How to Convert a String Literal to Unsigned Char Array in Visual C++

How to convert a string literal to unsigned char array in visual c++

Firstly, the array has to be at least big enough to hold the string:

 unsigned char m_Test[20];

then you use strcpy. You need to cast the first parameter to avoid a warning:

 strcpy( (char*) m_Test, "Hello World" );

Or if you want to be a C++ purist:

 strcpy( static_cast <char*>( m_Test ), "Hello World" );

If you want to initialise the string rather than assign it, you could also say:

 unsigned char m_Test[20] = "Hello World";

Cast a string to unsigned char in c++

Your first code doesn't work because there is no standard conversion operator defined for converting a std::string to a unsigned char. You need to actually parse the std::string into a numeric value.

Your second code doesn't work because your std::stringstream is not in std::hex mode when reading decimal from the stream, but even if it were, operator>> treats an unsigned char as a text character, not as an integer (same with operator<< for output). So you need to use an actual integer type, such as short or int, which can hold the full value of the parsed numeric, eg:

string hex_str = "0x3d"; 
unsigned short temp;
stringstream my_ss;
my_ss << hex_str;
my_ss >> hex >> temp;
unsigned char decimal = temp;

That being said, I would suggest using std::istringstream instead, eg:

#include <string>
#include <sstream>
#include <iomanip>

std::string a = "0x08";
unsigned short temp;
std::istringstream(a) >> std::hex >> temp;
BYTE Sample2 = static_cast<BYTE>(temp);


#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <sstream>
#include <iomanip>

int main()
std::string hex_str = "0x3d";
unsigned short temp;
std::istringstream(hex_str) >> std::hex >> temp;
unsigned char decimal = static_cast<unsigned char>(temp);
std::cout << "The value is: " << static_cast<int>(decimal);
return 0;


Or, in C++11 and later, you can use std::stoi() instead, eg:

#include <string>

std::string a = "0x08";
BYTE Sample2 = static_cast<BYTE>(std::stoi(a, nullptr, 16));


#include <iostream>
#include <string>

int main()
std::string hex_str = "0x3d";
unsigned char decimal = static_cast<unsigned char>(std::stoi(hex_str, nullptr, 16));
std::cout << "The value is: " << static_cast<int>(decimal);
return 0;


How to convert unsigned char* to an unsigned char array in C/C++?

you do need to convert anything. if you want to copy from one

void Example(const void *bytes, size_t len)
unsigned char buffer[2048];
memcpy(buffer, bytes, len);
/* ...*/

example usage

int foo(void)
char str[] = "Hello world";
Example(str, sizeof(str));

How to assign string to unsigned char[] in c++

Your sample code has either one or several problems with it if you are attempting to print out true. How many depends on how you're trying to do that. My first two points apply if you are comparing text to other text. If you're trying to convert text to a number and compare numbers, ignore them.

unsigned char a[10]={0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9}; // 1
string b="5";
if(a[5]==(unsigned char)atoi(b.c_str())){ // 2
count<<true<<endl; // 3

1) While this will produce an array of unsigned characters, they won't be text values. The values in that array are the first 10 ASCII characters rather than the characters that produce '0' through '9' when printed. Those characters can be placed in your array with the code:

    unsigned char a[10]={'0','1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9'}; 

Again, this is only provided you're trying to compare text data. If you're trying to convert to a number and compare the entries in this array with that number, you'll want your original array.

2) You are correct that a[5] will access the sixth element of a. If you are comparing text values and not numeric values, you need only to access the first element of your string for comparison. This is provided you know the string is at least 1 element in size. Since you defined it just above this code, that's fine, but in cases of user input, you'll need to check. The proper syntax for this comparison, again as deviantfan stated, is a[5] == b[0], because the [] operator on strings will return a char.

Once again, the above applies to your answer only if you're comparing text values. If you're comparing numeric values, your original code is correct.

3) You haven't placed quotation marks around the true. While this will compile, and even print something--it won't be true unless a few conditions are met that you're unlikely to encounter this early in your coding career. What you likely meant to put is "true", which will make the output print true. Also, you want cout, not count.

Here is a link to an example which compares the string and the (modified) character array, as text data. If you're comparing numeric data, the only thing wrong with your code is 3).

Incompatibility between char* and unsigned char*?

C++ is being strict in checking the types where std::strcpy expects a char* and your variable var is an unsigned char*.

Fortunately, in this case, it is perfectly safe to cast the pointer to a char* like this:

std::strcpy(reinterpret_cast<char*>(var), "string");

That is because, according to the standard, char, unsigned char and signed char can each alias one another.

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