Easiest Way to Make a Cyclic Iterator (Circulator)

Iterators for circular structures

If it were me, I'd have operator++ notice the terminal condition, and set c to some sentinal value:

circulator(circ& c) : c(&c), start(&c) {}
circulator& operator++() { c = c->next; if(c==start) c=nullptr; return *this; }


circulator begin{a}, end;
while(begin != end) {

Note that this usage defines the end iterator as holding a nullptr, which means that you can't do this:

circulator end;

Is there something akin to a looping (circular) iterator?

A generator function could be that. Boost Iterator has the iterator adaptor for that:

  • http://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_52_0/libs/utility/generator_iterator.htm

A sample: http://coliru.stacked-crooked.com/a/267279405be9289d

#include <iostream>
#include <functional>
#include <algorithm>
#include <iterator>
#include <boost/generator_iterator.hpp>

int main()
const std::string data = "hello";
auto curr = data.end();

std::function<char()> gen = [curr,data]() mutable -> char
if (curr==data.end())
curr = data.begin();
return *curr++;

auto it = boost::make_generator_iterator(gen);
std::copy_n(it, 35, std::ostream_iterator<char>(std::cout, ";"));

Is there a standard cyclic iterator in C++

There is nothing like this in the standard. Cycles don't play well with C++ iterators because a sequence representing the entire cycle would have first == last and hence be the empty sequence.

Possibly you could introduce some state into the iterator, a Boolean flag to represent "not done yet." The flag participates in comparison. Set it true before iterating and to false upon increment/decrement.

But it might just be better to manually write the algorithms you need. Once you've managed to represent the whole cycle, representing an empty sequence might have become impossible.

EDIT: Now I notice that you specified the number of cycles. That makes a big difference.

template< class I >
class cyclic_iterator
/* : public iterator< bidirectional, yadda yadda > */ {
I it, beg, end;
int cnt;
cyclic_iterator( int c, I f, I l )
: it( f ), beg( f ), end( l ), cnt( c ) {}
cyclic_iterator() : it(), beg(), end(), cnt() {}

cyclic_iterator &operator++() {
++ it;
if ( it == end ) {
++ cnt;
it = beg;
} // etc for --, post-operations

friend bool operator==
( cyclic_iterator const &lhs, cyclic_iterator const &rhs )
{ return lhs.it == rhs.it && lhs.cnt == rhs.cnt; } // etc for !=

friend pair< cyclic_iterator, cyclic_iterator > cycle_range
( int c, I f, I l ) {//factory function, better style outside this scope
return make_pair( cyclic_iterator( 0, f, l ),
cyclic_iterator( c, f, l ) );

How to properly use boost::iterator_adaptor for making cycling iterator?

Have you tried to do something like this:

template<class IteratorBase>
class cycle_iterator : public // (...)
// (...)
operator IteratorBase() {
return base_reference();

Is there something like circular_advance avaliable in std or boost?

I am not aware of any function like that, but this answer shows how to use Boost.Iterator to create an iterator adaptor that cycles over a collection.

C++ Scrolling through items in an stl::map

You can do this with a template. As was stated by a previous poster, this can be cumbersome from the standpoint that it never reaches the end so the user must somehow control this. I'm assuming you have a good reason, perhaps producing some round robin behavior.

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <set>
#include <map>

using namespace std;

template <class T>
class ScrollIterator
ScrollIterator(T &myCtr, typename T::iterator pos)


ScrollIterator operator++()
if (++it == ctr.end()) { it = ctr.begin(); }
return *this;

bool operator!=(const ScrollIterator &rhs) const
return (this->it != rhs.it);

bool operator!=(const typename T::const_iterator &rhsIT) const
return (this->it != rhsIT);

typename T::value_type operator*() const
return *it;

T &ctr;
typename T::iterator it;

int main (int argc, char *argv[])
vector<int> v;

int i = 0;
for (ScrollIterator<vector<int> > it(v,v.begin()); it != v.end() && i < 10; ++i, ++it)
cout << "Vector = " << i << " Value: " << *it << "\n";

set<string> s;

i = 0;
for (ScrollIterator<set<string> > it(s,s.begin()); it != s.end() && i < 10; ++i, ++it)
cout << "Set = " << i << " Value: " << *it << "\n";

map<string, int> y;
y["z"] = 10;
y["y"] = 20;
y["x"] = 30;

i = 0;
for (ScrollIterator<map<string, int> > it(y,y.begin()); it != y.end() && i < 10; ++i, ++it)
cout << "Map = " << i << " Iterator: " << (*it).first << " = " << (*it).second << "\n";

return 1;

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