Function Returning a Lambda Expression

Function returning a lambda expression

You don't need a handcrafted function object, just use std::function, to which lambda functions are convertible:

This example returns the integer identity function:

std::function<int (int)> retFun() {
return [](int x) { return x; };

How to return a lambda function and use by passing as an argument to a method in Java 8? Why I can't use :: operator?

The method validateUser expectes a Predicate<String>, so method handles (the :: syntax) and lambdas must conform to that functional interface.

For a method handle to conform to Predicate<String> there can be three possible method signatures (and return type) to match:

  1. (non-static) boolean methodName() in the String class, referred to as String::methodName
  2. (static) boolean methodName(String value) in any class referred to as ClassName::methodName
  3. (non-static) boolean methodName(String value) in any class referred to as someInstance::methodName

Role.isInRealm() returns a predicate, so it cannot function as a predicate itself as it has Predicate<String> methodName() as its signature and return type. So Role::isInRealm cannot work.

Similarly r -> Role.isInRealm() will not work, because this is a lambda of the form Function<String, Predicate<String>> (or probably more correct: Function<?, Predicate<String>> as there is nothing to infer the type of r), not Predicate<String>

If you want to use isInRealm as a predicate itself, then you need to write it as:

public static boolean isInRealm(String role) {
return -> value.value.equals(role));

Notice that instead of returning a lambda, it now returns a boolean result.

Then you can call it using:

// notice how it passes r to isInRealm
validateUser(r -> Role.isInRealm(r));

Why does returning this lambda expression result in a string?

Well, you're not calling the lambda function and as such the return value is a tuple of the defined lambda function and the values of a and b.

Change it to call the lambda before returning while supplying the arguments to it:

return (lambda a, b: a+b if a != b else (a+b)*2)(a, b)

And it works just fine:

print(sum_double(1, 2))

print(sum_double(2, 2))

Lambda in a function

In the first example, you are returning a callable (ie. the lambda function).

In the second example, you are calling the nolambda function, which means that the return value of make_incrementor will be the same value returned by nolambda.

To better understand, try looking at it like this:

def make_incrementor(n):
def some_function(x):
return x + n
return some_function

def make_incrementor(n):
some_return_value = nolambda(n)
return some_return_value

Returning a value from a method within a lambda expression

Is there some type of way to break or force a return for the entire method?

No. At least, not unless you throw an exception.

Basically, that's not what forEach is meant for. You could write a method which accepted a function which would return null for "keep going" and non-null for "stop, and make this the result"... but that method isn't forEach.

The fact that you're using a lambda expression is really incidental here. Imagine you were just calling forEach and passing in some argument - wouldn't it be really weird if that call made your findMissingNumber method return (without an exception), without the findMissingNumber method itself having the return statement?

Returning a lambda function in C++

The typedef makes it easier to write the function declaration, but you don't need the typedef if you know the right syntax:

int (*retFun())(int) {
return [](int x) { return x; };

As you can see, the typedef not only makes it easier to write; it makes it easier to read as well.

How to return a lambda function?

With C++14 function return type deduction, that should work.

In C++11, you could define another lambda (which can deduce the return type), rather than a function (which can't):

auto makeLambda = [](double ratio) {
return [=](double value) {return value * ratio;};

As noted in the comments, this could be further wrapped, if you particularly want a function:

auto makeLambdaFn(double ratio) -> decltype(makeLambda(ratio)) {
return makeLambda(ratio);

How should I return a lambda function from a function in Android (Kotlin)

Suppose, you’re trying to add two integers and will return an integer result.

In Kotlin, we can simply create a normal function like this:

fun addTwoNumbers(first: Int, second: Int): Int = first + second

Now let’s create another method which will return a lambda, like the following:

fun sum(): (Int, Int) -> Int = { x, y -> addTwoNumbers(x, y) }

As you can see, the return type of sum() is (Int, Int) -> Int, which means this is returning a lambda.

And for creating lambdas, we will simply use { } and will write the function body inside these parenthesis, like this: { x, y -> addTwoNumbers(x, y) }

This type of functions are also known as Higher Order Functions.

Now, we can simply use it like the following:-

fun main() {
val summation = sum()
println(summation(100, 300))

This will print 400 in the console.

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