How to Enable C++17 in Cmake

How to enable C++17 in CMake

Your approach is the correct one, but it will not work for MSVC on versions of CMake prior to 3.10.

From the CMake 3.9 documentation:

For compilers that have no notion of a standard level, such as MSVC, this has no effect.

In short, CMake haven't been updated to accommodate for the standard flags added to VC++ 2017.

You have to detect if VC++ 2017 (or later) is used and add the corresponding flags yourself for now.

In CMake 3.10 (and later) this have been fixed for newer version of VC++. See the 3.10 documentation.

How to get CMake to pass either std=c++14/c++1y or c++17/c++1z based on GCC version?

When wanting to specify a particular C++ version, the recommended way to do this with CMake 3.1 and later is to use the CXX_STANDARD, CXX_STANDARD_REQUIRED and CXX_EXTENSIONS target properties, or their variable equivalents to specify target defaults. Full details can be found here, but the short version goes something like this:

cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.1)

# ... Define targets, etc. as usual

CMake should then select the appropriate compiler flag for the requested C++ standard based on what the compiler supports, or error out if it doesn't support the requested standard.

It should also be noted that CMake may upgrade the target to use a later language standard than the one specified by its CXX_STANDARD target property. The use of compile feature requirements (as mentioned in @FlorianWolters answer) can raise the language standard requirement. In fact, CMake will always pick the stronger language requirement specified by either the CXX_STANDARD target property or the compile feature requirements set on the target. Note also that earlier versions of the CMake documentation did not accurately reflect the way CXX_EXTENSIONS interacts with compile features. With CMake 3.21 or earlier, CXX_EXTENSIONS would only take effect if CXX_STANDARD was also specified, for most common compilers (since they are specified together with the one compiler flag). From CMake 3.22 onward, CXX_EXTENSIONS is honoured whether CXX_STANDARD is set or not.

How to enable /std:c++17 in VS2017 with CMake

Turning my comment into an answer

  1. The CMake team is working on it for VS2017 (as for July 2017, for upcoming CMake version 3.10):

    CMake: MSVC standard version switches

    Those flags seem to be rather new switches (as related to the date of this question):

    VS 2017 15.3 preview now supports /std:c++17

    So for Visual Studio you have to "manually" replace or append the compiler switches until CMake officially does support it.

    Here is a code snippet that I've tested for std:c++latest (which is already supported e.g. in my CMake 3.8.0 version):

    CHECK_CXX_COMPILER_FLAG("/std:c++latest" _cpp_latest_flag_supported)
    if (_cpp_latest_flag_supported)
  2. For CLang and GNU the support was merged into the main source code branch begin of 2017 and is part of CMake version 3.8 and above:

    CMake: Features: Add support for C++ 17 language standard

Enabling support for C++17 in CMake for Visual Studio

CMake versions higher than 3.10 support MSVC C++ standard switches, but on earlier versions they have no effect.

The only portable approach, to ensuring your program is compiled with the correct C++ standard mode on Visual Studio, is to require at least CMake 3.10, set the target property CXX_STANDARD to your desired value and CXX_STANDARD_REQUIRED to ON.

Example usage:

set_property(TARGET my_target PROPERTY CXX_STANDARD 17)

Note: Currently CXX_STANDARD documentation for CMake 3.10 incorrectly states that it has no effect on MSVC. There's an issue tracking this here.

How to enable `/std:c++latest` in cmake?

Until CMake 3.20.3, if you ask for C++20, using set(CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD 20), you'll get -std:c++latest. Proof:


(from Modules/Compiler/MSVC-CXX.cmake in the cmake sources)

UPDATE: Since CMake 3.20.4, set(CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD 20) gets you -std:c++20, so you need set(CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD 23) to get -std:c++latest -- assuming that your MSVC compiler version is 16.11 Preview 1 or later (see cmake commit 3aaf1d91bf353).

QtCreator Cmake C++17 Features

If you're compiling Cmake projects in Qt creator, just be sure there is a line like this in your CMakeLists.txt:


To use gcc-7.2.0, be sure it is listed in the Compilers tab of the Build & Run section in Tools/Option. Then, in Kits tab, select the kit you configured your project with, and select gcc-7.2.0 as the the kit's compiler.

If you're using qmake, instead, add this line to your pro file:

QMAKE_CXXFLAGS += -std=c++17

CMake cannot set CUDA standard c++17

As is turns out, CMake was not using the correct nvcc binary.

In my case, I've had two versions of nvcc on the system:

  • nvcc v10.1.243 in /usr/bin and
  • nvcc v11.2.152 in /usr/local/cuda-11.2/bin

In my CMake configuration,

  • CUDA_NVCC_EXECUTABLE was set to /usr/local/cuda-11.2/bin, but
  • CMAKE_CUDA_COMPILER was set to the older version in /usr/bin.

After setting CMAKE_CUDA_COMPILER to the correct path, CMake was able to detect nvcc 11.2.152 and could apply the C++17 standard.

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