How to Initialize Std::Vector Over Already Allocated Memory

Is it possible to initialize std::vector over already allocated memory?

Like this.. Containers in the standard usually take an allocator. Using c++11's allocator traits, it is very easy to create an allocator as you don't have to have all the members in the allocator. However if using an older version of C++, you will need to implement each member and do the rebinding as well!

For Pre-C++11, you can use the following:

#include <iterator>
#include <vector>
#include <iostream>

template<typename T>
class PreAllocator
T* memory_ptr;
std::size_t memory_size;

typedef std::size_t size_type;
typedef ptrdiff_t difference_type;
typedef T* pointer;
typedef const T* const_pointer;
typedef T& reference;
typedef const T& const_reference;
typedef T value_type;

PreAllocator(T* memory_ptr, std::size_t memory_size) throw() : memory_ptr(memory_ptr), memory_size(memory_size) {};
PreAllocator (const PreAllocator& other) throw() : memory_ptr(other.memory_ptr), memory_size(other.memory_size) {};

template<typename U>
PreAllocator (const PreAllocator<U>& other) throw() : memory_ptr(other.memory_ptr), memory_size(other.memory_size) {};

template<typename U>
PreAllocator& operator = (const PreAllocator<U>& other) {return *this;}
PreAllocator<T>& operator = (const PreAllocator& other) {return *this;}
~PreAllocator() {}

pointer address (reference value) const {return &value;}
const_pointer address (const_reference value) const {return &value;}

pointer allocate (size_type n, const void* hint = 0) {return memory_ptr;}
void deallocate (T* ptr, size_type n) {}

void construct (pointer ptr, const T& val) {new (ptr) T (val);}

template<typename U>
void destroy (U* ptr) {ptr->~U();}
void destroy (pointer ptr) {ptr->~T();}

size_type max_size() const {return memory_size;}

template<typename U>
struct rebind
typedef PreAllocator<U> other;

int main()
int my_arr[100] = {0};
std::vector<int, PreAllocator<int> > my_vec(PreAllocator<int>(&my_arr[0], 100));
std::cout<<"My_Vec[0]: "<<my_vec[0]<<"\n";
std::cout<<"My_Arr[0]: "<<my_arr[0]<<"\n";

int* my_heap_ptr = new int[100]();
std::vector<int, PreAllocator<int> > my_heap_vec(PreAllocator<int>(&my_heap_ptr[0], 100));
std::cout<<"My_Heap_Vec[0]: "<<my_heap_vec[0]<<"\n";
std::cout<<"My_Heap_Ptr[0]: "<<my_heap_ptr[0]<<"\n";

delete[] my_heap_ptr;
my_heap_ptr = NULL;

For C++11, you can use the following:

#include <cstdint>
#include <iterator>
#include <vector>
#include <iostream>

template <typename T>
class PreAllocator
T* memory_ptr;
std::size_t memory_size;

typedef std::size_t size_type;
typedef T* pointer;
typedef T value_type;

PreAllocator(T* memory_ptr, std::size_t memory_size) : memory_ptr(memory_ptr), memory_size(memory_size) {}

PreAllocator(const PreAllocator& other) throw() : memory_ptr(other.memory_ptr), memory_size(other.memory_size) {};

template<typename U>
PreAllocator(const PreAllocator<U>& other) throw() : memory_ptr(other.memory_ptr), memory_size(other.memory_size) {};

template<typename U>
PreAllocator& operator = (const PreAllocator<U>& other) { return *this; }
PreAllocator<T>& operator = (const PreAllocator& other) { return *this; }
~PreAllocator() {}

pointer allocate(size_type n, const void* hint = 0) {return memory_ptr;}
void deallocate(T* ptr, size_type n) {}

size_type max_size() const {return memory_size;}

int main()
int my_arr[100] = {0};
std::vector<int, PreAllocator<int>> my_vec(0, PreAllocator<int>(&my_arr[0], 100));
std::cout<<"My_Vec[0]: "<<my_vec[0]<<"\n";
std::cout<<"My_Arr[0]: "<<my_arr[0]<<"\n";

int* my_heap_ptr = new int[100]();
std::vector<int, PreAllocator<int>> my_heap_vec(0, PreAllocator<int>(&my_heap_ptr[0], 100));
std::cout<<"My_Heap_Vec[0]: "<<my_heap_vec[0]<<"\n";
std::cout<<"My_Heap_Ptr[0]: "<<my_heap_ptr[0]<<"\n";

delete[] my_heap_ptr;
my_heap_ptr = nullptr;

Notice the difference between the two allocators! This will work with both heap buffers/arrays and stack buffer/arrays. It will also work with most containers. It is safer to use the Pre-C++11 version because it will be backwards compatible and work with more containers (ie: std::List).

You can just place the allocator in a header and use it as much as you want in any projects. It is good if you want to use SharedMemory or any buffer that is already allocated.

DO NOT use the same buffer for multiple containers at the same time! A buffer can be reused but just make sure no two containers use it at the same time.


int my_arr[100] = {0};
std::vector<int, PreAllocator<int> > my_vec(PreAllocator<int>(&my_arr[0], 100));
std::vector<int, PreAllocator<int> > my_vec2(PreAllocator<int>(&my_arr[0], 100));


std::cout<<"My_Vec[0]: "<<my_vec[0]<<"\n";
std::cout<<"My_Arr[0]: "<<my_arr[0]<<"\n";

The output of the above is 2048! Why? Because the last vector overwrote the values of the first vector since they share the same buffer.

Making a C++ vector that points to already allocated memory

It is not possible to allocate memory to a vector while keeping the previous content of the memory.

A working approach:

  • Don't use malloc at all.
  • Create a vector with default allocator, with necessary size.
  • Load the binary file directly into the vector.

In a hypothetical case where you cannot touch the allocation part because it is somewhere deep in the library: Just don't use a vector. You already have a dynamic array. Iterator based algorithms work just fine with pointers. For range based algorithms, you need something like std::span (C++20) or similar.

But using vector for the allocation would be safer and thus better.

If your files are up to 10 GB, then I would suggest trying out memory mapping the file instead. Mapped memory also cannot be used as storage of a vector, so the approach of not using a vector should be taken. Unfortunately though, there is no standard way to memory map files.

memset of allocated memory after std::vector::reserve

  1. is it safe to 0-initialize the memory using memset after reserve?

Maybe it works, but you'd better not. Accessing a nonexistent element through [] is UB.

  1. is it guaranteed that I still have 0-initialized memory in the example of ChunkT being struct {size_t keys[512]; size_t values[512];}; after fetching my chunk with ChunkT* newChunk &myChunks.emplace_back()?

Yes. In your situation, what emplace_back() do is construct a Chunk via placement-new, and POD-classes will be zero-initialized.
ref: POD class initialized with placement new default initialized?

So, you don't have to worry about memset the allocated memory to zero. Please correct me if I am wrong.

Is it possible to initialize new std::vector in one line?

I just wonder if is possible to new and initialize a std::vector at
the same time, something like, do the two things in one line?

Yes, you can, via std::initializer_list constructor10 of std::vector

constexpr vector( std::initializer_list<T> init,
const Allocator& alloc = Allocator() ); (since C++20)

With you can write

std::vector<int>* vec = new std::vector<int>{3, 4};

Because I need a vector that create on heap!

The terms we use in C++ are automatic and dynamic storage. In most of the cases, you do not require the std::vector<int> to be allocated dynamically, rather the elements to be there. For this, you need simply a vector of integers.

std::vector<int> vec {3, 4};

However, if you're meant for a multidimensional vector, then I will suggest having a vector of vector of inters:

std::vector<std::vector<int>> vec{ {3, 4} };

When the inner vector has the same number of length, keep a single std::vector and manipulate the indexes for acting as a two-dimensional array.

In both cases, the std::vector in the background does the memory management for you.

Is it possible? std::vector double my_vec(sz); which is allocated but not initialized or filled

HOORAY! Richard Critten to the rescue! His comment under the question leads directly to the answer.

The zero-spewing culprit is the default allocator template, namely std::allocator. So we replace it, or modify it with an allocator adapter.

I tidied up the code a little, and expanded the comments. Bill, please feel free to post a more comprehensive answer. But the following does the trick very nicely.

// Allocator adapter
// Given an allocator A, (std::allocator by default), this adapter
// will, when feasible, override A::construct() with a version that
// employs default construction rather than value-initialization.
// "Feasible" means the object (U *ptr) is default-constructable and
// the default constructor cannot throw exceptions.
// Thus it thwarts gratuitous initializations to zeros or whatever.

template <typename T, typename A = std::allocator<T>>
class default_init_allocator : public A {
typedef std::allocator_traits<A> a_t;
using A::A; // Inherit constructors from A

template <typename U> struct rebind {
using other =
< U, typename a_t::template rebind_alloc<U> >;

template <typename U>
void construct(U* ptr)
noexcept(std::is_nothrow_default_constructible<U>::value) {
::new(static_cast<void*>(ptr)) U;

template <typename U, typename...Args>
void construct(U* ptr, Args&&... args) {
ptr, std::forward<Args>(args)...);

Initialize std::vector with given array without std::allocator


This answer is magic, dependent on the implementation of the compiler.

We can forcibly access the container of a vector.

Take g++ as an example. It uses three protected pointers, _M_start, _M_finish, and _M_end_of_storage to handle storage. So we can create a derived class that sets/resets the pointers to the return of vaule bar() in the constructor and destructor.

Example code for g++:

static_assert(__GNUC__ == 7 && __GNUC_MINOR__ == 5 && __GNUC_PATCHLEVEL__ == 0);

class Dmy: public std::vector<int>
Dmy(int *b, int *e)
_M_impl._M_start = b;
_M_impl._M_finish = e;
_M_impl._M_end_of_storage = _M_impl._M_finish;

_M_impl._M_start = 0;
_M_impl._M_finish = 0;
_M_impl._M_end_of_storage = 0;

foo(Dmy(data, end_of_data));

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