Difference Between Std::Function<> and a Standard Function Pointer

Difference between std::function and a standard function pointer?

A function pointer is the address of an actual function defined in C++. An std::function is a wrapper that can hold any type of callable object (objects that can be used like functions).

struct FooFunctor
void operator()(int i) {
std::cout << i;

// Since `FooFunctor` defines `operator()`, it can be used as a function
FooFunctor func;
std::function<void (int)> f(func);

Here, std::function allows you to abstract away exactly what kind of callable object it is you are dealing with — you don't know it's FooFunctor, you just know that it returns void and has one int parameter.

A real-world example where this abstraction is useful is when you are using C++ together with another scripting language. You might want to design an interface that can deal with both functions defined in C++, as well as functions defined in the scripting language, in a generic way.

Edit: Binding

Alongside std::function, you will also find std::bind. These two are very powerful tools when used together.

void func(int a, int b) {
// Do something important

// Consider the case when you want one of the parameters of `func` to be fixed
// You can used `std::bind` to set a fixed value for a parameter; `bind` will
// return a function-like object that you can place inside of `std::function`.

std::function<void (int)> f = std::bind(func, _1, 5);

In that example, the function object returned by bind takes the first parameter, _1, and passes it to func as the a parameter, and sets b to be the constant 5.

Should I use std::function or a function pointer in C++?

In short, use std::function unless you have a reason not to.

Function pointers have the disadvantage of not being able to capture some context. You won't be able to for example pass a lambda function as a callback which captures some context variables (but it will work if it doesn't capture any). Calling a member variable of an object (i.e. non-static) is thus also not possible, since the object (this-pointer) needs to be captured.(1)

std::function (since C++11) is primarily to store a function (passing it around doesn't require it to be stored). Hence if you want to store the callback for example in a member variable, it's probably your best choice. But also if you don't store it, it's a good "first choice" although it has the disadvantage of introducing some (very small) overhead when being called (so in a very performance-critical situation it might be a problem but in most it should not). It is very "universal": if you care a lot about consistent and readable code as well as don't want to think about every choice you make (i.e. want to keep it simple), use std::function for every function you pass around.

Think about a third option: If you're about to implement a small function which then reports something via the provided callback function, consider a template parameter, which can then be any callable object, i.e. a function pointer, a functor, a lambda, a std::function, ... Drawback here is that your (outer) function becomes a template and hence needs to be implemented in the header. On the other hand you get the advantage that the call to the callback can be inlined, as the client code of your (outer) function "sees" the call to the callback will the exact type information being available.

Example for the version with the template parameter (write & instead of && for pre-C++11):

template <typename CallbackFunction>
void myFunction(..., CallbackFunction && callback) {

As you can see in the following table, all of them have their advantages and disadvantages:

function ptrstd::functiontemplate param
can capture context variablesno1yesyes
no call overhead (see comments)yesnoyes
can be inlined (see comments)nonoyes
can be stored in a class memberyesyesno2
can be implemented outside of headeryesyesno
supported without C++11 standardyesno3yes
nicely readable (my opinion)noyes(yes)

std::function and comparison of std::function

A std::function is not a function pointer. You cannot compare std::functions like you compare function pointers. If you comparing two std::functions, and expecting them to compare equal to each if they've type-erased the same function, that's not going to work. A std::function can only be compared to a nullptr. This is the only defined equality operator for std::functions.

Your goal is to identify a std::function and remove it from a vector of installed callback functions. The usual way this kind of functionality is done is by assigning a separate label to a wrapped function, often a std::string that gives a unique name to each function, and then you find the function by name. It doesn't have to be a std::string, an enum will work just as well. The bottom line is that you will have to establish how your std::functions are identified "out of band".

std::function vs. standard functions

There are multiple overloads of the <cmath> std::sin (there's a template version in <complex>, but that's not what you want), and the compiler doesn't know which one you want, despite the fact that only one will successfully bind to your std::function type! C++ doesn't do lookup backwards in that sense…

…except when it does! An exception is static_cast on a function pointer type, which is exactly what you need here:

std::function<double(double)> sf2(static_cast<double(*)(double)>(&std::sin));

There's an example of this on the static_cast cppreference documentation page.

Some potential improvements over this general solution (thanks to Nathan and MSalters):

std::function<double(double)> sf2(static_cast<TpFunctionPointer>(&std::sin))


std::function<double(double)> sf2([](double val){ return std::sin(val); });

Comparing std::functions for equality?

operator== for std::function compares a std::function with a null pointer, as far as I can tell the standard does not provide any details as to why.

Although, this boost FAQ entry, Why can't I compare boost::function objects with operator== or operator!=? provides a rationale and as far as I can tell should be applicable to std::function as well. Quoting the FAQ:

Comparison between boost::function objects cannot be implemented "well", and therefore will not be implemented. [...]

it then outlines requested solutions similar to Preet's and goes on to say:

The problem occurs when the type of the function objects stored by both f and g doesn't have an operator==[...]

and explains why this has to has to be dealt with in either the assignment operator or constructor and then goes on to say:

All of these problems translate into failures in the boost::function constructors or assignment operator, even if the user never invokes operator==. We can't do that to users.


Found a standards rationale in Accessing the target of a tr1::function object, which is pretty old but is consistent with the boost FAQ and says:

operator== is unimplementable for tr1::function within the C++ language, because we do not have a reliable way to detect if a given type T is Equality Comparable without user assistance.

std::function and std::bind: what are they, and when should they be used?

std::bind is for partial function application.

That is, suppose you have a function object f which takes 3 arguments:


You want a new function object which only takes two arguments, defined as:

g(a,b) := f(a, 4, b);

g is a "partial application" of the function f: the middle argument has already been specified, and there are two left to go.

You can use std::bind to get g:

auto g = bind(f, _1, 4, _2);

This is more concise than actually writing a functor class to do it.

There are further examples in the article you link to. You generally use it when you need to pass a functor to some algorithm. You have a function or functor that almost does the job you want, but is more configurable (i.e. has more parameters) than the algorithm uses. So you bind arguments to some of the parameters, and leave the rest for the algorithm to fill in:

// raise every value in vec to the power of 7
std::transform(vec.begin(), vec.end(), some_output, std::bind(std::pow, _1, 7));

Here, pow takes two parameters and can raise to any power, but all we care about is raising to the power of 7.

As an occasional use that isn't partial function application, bind can also re-order the arguments to a function:

auto memcpy_with_the_parameters_in_the_right_flipping_order = bind(memcpy, _2, _1, _3);

I don't recommend using it just because you don't like the API, but it has potential practical uses for example because:

not2(bind(less<T>, _2, _1));

is a less-than-or-equal function (assuming a total order, blah blah). This example normally isn't necessary since there already is a std::less_equal (it uses the <= operator rather than <, so if they aren't consistent then you might need this, and you might also need to visit the author of the class with a cluestick). It's the sort of transformation that comes up if you're using a functional style of programming, though.

Typedef function vs function pointer

Yes you are right on all three counts. The only thing that would change if you marked them extern are the function pointers. Function declarations are by default extern in C++.

Try and compile the following program

template <typename...>
struct WhichType;

typedef void fcn_t(void);
typedef void (*ptr_t)(void);

// constexpr auto one = WhichType<fcn_t>{};
// constexpr auto two = WhichType<fcn_t*>{};
// constexpr auto three = WhichType<ptr_t>{};

fcn_t f;

void f() {}

int main() {

Uncommenting the commented lines will likely give you a compiler error that tells you what types the WhichType instance is being instantiated with, and as a result it should show you the exact types of all three things you asked about. It's a trick I picked up from Scott Meyers' book "Effective Modern C++".

To test whether the declarations are extern or not, write two simple implementation files, with one containing the definition of the variable


template <typename...>
struct WhichType;

typedef void fcn_t(void);
typedef void (*ptr_t)(void);

fcn_t f;

int main() {


void f() {}

and then compile, link and run definition.cpp and main.cpp (via g++ -std=c++14 definition.cpp main.cpp and then ./a.out). If the declaration was not extern then the compile would fail with an undefined symbol error.

what's the difference between the function pointer getting from std::function::target() and normal function pointer?

The direct answer is that target() is very picky - you must name the type of the target exactly to get a pointer to it, otherwise you get a null pointer. When you set your signal to usr1_handler, that is a pointer to a function (not a function) - its type is void(*)(int), not void(int). So you're simply giving the wrong type to target(). If you change:

handler.target<void (int)>();



that would give you the correct target.

But note what target() actually returns:

template< class T >
T* target();

It returns a pointer to the provided type - in this case that would be a void(**)(int). You'd need to dereference that before doing further assignment. Something like:

void(**p)(int) = handler.target<void(*)(int)>();
if (!p) {
// some error handling
newAction.sa_handler = *p;


However, the real answer is that this makes little sense to do. std::function<Sig> is a type erased callable for the given Sig - it can be a pointer to a function, a pointer to a member function, or even a wrapped function object of arbitrary size. It is a very generic solution. But sigaction doesn't accept just any kind of generic callable - it accepts specifically a void(*)(int).

By creating a signature of:

std::function<void(int)> signal(sigset_t sig, std::function<void(int)> );

you are creating the illusion that you are allowing any callable! So, I might try to pass something like:

struct X {
void handler(int ) { ... }

X x;
signal(SIGUSR1, [&x](int s){ x.handler(s); });

That's allowed by your signature - I'm providing a callable that takes an int. But that callable isn't convertible to a function pointer, so it's not something that you can pass into sigaction(), so this is just erroneous code that can never work - this is a guaranteed runtime failure.

Even worse, I might pass something that is convertible to a function pointer, but may not know that that's what you need, so I give you the wrong thing:

// this will not work, since it's not a function pointer
signal(SIGUSR1, [](int s){ std::cout << s; });

// but this would have, if only I knew I had to do it
signal(SIGUSR1, +[](int s){ std::cout << s; });

Since sigaction() limits you to just function pointers, you should limit your interface to it to just function pointers. Strongly prefer what you had before. Use the type system to catch errors - only use type erasure when it makes sense.

std::function/bind like type-erasure without Standard C++ library

A solid, efficient, std::function<R(Args...)> replacement isn't hard to write.

As we are embedded, we want to avoid allocating memory. So I'd write a small_task< Signature, size_t sz, size_t algn >. It creates a buffer of size sz and alignment algn in which it stores its erased objects.

It also stores a mover, a destroyer, and an invoker function pointer. These pointers can either be locally within the small_task (maximal locality), or within a manual struct vtable { /*...*/ } const* table.

template<class Sig, size_t sz, size_t algn>
struct small_task;

template<class R, class...Args, size_t sz, size_t algn>
struct small_task<R(Args...), sz, algn>{
struct vtable_t {
void(*mover)(void* src, void* dest);
R(*invoke)(void const* t, Args&&...args);
template<class T>
static vtable_t const* get() {
static const vtable_t table = {
[](void* src, void*dest) {
new(dest) T(std::move(*static_cast<T*>(src)));
[](void* t){ static_cast<T*>(t)->~T(); },
[](void const* t, Args&&...args)->R {
return (*static_cast<T const*>(t))(std::forward<Args>(args)...);
return &table;
vtable_t const* table = nullptr;
std::aligned_storage_t<sz, algn> data;
template<class F,
class dF=std::decay_t<F>,
// don't use this ctor on own type:
std::enable_if_t<!std::is_same<dF, small_task>{}>* = nullptr,
// use this ctor only if the call is legal:
std::result_of_t<dF const&(Args...)>, R
>{}>* = nullptr
small_task( F&& f ):
table( vtable_t::template get<dF>() )
// a higher quality small_task would handle null function pointers
// and other "nullable" callables, and construct as a null small_task

static_assert( sizeof(dF) <= sz, "object too large" );
static_assert( alignof(dF) <= algn, "object too aligned" );
new(&data) dF(std::forward<F>(f));
// I find this overload to be useful, as it forces some
// functions to resolve their overloads nicely:
// small_task( R(*)(Args...) )
~small_task() {
if (table)
small_task(small_task&& o):
if (table)
table->mover(&o.data, &data);
small_task& operator=(small_task&& o){
// this is a bit rude and not very exception safe
// you can do better:
new(this) small_task( std::move(o) );
return *this;
explicit operator bool()const{return table;}
R operator()(Args...args)const{
return table->invoke(&data, std::forward<Args>(args)...);

template<class Sig>
using task = small_task<Sig, sizeof(void*)*4, alignof(void*) >;

live example.

Another thing missing is a high quality void(Args...) that doesn't care if the passed-in callable has a return value.

The above task supports move, but not copy. Adding copy means that everything stored must be copyable, and requires another function in the vtable (with an implementation similar to move, except src is const and no std::move).

A small amount of C++14 was used, namely the enable_if_t and decay_t aliases and similar. They can be easily written in C++11, or replaced with typename std::enable_if<?>::type.

bind is best replaced with lambdas, honestly. I don't use it even on non-embedded systems.

Another improvement would be to teach it how to deal with small_tasks that are smaller/less aligned by storing their vtable pointer rather than copying it into the data buffer, and wrapping it in another vtable. That would encourage using small_tasks that are just barely large enough for your problem set.

Converting member functions to function pointers is not only undefined behavior, often the calling convention of a function is different than a member function. In particular, this is passed in a particular register under some calling conventions.

Such differences can be subtle, and can crop up when you change unrelated code, or the compiler version changes, or whatever else. So I'd avoid that unless you have little other choice.

As noted, the platform lacks libraries. Every use of std above is tiny, so I'll just write them:

template<class T>struct tag{using type=T;};
template<class Tag>using type_t=typename Tag::type;
using size_t=decltype(sizeof(int));


template<class T>
T&& move(T&t){return static_cast<T&&>(t);}


template<class T>
struct remove_reference:tag<T>{};
template<class T>
struct remove_reference<T&>:tag<T>{};
template<class T>using remove_reference_t=type_t<remove_reference<T>>;

template<class T>
T&& forward( remove_reference_t<T>& t ) {
return static_cast<T&&>(t);
template<class T>
T&& forward( remove_reference_t<T>&& t ) {
return static_cast<T&&>(t);


template<class T>
struct remove_const:tag<T>{};
template<class T>
struct remove_const<T const>:tag<T>{};

template<class T>
struct remove_volatile:tag<T>{};
template<class T>
struct remove_volatile<T volatile>:tag<T>{};

template<class T>
struct remove_cv:remove_const<type_t<remove_volatile<T>>>{};

template<class T>
struct decay3:remove_cv<T>{};
template<class R, class...Args>
struct decay3<R(Args...)>:tag<R(*)(Args...)>{};
template<class T>
struct decay2:decay3<T>{};
template<class T, size_t N>
struct decay2<T[N]>:tag<T*>{};

template<class T>
struct decay:decay2<remove_reference_t<T>>{};

template<class T>
using decay_t=type_t<decay<T>>;


template<class T>
T declval(); // no implementation

template<class T, T t>
struct integral_constant{
static constexpr T value=t;
constexpr integral_constant() {};
constexpr operator T()const{ return value; }
constexpr T operator()()const{ return value; }
template<bool b>
using bool_t=integral_constant<bool, b>;
using true_type=bool_t<true>;
using false_type=bool_t<false>;

template<class...>struct voider:tag<void>{};
template<class...Ts>using void_t=type_t<voider<Ts...>>;

namespace details {
template<template<class...>class Z, class, class...Ts>
struct can_apply:false_type{};
template<template<class...>class Z, class...Ts>
struct can_apply<Z, void_t<Z<Ts...>>, Ts...>:true_type{};
template<template<class...>class Z, class...Ts>
using can_apply = details::can_apply<Z, void, Ts...>;

namespace details {
template<class From, class To>
using try_convert = decltype( To{declval<From>()} );
template<class From, class To>
struct is_convertible : can_apply< details::try_convert, From, To > {};
struct is_convertible<void,void>:true_type{};


template<bool, class=void>
struct enable_if {};
template<class T>
struct enable_if<true, T>:tag<T>{};
template<bool b, class T=void>
using enable_if_t=type_t<enable_if<b,T>>;


namespace details {
template<class F, class...Args>
using invoke_t = decltype( declval<F>()(declval<Args>()...) );

template<class Sig,class=void>
struct result_of {};
template<class F, class...Args>
struct result_of<F(Args...), void_t< invoke_t<F, Args...> > >:
tag< invoke_t<F, Args...> >
template<class Sig>
using result_of = details::result_of<Sig>;
template<class Sig>
using result_of_t=type_t<result_of<Sig>>;


template<size_t size, size_t align>
struct alignas(align) aligned_storage_t {
char buff[size];


template<class A, class B>
struct is_same:false_type{};
template<class A>
struct is_same<A,A>:true_type{};

live example, about a dozen lines per std library template I needed.

I would put this "std library reimplementation" into namespace notstd to make it clear what is going on.

If you can, use a linker that folds identical functions together, like the gold linker. template metaprogramming can cause binary bloat without a solid linker to strip it.

What is the purpose of std::function and how to use it?

std::function is a type erasure object. That means it erases the details of how some operations happen, and provides a uniform run time interface to them. For std::function, the primary1 operations are copy/move, destruction, and 'invocation' with operator() -- the 'function like call operator'.

In less abstruse English, it means that std::function can contain almost any object that acts like a function pointer in how you call it.

The signature it supports goes inside the angle brackets: std::function<void()> takes zero arguments and returns nothing. std::function< double( int, int ) > takes two int arguments and returns double. In general, std::function supports storing any function-like object whose arguments can be converted-from its argument list, and whose return value can be converted-to its return value.

It is important to know that std::function and lambdas are different, if compatible, beasts.

The next part of the line is a lambda. This is new syntax in C++11 to add the ability to write simple function-like objects -- objects that can be invoked with (). Such objects can be type erased and stored in a std::function at the cost of some run time overhead.

[](){ code } in particular is a really simple lambda. It corresponds to this:

struct some_anonymous_type {
some_anonymous_type() {}
void operator()const{

an instance of the above simple pseudo-function type. An actual class like the above is "invented" by the compiler, with an implementation defined unique name (often including symbols that no user-defined type can contain) (I do not know if it is possible that you can follow the standard without inventing such a class, but every compiler I know of actually creates the class).

The full lambda syntax looks like:

[ capture_list ]( argument_list )
-> return_type optional_mutable

But many parts can be omitted or left empty. The capture_list corresponds to both the constructor of the resulting anonymous type and its member variables, the argument_list the arguments of the operator(), and the return type the return type. The constructor of the lambda instance is also magically called when the instance is created with the capture_list.

[ capture_list ]( argument_list ) -> return_type { code }

basically becomes

struct some_anonymous_type {
// capture_list turned into member variables
some_anonymous_type( /* capture_list turned into arguments */ ):
/* member variables initialized */
return_type operator()( argument_list ) const {

Note that in c++20 template arguments were added to lambdas, and that isn't covered above.

[]<typename T>( std::vector<T> const& v ) { return v.size(); }

1 In addition, RTTI is stored (typeid), and the cast-back-to-original-type operation is included.

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