How to Install C++ Plugin to Eclipse

Eclipse Java EE to install C++ module

Use Help > Install New software to open the Install dialog. There, you'll need to select the right update site from the drop-down list at the top. Depending on which version of Eclipse you have, it will most likely be Indigo or Helios.

After selecting the update site, the list below will populate with available features to install (be patient, it might take a minute). Look for the "Programming Languages" group in that list, expand it, and check the box next to "C/C++ Development Tools." If desired, you can also select the "incubation" features for C/C++ or CDT.

Click the Next button and follow the prompts to download and install CDT.

Eclipse: C/C++ Plugin Download Link? May be you need to download C/C++ IDE.

How to install C Compiler to Eclipse?

Some things to check:

1.) MinGW tools are installed as well. Make sure you have the C compiler and the Make program

2.) Check your Environment variables. Make sure both the compiler and Make are on the path.

3.) Eclipse is a temperamental beast at times, don't lose heart :-)

4.) If you're looking for a good IDE (without care for ideological concerns), might be worth looking at Bloodshed C++ IDE and Visual C++ 2010 express (or whatever they call their free version).

5.) Check the options menu in Eclipse to make sure it's looking at the correct environment variables for finding the Path.

How do I add Eclipse C++ to Eclipse classic?

You need the Eclipse CDT project plugin.

Having said that, unless you need platform independence, don't give up on Visual Studio. For C/C++ Visual Studio is way, way, way better and faster than Eclipse. (IMHO).

No Convert to C/C++ Project in eclipse plugin though CDT is installed

The problem was most probably because of an erronous CDT installation. I deleted my workspace and the runtime configuration folder entirely, started everything new and installed CDT inside the running plugin again. After that the menu option "Convert to C/C++ Project" was there.

Visual Studio toolchain in Eclipse for C++

Well, I think you should install either windows SDK 7, 8 or Visual C++ 2015 Build Tools.

I tested windows SDK 7 with eclipse neon.
You can find a quick installation guide here.

but I don't know what will happen with Visual C++ 2015 Build Tools.
This tools is introduced in my blog - even written in korean but with full of images.

Then, you can find my another answer.

Finally, you have two check points comparing with what you have done.

The one is

Sample Image

Anther one is

Sample Image

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