How Do Take a Screenshot Correctly with Xlib

How do take a screenshot correctly with xlib?

You are mistaken about the way array is laid out in memory, as you can find out by declaring img before the loop and adding this printf to your inner loop:

printf("%ld %ld %u %u %u\n",x,y,pic.offset(x,y,0),pic.offset(x,y,1),pic.offset(x,y,2));

This yields (on my 1920x1200 screen):

0 0 0 2304000 4608000
0 1 1920 2305920 4609920
0 2 3840 2307840 4611840

and so on, indicating that the red/green/blue subimages are kept "together" instead of the three color components of a single pixel being adjacent to each other.

The builtin CImg accessors will make your code work:

pic(x,y,0) = red;
pic(x,y,1) = green;
pic(x,y,2) = blue;

Taking a screenshot of a window in C using only the X11 lib

You will manually have to get color values of all the pixels and then convert it to a format of your choice.
AFAIK, there is no "simple" way to do it.

You can check with this question here: How do take a screenshot correctly with xlib?

Making a screenshot using Xlib and Cairo libs [fail]


each pixel is a 32-bit quantity, with the upper 8 bits unused


stride = cairo_format_stride_for_width (format, width);
data = malloc (stride * height);

Hence, the correct index calculation is

data[y * stride + x * 4 + 0] = blue;
data[y * stride + x * 4 + 1] = green;
data[y * stride + x * 4 + 2] = red; /* yes, in this order */

Also, masks are taken from the image and shifts are hard-coded, which makes absolutely no sense. Calculate the shifts from the masks.

Gdk / X11 Screen Capture

XShmGetImage and XShmPutImage are faster than XGetImage and XPutImage.
In the next example, I create two images: src and dst. In each iteration I save a screenshot in src, then I render a scaled version of it in dst.

The image below shows the example running in the window entitled "screencap".
At low demand, it runs at 60 fps (as seen in the terminal at the top-right corner). At high demand, performance can drop to 25fps.

Test computer:

Display resolution: 1920x1080
Graphic card: ATI Radeon HD 4200 (integrated)
CPU: AMD Phenom(tm) II X4 945, 3013.85 MHz
Window manager: XFCE 4.12 (compositing off)
Operating system: OpenBSD 5.9
Tested also in Linux (openSUSE Leap 42.1)

screencap running

#include <stdio.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <sys/shm.h>
#include <X11/Xlib.h>
#include <X11/Xutil.h>
#include <X11/extensions/XShm.h>
#ifdef __linux__
#include <sys/time.h>

// comment the next line to busy-wait at each frame
//#define __SLEEP__
#define FRAME 16667
#define PERIOD 1000000
#define NAME "screencap"
#define NAMESP " "
#define BPP 4

struct shmimage
XShmSegmentInfo shminfo ;
XImage * ximage ;
unsigned int * data ; // will point to the image's BGRA packed pixels
} ;

void initimage( struct shmimage * image )
image->ximage = NULL ;
image->shminfo.shmaddr = (char *) -1 ;

void destroyimage( Display * dsp, struct shmimage * image )
if( image->ximage )
XShmDetach( dsp, &image->shminfo ) ;
XDestroyImage( image->ximage ) ;
image->ximage = NULL ;

if( image->shminfo.shmaddr != ( char * ) -1 )
shmdt( image->shminfo.shmaddr ) ;
image->shminfo.shmaddr = ( char * ) -1 ;

int createimage( Display * dsp, struct shmimage * image, int width, int height )
// Create a shared memory area
image->shminfo.shmid = shmget( IPC_PRIVATE, width * height * BPP, IPC_CREAT | 0600 ) ;
if( image->shminfo.shmid == -1 )
perror( NAME ) ;
return false ;

// Map the shared memory segment into the address space of this process
image->shminfo.shmaddr = (char *) shmat( image->shminfo.shmid, 0, 0 ) ;
if( image->shminfo.shmaddr == (char *) -1 )
perror( NAME ) ;
return false ;

image->data = (unsigned int*) image->shminfo.shmaddr ;
image->shminfo.readOnly = false ;

// Mark the shared memory segment for removal
// It will be removed even if this program crashes
shmctl( image->shminfo.shmid, IPC_RMID, 0 ) ;

// Allocate the memory needed for the XImage structure
image->ximage = XShmCreateImage( dsp, XDefaultVisual( dsp, XDefaultScreen( dsp ) ),
DefaultDepth( dsp, XDefaultScreen( dsp ) ), ZPixmap, 0,
&image->shminfo, 0, 0 ) ;
if( !image->ximage )
destroyimage( dsp, image ) ;
printf( NAME ": could not allocate the XImage structure\n" ) ;
return false ;

image->ximage->data = (char *)image->data ;
image->ximage->width = width ;
image->ximage->height = height ;

// Ask the X server to attach the shared memory segment and sync
XShmAttach( dsp, &image->shminfo ) ;
XSync( dsp, false ) ;
return true ;

void getrootwindow( Display * dsp, struct shmimage * image )
XShmGetImage( dsp, XDefaultRootWindow( dsp ), image->ximage, 0, 0, AllPlanes ) ;

long timestamp( )
struct timeval tv ;
struct timezone tz ;
gettimeofday( &tv, &tz ) ;
return tv.tv_sec*1000000L + tv.tv_usec ;

Window createwindow( Display * dsp, int width, int height )
unsigned long mask = CWBackingStore ;
XSetWindowAttributes attributes ;
attributes.backing_store = NotUseful ;
mask |= CWBackingStore ;
Window window = XCreateWindow( dsp, DefaultRootWindow( dsp ),
0, 0, width, height, 0,
DefaultDepth( dsp, XDefaultScreen( dsp ) ),
InputOutput, CopyFromParent, mask, &attributes ) ;
XStoreName( dsp, window, NAME );
XSelectInput( dsp, window, StructureNotifyMask ) ;
XMapWindow( dsp, window );
return window ;

void destroywindow( Display * dsp, Window window )
XDestroyWindow( dsp, window );

unsigned int getpixel( struct shmimage * src, struct shmimage * dst,
int j, int i, int w, int h )
int x = (float)(i * src->ximage->width) / (float)w ;
int y = (float)(j * src->ximage->height) / (float)h ;
return src->data[ y * src->ximage->width + x ] ;

int processimage( struct shmimage * src, struct shmimage * dst )
int sw = src->ximage->width ;
int sh = src->ximage->height ;
int dw = dst->ximage->width ;
int dh = dst->ximage->height ;

// Here you can set the resulting position and size of the captured screen
// Because of the limitations of this example, it must fit in dst->ximage
int w = dw / 2 ;
int h = dh / 2 ;
int x = ( dw - w ) ;
int y = ( dh - h ) / 2 ;

// Just in case...
if( x < 0 || y < 0 || x + w > dw || y + h > dh || sw < dw || sh < dh )
printf( NAME ": This is only a limited example\n" ) ;
printf( NAMESP " Please implement a complete scaling algorithm\n" ) ;
return false ;

unsigned int * d = dst->data + y * dw + x ;
int r = dw - w ;
int j, i ;
for( j = 0 ; j < h ; ++j )
for( i = 0 ; i < w ; ++i )
*d++ = getpixel( src, dst, j, i, w, h ) ;
d += r ;
return true ;

int run( Display * dsp, Window window, struct shmimage * src, struct shmimage * dst )
XGCValues xgcvalues ;
xgcvalues.graphics_exposures = False ;
GC gc = XCreateGC( dsp, window, GCGraphicsExposures, &xgcvalues ) ;

Atom delete_atom = XInternAtom( dsp, "WM_DELETE_WINDOW", False ) ;
XSetWMProtocols( dsp, window, &delete_atom, True ) ;

XEvent xevent ;
int running = true ;
int initialized = false ;
int dstwidth = dst->ximage->width ;
int dstheight = dst->ximage->height ;
long framets = timestamp( ) ;
long periodts = timestamp( ) ;
long frames = 0 ;
int fd = ConnectionNumber( dsp ) ;
while( running )
while( XPending( dsp ) )
XNextEvent( dsp, &xevent ) ;
if( ( xevent.type == ClientMessage &&[0] == delete_atom )
|| xevent.type == DestroyNotify )
running = false ;
break ;
else if( xevent.type == ConfigureNotify )
if( xevent.xconfigure.width == dstwidth
&& xevent.xconfigure.height == dstheight )
initialized = true ;
if( initialized )
getrootwindow( dsp, src ) ;
if( !processimage( src, dst ) )
return false ;
XShmPutImage( dsp, window, gc, dst->ximage,
0, 0, 0, 0, dstwidth, dstheight, False ) ;
XSync( dsp, False ) ;

int frameus = timestamp( ) - framets ;
++frames ;
while( frameus < FRAME )
#if defined( __SLEEP__ )
usleep( FRAME - frameus ) ;
frameus = timestamp( ) - framets ;
framets = timestamp( ) ;

int periodus = timestamp( ) - periodts ;
if( periodus >= PERIOD )
printf( "fps: %d\n", (int)round( 1000000.0L * frames / periodus ) ) ;
frames = 0 ;
periodts = framets ;
return true ;

int main( int argc, char * argv[] )
Display * dsp = XOpenDisplay( NULL ) ;
if( !dsp )
printf( NAME ": could not open a connection to the X server\n" ) ;
return 1 ;

if( !XShmQueryExtension( dsp ) )
XCloseDisplay( dsp ) ;
printf( NAME ": the X server does not support the XSHM extension\n" ) ;
return 1 ;

int screen = XDefaultScreen( dsp ) ;
struct shmimage src, dst ;
initimage( &src ) ;
int width = XDisplayWidth( dsp, screen ) ;
int height = XDisplayHeight( dsp, screen ) ;
if( !createimage( dsp, &src, width, height ) )
XCloseDisplay( dsp ) ;
return 1 ;
initimage( &dst ) ;
int dstwidth = width / 2 ;
int dstheight = height / 2 ;
if( !createimage( dsp, &dst, dstwidth, dstheight ) )
destroyimage( dsp, &src ) ;
XCloseDisplay( dsp ) ;
return 1 ;

if( dst.ximage->bits_per_pixel != 32 )
destroyimage( dsp, &src ) ;
destroyimage( dsp, &dst ) ;
XCloseDisplay( dsp ) ;
printf( NAME ": This is only a limited example\n" ) ;
printf( NAMESP " Please add support for all pixel formats using: \n" ) ;
printf( NAMESP " dst.ximage->bits_per_pixel\n" ) ;
printf( NAMESP " dst.ximage->red_mask\n" ) ;
printf( NAMESP " dst.ximage->green_mask\n" ) ;
printf( NAMESP " dst.ximage->blue_mask\n" ) ;
return 1 ;

Window window = createwindow( dsp, dstwidth, dstheight ) ;
run( dsp, window, &src, &dst ) ;
destroywindow( dsp, window ) ;

destroyimage( dsp, &src ) ;
destroyimage( dsp, &dst ) ;
XCloseDisplay( dsp ) ;
return 0 ;

This is just an example. If you like how it performs, you should consider adding a better appropriate scaling algorithm and support for all pixels formats.

You can compile the example like this:

gcc screencap.c -o screencap -std=c99 -I/usr/X11R6/include -L/usr/X11R6/lib -lX11 -lXext -lm

How do I programatically take a screenshot of an application in Linux?

If you just want a screen recorder, try using xvidcap. If you want to make your own, try looking at the sources. I'm not really sure how it works though. My guess is that it uses the XShm extension somehow.

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