Generating Random Enums

Pick a random value from an enum?

The only thing I would suggest is caching the result of values() because each call copies an array. Also, don't create a Random every time. Keep one. Other than that what you're doing is fine. So:

public enum Letter {

private static final List<Letter> VALUES =
private static final int SIZE = VALUES.size();
private static final Random RANDOM = new Random();

public static Letter randomLetter() {
return VALUES.get(RANDOM.nextInt(SIZE));

How can i pick Random Value from an Enum?

To generate the random number, use ThreadLocalRandom.current().nextInt(0, Animal.values().length) and retrieve the value from the enum using Animal.values()[randomNumber], although it appears you're provided with RandomTools.randomValue. I've written my own for completeness.

Declare Animal[] values = Animal.values() once, outside your loop and perform the operations on that to avoid values() being called more than once.

It should look something like this:

import java.util.concurrent.ThreadLocalRandom;

public class SOExample {
private enum Animal {

// It's not clear from the question if you're provided with this or if you have to write it
private static class RandomTools {
public static int randomValue(int start, int end) {
return ThreadLocalRandom.current().nextInt(start, end);

public static void main(String[] args) {
Animal[] zoo = generateRandomZoo(100);
// Printing to STDOUT to check results
for (int i = 0; i < zoo.length; i++) {

private static Animal[] generateRandomZoo(int numberOfAnimals) {
Animal[] animals = new Animal[numberOfAnimals];
Animal[] values = Animal.values();
for (int i = 0; i < animals.length; i++) {
int random = RandomTools.randomValue(0, values.length);
animals[i] = values[random];
return animals;

How to generate random value from enum and put it in array?

An enum should be named in the singular, and should start with an uppercase letter.


And I suggest you work at devising a more descriptive name than “Item”.

Get an array of all the enum objects by calling values.

Item[] allItems = Item.values() ;

Generate a random number. Use that number as the index into your array of all items.

int randomIndex = ThreadLocalRandom.current().nextInt( 0 , allItems.length ) ;  // ( inclusive , exclusive )
Item rando = allItems[ randomIndex ] ;

Or perhaps you meant to randomly sort (shuffle) all the elements of the enum. If so, make a List backed by the array. Call Collections.shuffle. Changes made to the list also affect the backing array. So the array is shuffled.

Item[] allItems = Item.values() ;
List< Item > list = Arrays.asList( allItems );
Collections.shuffle( list );

More briefly:

Item[] allItems = Item.values() ;
Collections.shuffle( Arrays.asList( allItems ) );

See this code run live at


How to randomly select an enum value?

// get an array of all the cards
private Card[]cards=Cards.values();
// this generates random numbers
private Random random = new Random();
// choose a card at random
final Card random(){
return cards[random.nextInt(cards.length)];

generating random enums

How about:

enum my_type {
a, b, c, d,

void f() {
my_type test = static_cast<my_type>(rand() % last);

How to get random value from assigned enum in c++?

There is no way to enumerate the values of an enum.

You can use a table:

std::vector<int> colors = {red, black, pink, rainbow};

and then pick a random element from it.

Picking a random element left as an exercise.

Is it possible to get a random element from an enum class in Kotlin?

You can get a random enum value by doing:

val randomAnswer = Answer.values().toList().shuffled().first().text

Keep in mind that it goes for convenience over performance.

Remember to expose the text property with val. For now, it's just a constructor param:

enum class Answer(val text: String)

How to get random value of attribute of Enum on each iteration?

I tried a way with metaclasses. And it works!

import random
import enum
class RANDOM_ATTR(enum.EnumMeta):
def RANDOM(self):
return random.choice([Gender.MALE, Gender.FEMALE])

class Gender(enum.Enum,metaclass=RANDOM_ATTR): #this syntax works for python3 only
FEMALE = 'female'
MALE = 'male'

print(Gender.RANDOM) #prints male or female randomly

Here by making RANDOM_ATTR the metaclass of Gender, Gender is like an object of class RANDOM_ATTR, so Gender has the property RANDOM.

However,the below code you described in your question doesn't work the way you expect.

def full_name(gender=Gender.RANDOM):

The RANDOM property will be called only once. To know why, please read this answer. Default arguments are like attributes to function, which will be initialised only once.

For that i would suggest you do something like this:

def full_name(gender=None):
gender = gender or Gender.RANDOM

Using random enum to generate objects in java

you can generate random number and select all values

import java.util.Random;

public class ScenarioGenerator {

public Person getRandomPerson() {
Random rand = new Random();

// max age
int age = rand.nextInt(100);

// no of profession - 1
int profession = rand.nextInt(8);

// no of gender - 1
int gender = rand.nextInt(2);

// no of bodyType - 1
int bodyType = rand.nextInt(3);

int pragnency = rand.nextInt(2);

//need age, gender, bodyType, profession, pregnancy
Person people = new Person(age, Profession.values()[profession], Gender.values()[gender],BodyType.values()[bodyType], pragnency == 1 ? true : false);
return people;


Java get a random value from 3 different enums

A simple way is to collect all the enum members into a single Object[], then take a random element from it.

Note that an enum can also implement an interface, so you can even have some shared API across all the enums. Typically you'll find yourself writing a lot of switch statements on the value of the enum; those can mostly be replaced by dynamic dispatch against such interface methods. Further note that each enum member can provide its own method implementation.

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