How to Read Directly from Physical Memory on Windows

Read physical memory under Windows 8

Since Windows Server 2003 SP1, user-mode access to physical memory has not been possible. You will have to develop a driver to do it (or find a third-party tool that includes one).

From Technet:

In Windows Server 2003 SP1, user-mode access to the \Device\PhysicalMemory object is not permitted. All forms of access (read, write) are refused when the \Device\PhysicalMemory object is accessed from a user-mode application. Access to the \Device\PhysicalMemory object is refused regardless of the user context (Administrators, Users, Local System, etc.) the application is running in.

Map physical memory address to a user space application in windows

Device drivers can map physical memory into the address space of a user-mode process using MmMapLockedPagesSpecifyCache and the related functions. To the best of my knowledge, there is no way to do this without a device driver.

Is possible to read virtual memory on Unix/Linux? And on Windows?

For Windows, if you need to read memory from a process, you'll need to request the PROCESS_VM_READ when you get your handle to the process (ReadProcessMemory is the appropriate call). In order to get that Handle, it's usually easier to start the process yourself with OpenProcess.

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