How Similar Are Boost.Filesystem and the C++ Standard Filesystem Library

How similar are Boost.Filesystem and the C++ standard filesystem library?

There are a number of differences. Some were, I believe, Boost changes that were never propagated. For example, there is no path.filename_is_dot() query (as discussed below, it would be less useful in std::filesystem anyway).

There was also a good bit of late-breaking news on this front:

  1. Support for non-POSIX-like filesystems:

    • Specify whether a string is OS-native or POSIX-like (or let the implementation decide, which is (still) the default)
    • An implementation may define additional file types (beyond regular, directory, socket, etc.)
    • An implementation may define file_size for a directory or device file
  2. filename(), normalization, and relative/absolute conversions redefined (examples for POSIX):

    • path("foo/.").lexically_normal()=="foo/" (is the opposite in Boost)
    • path("foo/").filename()=="" (is path(".") in Boost)
    • remove_filename() leaves the trailing slash and is thus idempotent (it assigns parent_path() in Boost)
    • path(".profile").extension()=="" (is the whole name in Boost)
    • path decompositions and combinations can preserve things like alternate data stream names that are normally invisible
    • path("foo")/"/bar"=="/bar" (is path("foo/bar") in Boost), which allows composing relative file names with others (absolute or relative) and replaces Boost's absolute()
    • Boost's system_complete() (which takes only one argument) is renamed to absolute()
    • canonical() thus takes only one argument (fixed in a DR)
    • lexically_relative() handles .. and root elements correctly
    • permissions() takes more arguments (Boost combines them into a bitmask)

Note that Boost.Filesystem v4 is under development and is supposed to be C++17-compatible (but therefore incompatible in many respects with v3).

Differences between c++14 std::experimental::filesystem::v1 and c++17 std::filesystem?

The major papers making changes to the filesystem library are

  • P0219R1, adding relative paths support
  • P0317R1, adding caching to directory_entry
  • P0492R2, a lengthy list of fixes and changes in response to national body comments
  • P0430R2, support for certain non-POSIX systems

There are also some relatively minor fixes and changes that can be found in the LWG issue list. Look for issues with "C++17" status. Note that some of these changes are then superseded by the papers listed above.

For existing Filesystem TS code, I expect that P0492R2 is the one that matters the most, since the remaining papers are mostly feature additions rather than changes. P0492R2 includes both technical clarifications and significant semantic changes. Some in the latter category that immediately come to mind are:

  • path(".profile").stem() is now ".profile"
  • operator/ on path had its semantics changed significantly if the rhs is an absolute path or has a root-name. path("/foo") / "/bar" is now "/bar" rather than "/foo/bar"; path("C:\\x") / "D:y" on Windows is now "D:y".
  • The old absolute is gone. system_complete has been renamed absolute.
  • permissions's signature got a minor change.

What is the best way of determining that two file paths are referring to the same file object?

You could check out the Boost.Filesystem library. Specifically, there is a method equivalent that seems to do exactly what you are looking for:

using namespace boost::filesystem;

path p("/path/to/file/one");
path q("/sym_link/to/one");
assert(equivalent(p, q));

c++ Boost if .extension() == this would mean this file is a folder?

Files can exist without any extension, so this won't work.

Have a look at boost::filesystem::is_directory.

By the way, Boost.Filesystem library was merged into C++17 standard. So, if your compiler supports C++17, consider using the standard library for filesystem operations.

How can I know the type of a file using Boost.Filesystem?

How about:

The functions for figuring out the file type (directory, normal file etc.) is found on this subpage:

If you are looking for the file extension check out: template <class Path> typename Path::string_type extension(const Path &p); on the page:

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