How to Properly Free the Memory Allocated by Placement New

How to properly free the memory allocated by placement new?

Using the new expression does two things, it calls the function operator new which allocates memory, and then it uses placement new, to create the object in that memory. The delete expression calls the object's destructor, and then calls operator delete. Yeah, the names are confusing.

//normal version                   calls these two functions
MyClass* pMemory = new MyClass; void* pMemory = operator new(sizeof(MyClass));
MyClass* pMyClass = new( pMemory ) MyClass();
//normal version calls these two functions
delete pMemory; pMyClass->~MyClass();
operator delete(pMemory);

Since in your case, you used placement new manually, you also need to call the destructor manually. Since you allocated the memory manually, you need to release it manually.

However, placement new is designed to work with internal buffers as well (and other scenarios), where the buffers were not allocated with operator new, which is why you shouldn't call operator delete on them.

#include <type_traits>

struct buffer_struct {
std::aligned_storage_t<sizeof(MyClass), alignof(MyClass)> buffer;
int main() {
buffer_struct a;
MyClass* pMyClass = new (&a.buffer) MyClass(); //created inside buffer_struct a
pMyClass->~MyClass(); //can't use delete, because there's no `new`.
return 0;

The purpose of the buffer_struct class is to create and destroy the storage in whatever way, while main takes care of the construction/destruction of MyClass, note how the two are (almost*) completely separate from each other.

*we have to be sure the storage has to be big enough

how do you delete an object allocated with placement new

In the first case, there's no point in using placement new, since int doesn't have a constructor.

In the second case, it's either pointless (if myClass is trivial) or wrong, since there are already objects in the array.

You use placement new to initialise an object in a block of memory, which must be suitably aligned, and mustn't already contain a (non-trivial) object.

char memory[enough_bytes];  // WARNING: may not be properly aligned.
myClass * c = new (memory) myClass;

Once you've finished with it, you need to destroy the object by calling its destructor:


This separates the object's lifetime from that of its memory. You might also have to release the memory at some point, depending on how you allocated it; in this case, it's an automatic array, so it's automatically released when it goes out of scope.

What uses are there for placement new?

Placement new allows you to construct an object in memory that's already allocated.

You may want to do this for optimization when you need to construct multiple instances of an object, and it is faster not to re-allocate memory each time you need a new instance. Instead, it might be more efficient to perform a single allocation for a chunk of memory that can hold multiple objects, even though you don't want to use all of it at once.

DevX gives a good example:

Standard C++ also supports placement
new operator, which constructs an
object on a pre-allocated buffer. This
is useful when building a memory pool,
a garbage collector or simply when
performance and exception safety are
paramount (there's no danger of
allocation failure since the memory
has already been allocated, and
constructing an object on a
pre-allocated buffer takes less time):

char *buf  = new char[sizeof(string)]; // pre-allocated buffer
string *p = new (buf) string("hi"); // placement new
string *q = new string("hi"); // ordinary heap allocation

You may also want to be sure there can be no allocation failure at a certain part of critical code (for instance, in code executed by a pacemaker). In that case you would want to allocate memory earlier, then use placement new within the critical section.

Deallocation in placement new

You should not deallocate every object that is using the memory buffer. Instead you should delete[] only the original buffer. You would have to then call the destructors of your classes manually. For a good suggestion on this, please see Stroustrup's FAQ on: Is there a "placement delete"?

Properly allocate an array with placement new

For objects construction (placement new), you can either iterate byte/char-wise:

for (int i = 0; i < nbytes; i += step) new (memory + i) WE();

or element-wise:

for (int i = 0; i < elements; i++) new (pB + i) WE();

In the remaining loops, where you access the elements, you need to use the second option.

As for alignment, dynamic memory allocation returns a memory chunk aligned at alignof(std::max_align_t) (C++11). The exemplary value is 16 (GCC/x86_64), which is what you want, but this value is of course not guaranteed by the Standard.

If I am not wrong, before C++17 operator new cannot allocate memory for over-aligned objects directly and std::aligned_storage does not help here. From C++17, there are special versions of operator new that accept alignment information, see:

Handling memory using placement new

Placement new is also very useful for writing exception-safe code and reducing the requirements on a type because you can separate memory allocation from object construction.

For example,

new T[size]

allocates memory and default constructs size objects of type T.

operator new(sizeof(T) * size)

Operator new, however, only allocates memory and does not require default construction of type T. You can then use placement new to construct objects in that allocated memory. This is useful because there are many classes that don't offer default construction, which you could not use in the first example.

Be aware that when using placement new you should explicitly call the destructor for any objects you wish to destroy instead of calling delete. Also, if you used operator new to allocate the memory you should use operator delete to free it. E.G.

auto pBlock = operator new(sizeof(T)); // allocate memory for T   
new (pBlock) T(value); // construct T in place
auto pT = static_cast<T*>(pBlock); // convert the pointer to something useful
pT->~T(); // destruct T
operator delete(pBlock); // free memory

How to delete object constructed via placement new operator?

...instantiated via basic types as well (say int) so such code

t->~T(); is incorrect

Wrong. That code is legal and correct in template code even if T can be a primitive type.

C++ standard: 5.4.2

5.2.4 Pseudo destructor call [expr.pseudo]

  1. The use of a
    pseudo-destructor-name after a dot . or arrow -> operator represents
    the destructor for the non-class type named by type-name. The result
    shall only be used as the operand for the function call operator (),
    and the result of such a call has type void. The only effect is the
    evaluation of the postfix expression before the dot or arrow.
  2. The left hand side of the dot operator shall be of scalar type. The left
    hand side of the arrow operator shall be of pointer to scalar type.
    This scalar type is the object type. The type designated by the
    pseudo destructor- name shall be the same as the object type.
    Furthermore, the two type-names in a pseudodestructor- name of the
    form ::opt nested-name-specifieropt type-name :: ˜ type-name shall
    designate the same scalar type. The cv-unqualified versions of the
    object type and of the type designated by the pseudo-destructor-name
    shall be the same type.

How C++ placement new works?

It's really, really simple: new can be thought of as doing two things:

  1. Allocating the memory.
  2. Placement-constructing the object in the allocated memory.

There's no guarantee that malloc is actually used by the implementation, but typically it is. You cannot assume it about the implementation, but for the purpose of understanding it's an OK assumption.

Thus, the following are thought of as being equivalent:

auto obj1 = new std::string("1");
// ↑ can be thought of as equivalent to ↓
auto obj2 = (std::string*)malloc(sizeof(std::string));
new(obj2) std::string("2");

Same goes for delete:

delete obj1;
// ↑ can be thought of as equivalent to ↓

You can then easily reason about it all when you see new and delete for what they really are: an allocation followed by constructor call, and a destructor call followed by deallocation.

When you use placement new, you've decided to take care of the first step separately. The memory has to be still allocated somehow, you just get to have full control over how it happens and where does the memory come from.

You thus must keep track of two things, separately:

  1. The lifetime of the memory.

  2. The lifetime of the object.

The code below demonstrates how these are independent of each other:

#include <cstdlib>
#include <string>
#include <new>

using std::string;

int main() {
auto obj = (string*)malloc(sizeof(string)); // memory is allocated
new(obj) string("1"); // string("1") is constructed
obj->~string (); // string("1") is destructed
new(obj) string("2"); // string("2") is constructed
obj->~string (); // string("2") is destructed
free(obj); // memory is deallocated

Your program has UB if the lifetime of the object extends past the lifetime of memory. Make sure that the memory always outlives the life of the object. For example, this has UB:

void ub() {
alignas(string) char buf[sizeof(string)]; // memory is allocated
new(buf) string("1"); // string("1") is constructed
} // memory is deallocated but string("1") outlives the memory!

But this is OK:

void ub() {
alignas(string) char buf[sizeof(string)]; // memory is allocated
new(buf) string("1"); // string("1") is constructed
buf->~string(); // string("1") is destructed
} // memory is deallocated

Note how you need to properly align the automatic buffer using alignas. The lack of alignas for an arbitrary type results in UB. It might appear to work, but that's only to mislead you.

There are some specific types where not calling the destructor and not aligning the memory properly does not lead to UB, but you should never assume such things about a type. Call your destructors and do the alignment, it won't cost you anything if it turns out to be unnecessary - no extra code would be generated for such a type.

struct S {
char str[10];

Getting issue with placement new and delete operator

  1. Placement delete is called to free memory when a constructor called from placement new fails. You are not supposed to call any destructors from any version of operator delete, because operator delete frees memory that is left after an object that used to reside there is destroyed (or was never constructed to begin with).
  2. The only way to explicitly call a placement operator delete is to spell out two words operator delete, thus making a function-call-expression. You cannot invoke it from a delete-expression (there is no placement-delete-expression syntax). In your case, you would need to use a qualified name: Object::operator delete. Note that if you remove the explicit destructor call from Object::operator delete, as you should because of the above, the destructor will not be called. There is no way to both invoke the destructor and free the memory in a single call to a placement delete. The easiest way to handle this is to create and use a non-static member function, say void Object::destroy(Mem*).

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