Converting Multidimensional Arrays to Pointers in C++

conversion of 2D array to pointer-to-pointer

A mere conversion won't help you here. There's no compatibility of any kind between 2D array type and pointer-to-pointer type. Such conversion would make no sense.

If you really really need to do that, you have to introduce an extra intermediate "row index" array, which will bridge the gap between 2D array semantics and pointer-to-pointer semantics

Activity solution[a][b];

Activity *solution_rows[a] = { solution[0], solution[1] /* and so on */ };

Activity **mother = solution_rows;

Now accessing mother[i][j] will give you access to solution[i][j].

Converting multidimensional arrays to pointers in c++

No, there's no right way to do specifically that. A double[4][4] array is not convertible to a double ** pointer. These are two alternative, incompatible ways to implement a 2D array. Something needs to be changed: either the function's interface, or the structure of the array passed as an argument.

The simplest way to do the latter, i.e. to make your existing double[4][4] array compatible with the function, is to create temporary "index" arrays of type double *[4] pointing to the beginnings of each row in each matrix

double *startRows[4] = { startMatrix[0], startMatrix[1], startMatrix[2] , startMatrix[3] };
double *inverseRows[4] = { /* same thing here */ };

and pass these "index" arrays instead

MatrixInversion(startRows, 4, inverseRows);

Once the function finished working, you can forget about the startRows and inverseRows arrays, since the result will be placed into your original inverseMatrix array correctly.

Pointers with multi dimensional arrays in C

Educate yourself on multidimensional arrays.

Array array is a 2D array:

int array[2][3] = {{2,3,6},{4,5,8}};

*array is the first element of array array because

*array -> * (array + 0) -> array[0]

The first element of array array is array[0], which is {2,3,6}. The type of array[0] is int [3].
When you access an array, it is converted to a pointer to first element (there are few exceptions to this rule).

So, in this statement


*array will be converted to type int *. The format specifier %d expect the argument of type int but you are passing argument of type int *. The compiler must be throwing warning message for this. Moreover, wrong format specifier lead to undefined behaviour.

If you want to print a pointer, use %p format specifier. Remember, format specifier %p expect that the argument shall be a pointer to void, so you should type cast pointer argument to void *.

Pointer variable pointing to a one dimensional array or two dimensional array?

If you have an object of some type T like

T a;

then declaration of a pointer to the object will look like

T *p = &a;

Your array b has the type int[4]. So a pointer to the array will look like

int ( *p )[4] = &b;

To output the second element of the array using the pointer you should write

printf("%d \n", *( *p + 1 ) );

Thus your compiler issued the error message

cannot convert from 'int [4]' to 'int (*)[4]

because instead of writing at least

int ( *p )[4] = &b;

you wrote

int ( *p )[4] = b;

On the other hand, an array designator used in expressions with rare exceptions is implicitly converted to pointer to its first element. For example in this declaration

int *p = b;

the array b used as an initializer is converted to pointer to its firs element. The above declaration is equivalent to

int *p = &b[0];

or that is the same

int *p = b + 0;

Using this pointer you can call the function printf like

printf("%d \n", *(p + 1));

If you have a two-dimensional array as

int a[3][4];

then used in expressions it is converted to pointer to its first element that has the type int[4]. So you may write

int ( *p )[4] = a;

If you want to declare a pointer to the whole array as a single object you can write

int ( *p )[3][4] = &a;

convert array to two dimensional array by pointer

You can't initialise an int bla[2][3] with an int* (what foo becomes in that context).

You can achieve that effect by declaring a pointer to arrays of int,

int (*bla)[3] = (int (*)[3])&foo[0];

but be sure that the dimensions actually match, or havoc will ensue.

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