How to Get List of Files with a Specific Extension in a Given Folder

How to get list of files with a specific extension in a given folder?

#include <boost/filesystem.hpp>

namespace fs = boost::filesystem;

* \brief Return the filenames of all files that have the specified extension
* in the specified directory and all subdirectories.
std::vector<fs::path> get_all(fs::path const & root, std::string const & ext)
std::vector<fs::path> paths;

if (fs::exists(root) && fs::is_directory(root))
for (auto const & entry : fs::recursive_directory_iterator(root))
if (fs::is_regular_file(entry) && entry.path().extension() == ext)

return paths;

Find all files in a directory with extension .txt in Python

You can use glob:

import glob, os
for file in glob.glob("*.txt"):

or simply os.listdir:

import os
for file in os.listdir("/mydir"):
if file.endswith(".txt"):
print(os.path.join("/mydir", file))

or if you want to traverse directory, use os.walk:

import os
for root, dirs, files in os.walk("/mydir"):
for file in files:
if file.endswith(".txt"):
print(os.path.join(root, file))

Find a file with a certain extension in folder

Look at the System.IO.Directory class and the static method GetFiles. It has an overload that accepts a path and a search pattern. Example:

 string[] files = System.IO.Directory.GetFiles(path, "*.txt");

List all files in a directory with a certain extension

I suggest you to firstly search the files and then perform the ls -l (or whatever else). For example like this:

find . -name "*php" -type f -exec ls -l {} \;

and then you can pipe the awk expression to make the addition.

List files with certain extensions with ls and grep

Why not:

ls *.{mp3,exe,mp4}

I'm not sure where I learned it - but I've been using this.

How to retrieve recursively any files with a specific extensions in PowerShell?

If sorting by Length is not a necessity, you can use the -Name parameter to have Get-ChildItem return just the name, then use [System.IO.Path]::GetFileNameWithoutExtension() to remove the path and extension:

Get-ChildItem -Path .\ -Filter *.js -Recurse -File -Name| ForEach-Object {

If sorting by length is desired, drop the -Name parameter and output the BaseName property of each FileInfo object. You can pipe the output (in both examples) to clip, to copy it into the clipboard:

Get-ChildItem -Path .\ -Filter *.js -Recurse -File| Sort-Object Length -Descending | ForEach-Object {
} | clip

If you want the full path, but without the extension, substitute $_.BaseName with:

$_.FullName.Remove($_.FullName.Length - $_.Extension.Length)

Get all files with a specific extension

Just add an if statement:

@echo off
for %%f in (*.ext) do (
if "%%~xf"==".ext" echo %%f

Get only file with given extension in directory

I would recommend using Get-ChildItem's -include parameter:

Get-ChildItem $dir -include *.xyz

How can i get all files on disk with a specific extension using 'Directory.getFiles' and save them in a list

There are two things you can do to improve that code:

  1. Use Directory.EnumerateFiles() and Directory.EnumerateDirectories() to avoid making a copy of the names of all the files in each directory.
  2. Make the return type of the method IEnumerable<string> to make it easier to consume.

We also need to be very careful about exceptions caused by attempting to access protected files and directories. The code below is also complicated by the fact that you're not allowed to yield return from inside a try/catch block, so we have to rearrange the code somewhat.

(Also note that we have to dispose the enumerator returned from .GetEnumerator(); normally this is done automatically when you use foreach, but in this case we can't - because of having to avoid doing yield return in a try/catch - so we have to use using to dispose it.)

Here's a modification of your original code to do this:

public static IEnumerable<string> GetFiles(string root, string spec)
var pending = new Stack<string>(new []{root});

while (pending.Count > 0)
var path = pending.Pop();
IEnumerator<string> fileIterator = null;

fileIterator = Directory.EnumerateFiles(path, spec).GetEnumerator();

catch {}

if (fileIterator != null)
using (fileIterator)
while (true)
if (!fileIterator.MoveNext()) // Throws if file is not accessible.

catch { break; }

yield return fileIterator.Current;

IEnumerator<string> dirIterator = null;

dirIterator = Directory.EnumerateDirectories(path).GetEnumerator();

catch {}

if (dirIterator != null)
using (dirIterator)
while (true)
if (!dirIterator.MoveNext()) // Throws if directory is not accessible.

catch { break; }


As an example, here's how you could use a console app to list all the accessible ".txt" files on the "C:\" drive:

static void Main()
foreach (var file in GetFiles("C:\\", "*.txt"))

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