referred to, invoking ref.f still prints Derived1.

Suppose you add a data value v to your base class - set it to 1 in d1 and 2 in d2. Change your implementations of f to print v. You get something like:

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

class Base{
int v;

virtual void f(){
std::cout << "Base : v=" << v << "\n";

class Derived1 : public Base{
void f(){
std::cout << "Derived1 : v=" << v << "\n";


class Derived2 : public Base{
void f(){
std::cout << "Derived2 : v=" << v << "\n";

int main() {
Derived1 d1;
d1.v = 1;
Derived2 d2;
d2.v = 2;

Base& ref = d1;
ref = d2;

return 0;

When run this will print:

Derived1 : v=1
Derived1 : v=2

Hopefully this makes it a bit clearer.

Best of luck.

C++: Why I can change the assignment of reference on my computer?

then you can't change the object which the reference is bounded to.

I am confused by this statement

The statement tries to say, that the reference cannot be modified to refer to another object. The object that is referred can be modified.

When left hand operand of assignment is a reference, you are indirecting through the reference, and assigning the value of the referred object.

ref = b;

ref still refers to the object named by a. That object is modified by this assignment. After the assignment, the value of a is 4.

r = &i; // isn't this changing r to an new object?

r still refers to the object named by p. That object is modified by this assignment. After the assignment, p points to i.

How can I change the variable to which a C++ reference refers?

This is not possible, and that's by design. References cannot be rebound.

reassigning to const reference

// cnstIntRef = b; why does this not work? "expression must be modifiable lvalue"

For the same reason as why cnstIntRef++; doesn't work. cnstIntRef is reference to const, and therefore the the value may not be assigned to.

If this is in general not possible, why is that

It is indeed not possible.

References are different from pointers: They are dereferenced automatically. An assignment to a reference variable is an assignment to the referred object. Just as you understand that cnstIntRef++ is analogous to (*cnstIntPtr)++ , you must also understand that cnstIntRef = a is analogous to *cnstIntPtr = a.

As a consequence, there is no syntax to "reassign" a reference to refer to another object. A reference always refers to exactly one object throughout its entire lifetime.

what is the meaning of the second const in

const int& const cnstIntCnstRef?

It has no meaning because it is ill-formed. Unlike to pointers, qualifiers may not be applied to references; they may only be applied to the referred type.

then how do I deal with a std::vector<const int&>

You cannot deal with std::vector<const int&> because const int& is not a valid type for an element of std::vector. Vector requires the elements to be erasable. References are not erasable.

What I need to do is set the size of it, and later in the constructor body fill in the elements.

You can use a vector of pointers instead. Or vector of std::reference_wrapper if that's more convenient for template purposes.

push_back is out of the question since it messes up the references

push_back won't mess up references if you reserve first.

In C++ why is it when I reassign a reference variable to a different reference variable it creates a copy of that variable instead?

When you wrote:


The following things happen:

  1. Member function set_foo is called on the object conf.

  2. Moreover, the reference parameter named foo_ is bound the the argument named b. That is, b is passed by reference.

  3. Next, the statement foo = foo_; is encountered. This is an assigment statement and not an initialization. What this does is that it assigns the value referred to by the parameter foo_ to the object referred to by the data member foo(which is nothing but a here). You can confirm this by adding std::cout<<a; after the call to set_foo as shown below:

int b = 2;
std::cout<<a<<std::endl; //prints 2

This is because operations on a reference are actually operations on the object to which the reference is bound. This means that when we assign to a reference, we are assigning to the object to which the reference
is bound. When we fetch the value of a reference, we are really fetching the value of the object to which the reference is bound.

Once initialized, a reference remains bound to its initial object. There is no way to rebind a reference to refer to a different

Can references be reassigned?

No there is no reassignment for the references here. Just the value of y which is referenced by r2 is assigned to x which is referenced by r.

To handle this situation, think of the reference as an alias of the variable it references. when you put the reference anywhere you are putting the variable itself.

You can make sure of that by the following code

#include <iostream>

int main()
int x = 2;
int y = 3;
int& r = x;
int& r2 = y;
r = r2;
std::cout << std::boolalpha << (&x == &r) && (&y == &r2) && (&y != &r);// gives true


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