Format Specifiers for Uint8_T, Uint16_T, ...

Why is the format specifier for uint8_t and uint16_t the same (%u)?

printf() is a variadic function. Its optional arguments( and only those ) get promoted according to default argument promotions( p6 ).

Since you are asking for integers, integer promotions are applied in this case, and types you mention get promoted to int. ( and not unsigned int because C )

If you use "%u" in printf(), and pass it an uint16_t variable, then the function converts that to an int, then to an unsigned int( because you asked for it with %u ) and then prints it.

Format specifiers for uint8_t, uint16_t, ...?

They are declared in <inttypes.h> as macros: SCNd8, SCNd16, SCNd32 and SCNd64.
Example (for int32_t):

sscanf (line, "Value of integer: %" SCNd32 "\n", &my_integer);

Their format is PRI (for printf)/SCN (for scan) then o, u, x, X d, i for the corresponding specifier then nothing, LEAST, FAST, MAX then the size (obviously there is no size for MAX). Some other examples: PRIo8, PRIuMAX, SCNoFAST16.

Edit: BTW a related question asked why that method was used. You may find the answers interesting.

printing the uint8_t

You need to construct a format string that's suitable. The printf() function has no way of printing an array in one go, so you need to split it and print each uint8_t:

__printf("MAC: %02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x\n",
orig[0] & 0xff, orig[1] & 0xff, orig[2] & 0xff,
orig[3] & 0xff, orig[4] & 0xff, orig[5] & 0xff);

The & 0xff is to ensure onlu 8 bits is sent to printf(); they shouldn't be needed for an unsigned type like uint8_t though so you can try without too.

This assumes a regular 48-bit MAC, and prints using the conventional colon-separated hex style.

C++ Best Practice: function to accept uint8_t, uint16_t, uint32_t, float

The call is ambiguous because the compiler doesn't know which version of the function you want to call. For example, usage like this:

write(1, 2, 3);

What is the 3? It could be uint8_t or uint16_t or the others ...

Instead of guessing, and potentially doing some crazy things, the compiler tells you it can't know. You can solve this in several ways:

  1. Define distinct names for your functions eg. writeUInt8t(... , uint8_t in)
  2. Specify exactly which to call in your use of the function: write(1, 2, static_cast<uint8_t>(3))

How do I print uint32_t and uint16_t variables' value?

You need to include inttypes.h if you want all those nifty new format specifiers for the intN_t types and their brethren, and that is the correct (ie, portable) way to do it, provided your compiler complies with C99. You shouldn't use the standard ones like %d or %u in case the sizes are different to what you think.

It includes stdint.h and extends it with quite a few other things, such as the macros that can be used for the printf/scanf family of calls. This is covered in section 7.8 of the ISO C99 standard.

For example, the following program:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <inttypes.h>
int main (void) {
uint32_t a=1234;
uint16_t b=5678;
printf("%" PRIu32 "\n",a);
printf("%" PRIu16 "\n",b);
return 0;



Print out the value uint8_t *

quality is a pointer, or like an array, if you want to print the value that points to you need to specify it. with the index or dereferencing it:

printf("quality: %d", *(dataIndPtr->quality));

Using the zero index like if it was an array should also print the value:

printf("quality: %d", dataIndPtr->quality[0]);

Or if what you want is print the value of the pointer itself then Michal's answer is what you want.

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