Good Refactoring Support for C++

Good refactoring support for C++

Visual Assist X by Whole Tomato software is not free, but it's absolutely worth the money if you use Visual Studio for C++.

Good code visualization / refactoring tools for C++?

There is a KDevelop plugin for code visualization:

Code refactoring tools for C, usable on GNU/Linux? FOSS preferable

I don't think that a pure console refactoring tool would be nice to use.

I use Eclipse CDT on linux to write and refactor C-Code.

There exists also Xrefactory for Emacs

if a non console refactoring tool is o.k for you as well.

Is there a working C++ refactoring tool?

I find Visual Assist X with Visual Studio very useful. Another choice is Refactor for C++.

What is the state of C++ refactor support in Eclipse?

CDT (C/C++ Development Tools - eclipse project) 5.0 has a bunch of new refactorings

* Declare Method
* Extract Baseclass
* Extract Constant
* Extract Method
* Extract Subclass
* Hide Method
* Implement Method
* Move Field / Method
* Replace Number
* Separate Class
* Generate Getters and Setters

There is a CDT refactoring wiki

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