Fastest Algorithm for Primality Test

Fastest primality test

The only deterministic, polynomial-time algorithm for primality testing I know of is the AKS primality test ( However, there are a lot of very good randomized primality tests that are fast and have extremely good probability of success. They usually work by finding whether the number is composite with exponentially good probability, so they'll either report that the number is composite or will require you to say "maybe" with very good confidence.

What is the fastest deterministic primality test for numbers in the range 2^1024 to 2^4096?

This article is answering your question:

PRIMALITY TESTING by Richard P. Brent:

It compares in complexity and in "real world speed" the 3 algorithms.

What would be the fastest method to test for primality in Java?

Here's another way:

boolean isPrime(long n) {
if(n < 2) return false;
if(n == 2 || n == 3) return true;
if(n%2 == 0 || n%3 == 0) return false;
long sqrtN = (long)Math.sqrt(n)+1;
for(long i = 6L; i <= sqrtN; i += 6) {
if(n%(i-1) == 0 || n%(i+1) == 0) return false;
return true;

and BigInteger's isProbablePrime(...) is valid for all 32 bit int's.


Note that isProbablePrime(certainty) does not always produce the correct answer. When the certainty is on the low side, it produces false positives, as @dimo414 mentioned in the comments.

Unfortunately, I could not find the source that claimed isProbablePrime(certainty) is valid for all (32-bit) int's (given enough certainty!).

So I performed a couple of tests. I created a BitSet of size Integer.MAX_VALUE/2 representing all uneven numbers and used a prime sieve to find all primes in the range 1..Integer.MAX_VALUE. I then looped from i=1..Integer.MAX_VALUE to test that every new BigInteger(String.valueOf(i)).isProbablePrime(certainty) == isPrime(i).

For certainty 5 and 10, isProbablePrime(...) produced false positives along the line. But with isProbablePrime(15), no test failed.

Here's my test rig:

import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.util.BitSet;

public class Main {

static BitSet primes;

static boolean isPrime(int p) {
return p > 0 && (p == 2 || (p%2 != 0 && primes.get(p/2)));

static void generatePrimesUpTo(int n) {
primes = new BitSet(n/2);

for(int i = 0; i < primes.size(); i++) {
primes.set(i, true);

primes.set(0, false);
int stop = (int)Math.sqrt(n) + 1;
int percentageDone = 0, previousPercentageDone = 0;
System.out.println("generating primes...");
long start = System.currentTimeMillis();

for(int i = 0; i <= stop; i++) {
previousPercentageDone = percentageDone;
percentageDone = (int)((i + 1.0) / (stop / 100.0));

if(percentageDone <= 100 && percentageDone != previousPercentageDone) {
System.out.println(percentageDone + "%");

if(primes.get(i)) {
int number = (i * 2) + 1;

for(int p = number * 2; p < n; p += number) {
if(p < 0) break; // overflow
if(p%2 == 0) continue;
primes.set(p/2, false);
long elapsed = System.currentTimeMillis() - start;
System.out.println("finished generating primes ~" + (elapsed/1000) + " seconds");

private static void test(final int certainty, final int n) {
int percentageDone = 0, previousPercentageDone = 0;
long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
System.out.println("testing isProbablePrime(" + certainty + ") from 1 to " + n);
for(int i = 1; i < n; i++) {
previousPercentageDone = percentageDone;
percentageDone = (int)((i + 1.0) / (n / 100.0));
if(percentageDone <= 100 && percentageDone != previousPercentageDone) {
System.out.println(percentageDone + "%");
BigInteger bigInt = new BigInteger(String.valueOf(i));
boolean bigIntSays = bigInt.isProbablePrime(certainty);
if(isPrime(i) != bigIntSays) {
System.out.println("ERROR: isProbablePrime(" + certainty + ") returns "
+ bigIntSays + " for i=" + i + " while it " + (isPrime(i) ? "is" : "isn't" ) +
" a prime");
long elapsed = System.currentTimeMillis() - start;
System.out.println("finished testing in ~" + ((elapsed/1000)/60) +
" minutes, no false positive or false negative found for isProbablePrime(" + certainty + ")");

public static void main(String[] args) {
int certainty = Integer.parseInt(args[0]);
int n = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
test(certainty, n);

which I ran by doing:

java -Xmx1024m -cp . Main 15

The generating of the primes took ~30 sec on my machine. And the actual test of all i in 1..Integer.MAX_VALUE took around 2 hours and 15 minutes.

Fastest prime test (can be probabilistic)

As others said, consider Miller-Rabin tests.

Here is a link for testing numbers less than 2^64:

You have to test at most three different bases per candidate. To get something probabilistic but about three time faster, just check one randomly chosen out of those three.

Fast primality testing for large `n` in Python

A rather helpful solution was posted on math.stackexchange (here) which I've mirrored below

In relation to this algorithm, your proposed "faster" algorithm is equivalent to

def is_prime_brute_force(p):
if p == 2 or p == 3:
return true
if p == 1 or p % 2 == 0 or p % 3 == 0:
return false
return true

Hopefully you see why this is not terribly helpful. Any composite which is a product of primes >= 5 will evaluate as a prime. Usually we use probabilistic primality tests (e.g. Miller-Rabin) for numbers whose prime divisors are all sufficiently large, so ignoring all prime divisors greater than 3 makes it fairly useless.

Primality tests are by their nature rather costly on current hardware. The best you can do is to try to optimize for some given assumptions on the input.

Primality test. Is this program performing faster than all others?

Your code is doing so called Trial Division primality test, which is slow for big numbers. It has time complexity O(Sqrt(N)) of primitive operations.

If you have really big numbers, 1024 bits or bigger then Trial Division will be a way too slow.

There are two kinds of Primality Tests - deterministic and probabilistic. Trial Division is one example of deterministic algorithm. All deterministic algorithms are much slower then probabilitic.

Probabilistic algorithms are never certain about if a number is really prime. But for any small chosen probability P they can tell in very little computational time if the number is prime with certainty of this probability. Deterministic algorithm are always certain if a number is prime or not.

There exist faster than yours algorithms of deterministic primality testing, for example Elliptic Curve Primality Test, which is fast but difficult to implement. But you can easily test any number for free with fast software like Primo for Linux, this is free software but with closed sources and for Linux only (there is no Windows version at all).

I decided to implement for you from scratch one probabilistic primality test, which is Fermat Primality Test, it is very fast and easy to implement in few lines of code, which I did in below C++ code. It has complexity of O(Log2(N)) which is blazingly fast time even for 20000-bit numbers.

Try it online!

#include <cstdint>
#include <iostream>

using Word = uint32_t;
using DWord = uint64_t;

Word PowMod(Word a, Word b, Word const & c) {
Word r = 1;
while (b != 0) {
if (b & 1)
r = (DWord(r) * a) % c;
a = (DWord(a) * a) % c;
b >>= 1;
return r;

Word Rand(Word const & prev, Word const & begin, Word const & end) {
Word constexpr magic_prime = uint32_t(-1) - 4;
return Word((DWord(prev) * magic_prime) % (end - begin)) + begin;

bool IsFermatProbablePrime(Word const & n, int trials = 32) {
if (n <= 16)
return n == 2 || n == 3 || n == 5 || n == 7 || n == 11 || n == 13;
Word witness = 2;
for (size_t i = 0; i < trials; ++i) {
witness = Rand(witness, 2, n - 2);
if (PowMod(witness, n - 1, n) != 1)
return false;
return true;

int main() {
Word const prime_num = 3941362591U, comp_num = 2245837171U;
<< std::boolalpha
<< "num1 is prime: " << IsFermatProbablePrime(prime_num) << ", "
<< "num2 is prime: " << IsFermatProbablePrime(comp_num) << std::endl;


num1 is prime: true, num2 is prime: false

(and really first number prime_num is prime and second comp_num is composite)

You can see that I used two typedefs for Word and DWord, like this:

using Word = uint32_t;
using DWord = uint64_t;

This kind of typedefs only allow you to check primality of 32-bit numbers, for your case to check big numbers just replace with:

using Word = BigInt;
using DWord = BigInt;

to use your class BigInt that you already used in your code.

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